Re: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-07 Thread Jed Rothwell

I like the big picture approach, but this analysis is too
oversimplified. The cost of making millions of wind turbines or thousands
of nuclear reactors cannot be estimated as a straight-line projection of
today's costs. Mass production on that scale would reduce the unit cost
by a huge margin -- maybe even by a factor of 10. It is conceivable that
the direct cost of energy derived from wind would be cheaper than today's
fossil fuel energy. It almost certainly would be cheaper when you factor
in the cost of pollution and war.
In North America, the cost of wind turbines would fall dramatically, but
then as the best sites for towers -- with the most wind -- filled up, the
cost of wind powered electricity would gradually rise. I do not think
that northern Europe would ever run out of good offshore wind sites in
the North Sea, assuming the population and the demand for electricity
does not grow much. The cost of nuclear power reactors would probably
fall even more dramatically (in percentage), because in order to
implement something like this you would need a radically new equipment,
such as the pebble bed modular reactor. If both wind and uranium fission
were developed, I doubt that nuclear plants would ever become as cheap as
wind turbines per megawatt of capacity, because they would always require
elaborate safety precautions and so on. I doubt that the cost of uranium
would be a major factor because there is a huge supply of it and sooner
or later someone will figure out how to recycle it or how to make an
effective breeder reactor.
A sane energy policy for the U.S. would begin by emphasizing conservation
because despite 30 years of improvements, conservation is still the best,
fastest and cheapest way to reduce U.S. dependence on OPEC. There is
still a great deal of low hanging fruit -- especially with
Last week my 10-year-old Volvo station wagon needed an expensive valve
job. It turned out it cost 4000 bucks! Anyway, I thought about getting a
new car and I spec'ed them out. My car gets ~20 mpg city and 30 mpg
highway. I was disgusted to find that the new station wagons get 18 mpg
city and 26 mpg highway! Apparently this is because they are
all-wheel-drive AWD -- which I assume means four-wheel-drive.
A few of the old front-wheel drive models still get 30 mpg. This is
crazy. Who the heck needs four-wheel-drive in suburban Atlanta for crying
out loud?!?
There are probably not more than a hundred people in greater Atlanta who
actually do drive off-road a few times a year, and it is ironic that I
happen to be one of them, but as my mother used to say, any car will do.
My mother drove anything with wheels starting in the Model T
Ford era, including WWII trucks. The people I know who actually live in
the countryside do not own SUVs. They drive a Volvo or a VW bug into the
woods to collect firewood. On the few occasions when really need to get
someplace off in the woods we borrow a 35-year-old tractor from the
neighbor. *That*, by golly, is off road.
- Jed

Re: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-07 Thread Edmund Storms

Last week my 10-year-old Volvo station wagon needed an expensive valve 
job. It turned out it cost 4000 bucks! Anyway, I thought about getting a 
new car and I spec'ed them out. My car gets ~20 mpg city and 30 mpg 
highway. I was disgusted to find that the new station wagons get 18 mpg 
city and 26 mpg highway! Apparently this is because they are 
all-wheel-drive AWD -- which I assume means four-wheel-drive. A few of 
the old front-wheel drive models still get 30 mpg. This is crazy. Who 
the heck needs four-wheel-drive in suburban Atlanta for crying out loud?!?
Just for your information Jed, my Forester, which is AWD, gets 25 mpg at 
7000 ft in the city and over 28 mpg at 70 mph.  Also the Prius (front 
wheel drive) get 45 mpg in the city and 55 mpg at 75 mph.  Soon several 
SUV models will be hybrid with good gas mileage.  Last year I would see 
another Prius every few few weeks.  Now, I expect very soon collisions 
between two Prius will become common.

There are probably not more than a hundred people in greater Atlanta who 
actually do drive off-road a few times a year, and it is ironic that I 
happen to be one of them, but as my mother used to say, any car will do. 
My mother drove anything with wheels starting in the Model T Ford era, 
including WWII trucks. The people I know who actually live in the 
countryside do not own SUVs. They drive a Volvo or a VW bug into the 
woods to collect firewood. On the few occasions when really need to get 
someplace off in the woods we borrow a 35-year-old tractor from the 
neighbor. *That*, by golly, is off road.

