Re: [Vo]: Aether Theory

2007-03-16 Thread Esa Ruoho

On 16/03/07, David Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Thomas,
> I've been following the work of Dale Pond who claims to have replicated
the Dynasphere of John E W Keely, . He >claims that the
Dynasphere taps the Strong Force.
Dale Pond is correct that Keely tapped the strong force.  In particular,
Keely tapped the unbinding of molecules by using resonance.  Since every
atomic binding has a distance between bonds, every molecule has a
which when resonated, will cause the bond to break apart.  For water, the
resonance needed to break the bond is about 42.8 kHz (going from memory).

( from

From JoesCell2:

*Proffessor Keely found that water will explode at a frequency of
42,712.2Hz. ... did it with a Quartz BowlThink Quartz and how
symmetry applies
to magnets because that is how quartz crystals are formed, via symmetry. The
42,712.2Hz was applied to a quartz bowl with distilled water at which time
it EXPLODED and disappeared. After this experiment Keely began studing
geometric shapes that hold these specialized frequencies which can
manipulate matter and the mind. So the power of the mind possibly can be
realized by the special shapes that Keely discovered from special
frequencies. if you know how this works you wouldnt even need a Joe
Cellto make power and after
a while not even the special shapes because you
could use your voice. i will add that if you want* *your joe cells to work
better place it on a 10 or 12 point tesseract made on copper foil. You can
get it at lowes home improvement in their building materials section*.
Verification of frequency to produce etheric force from water? A
recent (
*1965*) possible verification of the
* Keely used to dissociate water into *etheric force* was related to me by a
scientist when we were discussing certain aspects of free energy. He wishes
to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name is on file. I have no
other verification of this experiment, however I believe it merits telling.
The scientist, I shall call him Dr. X, was doing experiments with *ultrasonic
sound in a column of water*. The object of the experiments was to devise a
means of *separating* various densities of materials by *injecting* them
into a *column of water* which was *subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave
vibration*. The experimental setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for BBS
considerations a description follows). A *Barium Titanate ultrasonic
transducer* was fixed to the bottom of a *quartz tube* which was closed at
the bottom and open at the top. Pure water was poured into the tube and the
water column was *"tuned"* so that a standing wave was produced at *40,000
CPS (cycles per second)*. The transducer was powered by a *700 Watt power
amplifier* which was driven by an *ultrasonic frequency generator*. Because
of the large amount of power put into the column of water a certain amount
of evaporation took place at a constant rate when the transducer was
energized. Therefore, *to maintain a standing wave* in the water column *a
feedback device* caused the *frequency* to be *raised* as the water
evaporated and the temperature changed. As a test, Dr. X decided to run
through the experiment with only water in the tube to ensure that a standing
wave was maintained as the water evaporated and the *frequency rose higher
and higher*. When the experiment was started everything worked beautifully.
Dr. X took periodic readings of his instrumentation and was assured that the
*standing wave* was being maintained. Suddenly, with no warning whatever the
water *disappeared* from the open quartz tube. He looked up thinking to see
the water splashed on the ceiling when to his amazement a clean hole went
right through the ceiling. The hole was the same size as the inside of
the *quartz
tube*. Further investigation showed the hole continued on through the roof
also! Dr. X checked his notebook and found the last frequency entry to
be *41,300
CPS*. It was shortly after this that the water disappeared. Because of the
time interval between the last reading and the disappearing water, the
frequency sent to the transducer was higher than the last reading and Dr. X
said it could well have been very close to *42,800 CPS*, the Keely
frequency*. This obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to dismantle the
equipment and try some other approach to his problem. This experiment points
the way to the use of our modern technology in conjunction with Keely's laws
of dissociation to change matter into energy without the use of radioactive
materials or extremely expensive atomic accelerators."

Keely's technology is alive and well and already in commercial use, although

they don't use hollow spheres and tuning forks.  Everything is done through
perfectly engineered resonance within plasmas.

do the companies reference kee

RE: [Vo]: Aether Theory

2007-03-16 Thread David Thomson
Hi Thomas,

> I've been following the work of Dale Pond who claims to have replicated 
the Dynasphere of John E W Keely, . He claims that the 
Dynasphere taps the Strong Force.

Dale Pond is correct that Keely tapped the strong force.  In particular,
Keely tapped the unbinding of molecules by using resonance.  Since every
atomic binding has a distance between bonds, every molecule has a frequency,
which when resonated, will cause the bond to break apart.  For water, the
resonance needed to break the bond is about 42.8 kHz (going from memory).  

I have been working with my own versions of mechanical resonators.  Instead
of relying on a closed spherical resonator, I'm trying to develop a
sufficiently strong electromechanical resonator on the cheap.  I have had
some successes in that I can generate mechanical oscillations well over 50
kHz.  The method is to send a pulsed DC signal into a large flat spiral coil
with a copper diaphragm and very strong NIB magnet over it.  The strong NIB
magnet mainly provides mass and strong magnetic coupling with the flat
spiral coil magnetic field.  I have yet to hook up my 700 watt audio
amplifier to it, which is rated to 50 kHz.  When I'm sure everything is
right, I'll fire it up to reproduce this experiment:

I have also been in contact with a UK physicist for the past three years who
has succeeded in dissociating all kinds of materials.  He now runs an energy
company that dissociates hazardous wastes (chemical weapons, light
radioactive waste, biohazard material, daily trash, etc), which not only
converts dangerous materials into an inert fine white powder, but also
releases more energy than was put into the dissociation process, which is
ultimately converted to electricity.  The white powder is then used for
making useful building materials.  He has businesses established throughout
Europe, Africa and Asia.  

I have information from a different source that certain US demilitarization
facilities have been closed down.  It appears to be because they now have
this safer and more efficient method for disposing of waste.

Keely's technology is alive and well and already in commercial use, although
they don't use hollow spheres and tuning forks.  Everything is done through
perfectly engineered resonance within plasmas.

One of the unique predictions of the Aether Physics Model is that there is a
quantum length to the Universe and that most atoms bind with a distance
between them greater than the quantum distance.  The greater the distance
between bindings, the more stable the atom becomes.  The binding distance
maxes out around iron, cobalt, and nickel.  Certain atomic isotopes, which
also happen to be fusion materials, have a binding distance less than the
quantum length.  The only stable element with an average binding length less
than the quantum length is lithium.  Every isotope of lithium is potential
fusion material.  It is my untested belief that the reason lithium batteries
are known to explode is not just because of body heat, but because lithium
can be set to resonance very easily and generates a fusion reaction.
Deuterium and tritium are two other highly fusionable materials with average
binding distances less than the quantum length.

It is possible to get water and other molecules to dissociate via resonance,
which releases energy by undoing the Van der Waals force.  However, it is
possible to resonate certain atoms, which causes them to use the strong
nuclear force to in turn resonate the Aether, which absorbs new dark matter
into the visible Universe, which creates new visible matter (aka fusion).
New matter is the same thing as free energy.  The Van der Waals force is
just an extension of the strong nuclear force, except that instead of being
applied internally, it is applied externally.  Permanent magnetism is
another manifestation of the strong force.

The strong force is very strong, indeed, as Keely found out when his
apparatus exploded on several occasions.  In the water dissociation
experiment mentioned above, all the material in the dissociating water's
path was also dematerialized.  When science advances by trial and error, the
odds are always in favor of the error.  That is why I set aside my
experiments early on and ended up developing the Aether Physics Model.  It
is better to engineer an experiment than stumble upon an unexpected result.


Re: [Vo]: Aether Theory

2007-03-15 Thread thomas malloy

David Thomson wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Does one of you have a website about the Aether?

I have a web site on the Aether Physics Model at


Thanks for the info David. I forwarded your info to Hal Puthoff, , perhaps he will comment on your theories.

Our interest is cohereing the energy in the Aether.

I've been following the work of Dale Pond who claims to have replicated 
the Dynasphere of John E W Keely, . He claims that the 
Dynasphere taps the Strong Force.

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RE: [Vo]: Aether Theory

2007-03-14 Thread David Thomson
Hi Thomas,

> Does one of you have a website about the Aether?

I have a web site on the Aether Physics Model at

A white paper gives the foundations of the theory at:


[Vo]: Aether Theory

2007-03-13 Thread thomas malloy

Paul and David posted

>> Are you the guy with the Aether theory of everything?
>> If so then when are you going to start on the list provided in 
>>another thread?

> Are you telling me what to do?  Would you like me to tell you what to 

Please take a look at what you replied to.  Both of my statements were 
questions.  My two questions did not tell you what to do.

Does one of you have a website about the Aether?

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Aether Theory

2005-12-22 Thread ThomasClark123

I read some links on Aether Theory which described that there were  7 Layers of Higher Aether, then 7 Astral Layers, then the Physical Layers, and 7 Lower Ether Layers. The Lower Ether is said to have been 2000 times more dense than lead but passes through  physical objects - perhaps due to being scalar or longitudinal whereas the physical emf waves and energies are transverse.  The counter universe of the physical universe follows inverse laws to the physical, so that the more denser an object in the counter universe then the more it will pass through physical matter in the physical universe, whereas the more dense an object is in the physical universe the more it cannot pass through physical matter.
Nikola Tesla and Richard Wagner stated that they could connect their minds to an Aether information network and computer system located in secret temples on Earth and between planets which allowed them to pull up information, do work, and save information directly from their minds connected to the Aether information network computer system on Earth. The same book stated that Tesla was brought to Earth from the planet Venus. Tesla lived alone separate from others most of his life, since his spiritual body and energy frequencies were to high and sensitive that he could not be around others with lower frequencies for very long.  The book also stated that Tesla faked his death and relocated to a secret city that he and some of his associates built in an empty underground cavern under a mountain in Venezuela, where they perfected their flying saucer technologies, and flew to the moon and mars around the 1940's to 1950's.
Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.