- Jed

Re: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-07 Thread Jed Rothwell

Edmund Storms wrote:
Just for your information Jed,
my Forester, which is AWD, gets 25 mpg at 7000 ft in the city and over 28
mpg at 70 mph.
That's still not as good on the highway as my '95 Volvo station wagon,
which is a great hulking vehicle capable of carrying more stuff than most
SUVs. Actually, it is rated at 30 mpg highway, but it does better when
I'm driving. (Most SUVs have lots of room but very limited cargo capacity
measured in weight, so people overload them without realizing it, and
this causes accidents. Their brakes are particularly unsuited for heavy
loads. See: High And Mighty.)
If I lived up north where there is snow I would get an AWD vehicle. My
sister, who lives out in the middle of nowhere in Virginia, has something
similar to the Forester.
- Jed

Re: Energy - The Big Picture DRAFT #2

2005-03-06 Thread Steven Krivit
You may be care to send this to Gustav GROB email: info at He 
may have an interest, as well as an influence to see something productive 
happen with your ideas.


Re: Energy - The Big Picture DRAFT #2

2005-03-06 Thread Horace Heffner
At 9:24 AM 3/6/5, Steven Krivit wrote:

You may be care to send this to Gustav GROB email: info at He
may have an interest, as well as an influence to see something productive
happen with your ideas.


I appreciate the notion, but I barely have time to read vortex and float a
few potential memes as they come to mind on occasion.  Too many
commitments, too much research to do.

Assuming research into potentially ideal energy solutions like cold fusion
is to be suppressed, then a logical consequence must be to implement
interim solutions using existing technology, or technology readily
developed using existing engineering principles.  Superficially at least,
it appears supplying the world's energy needs renewably is technically and
financially feasible, and a superior approach in the long run to consuming
carbon basd fuels.  A push for a global renewable energy supply is possibly
a reasonable response to the suppression of research.  A huge amount of
work is required to do this in a planned fashion.  The alternative to
building teams to do this work is to float the ideas and let capitalism
take its merry course to success.


Horace Heffner  

Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-05 Thread Horace Heffner
Table 1 - Current energy plant capital cost in $/W

Gas turbine  0.5
Wind 2.0
Solar tower  2.5
Nuclear  6.0

One MBtu is equivalent to 33.43 watts expended for a year.  Multiplying the
above values by 33.43 we can thus obtain energy plant cost in $ per MBtu/yr
assuming a plant life of one year.

Table 2 - Current energy plant capital cost
  (in $ per MBtu/yr, or $T per quad/yr)

Gas turbine  17
Wind 67
Solar tower  83
Nuclear 200

The above values have to be multiplied by 10^9 to obtain cost in $ per
quad/yr.  So, the above numbers represent the current cost in trillions of
dollars per quad/yr energy creation capacity.   Thus multiplying the values
of Table 2 by 400 we have the cost of plant capacity to provide current
world energy needs of 400 quads:

Table 3 - Current energy plant capital cost in $T to supply world needs

Wind 26,800
Solar tower  33,200
Nuclear  80,000

If we discard nuclear energy as not cost effective, and assume half solar
and half wind energy production, we have 30,000 $T capital cost to provide
all the worlds energy needs by renewable means.  Assuming a 3 percent cost
of capital (reasonable assuming value of energy inflates too) we have an
annual cost of 1500 trillion dollars to produce the 400 quads.  That is
(10^6)(1500x10^9)/(400x10^15)$/MBtu  = $3.75 per MBtu.

If we triple the cost to include cost for novel energy transportation and
storage methods, we have a cost of $11.25 per MBtu.  This is very
competitive with the DOE 2003 costs of energy, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4 - Current costs of energy in $/MBtu

Electric  25.20
Heat. Oil  9.25
Propane   13.46
Kerosene  11.41

It appears the job of converting to renewable energy can be accomplished
starting now, especially where long trades are not required.  The capital
cost will ultimately be on the order of 90,000 trillion dollars, but
invested over the, say, 20 years required to accomplish the plant
development it will be about 4,500 trillion per year.

At $12/MBtu, the world energy requirement costs about 4,800 trillion
dollars per year.  The capital to achieve the conversion can be obtained by
doubling the cost of energy for about 20 years.  Considering most of the
energy is consumed on the continents in which it is produced, the cost
could be substantially less than that estimated, possibly by as much as 60
percent less.  The powerful effect of economy of scale has not been applied

Unfortunately, as with a national renewable energy policy, all that is
missing is the political will to make it happen. It is even less likely to
happen on a global basis than a national basis.  However, emerging
capitalists should have their noises in the air.  The smell of money is
there.  They may well wipe out those unable to think in any terms other
than big oil.  The future is likely another example of survival of the
fittest and the adaptable.

Any corrections would be appreciated.


Horace Heffner  

RE: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-05 Thread Michael Foster

--- On Sat 03/05, Horace Heffner  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 It appears the job of converting to renewable energy can be accomplished
 starting now, especially where long trades are not required. The capital
 cost will ultimately be on the order of 90,000 trillion dollars, but
 invested over the, say, 20 years required to accomplish the plant
 development it will be about 4,500 trillion per year.

I assume you mean American trillion, i.e., 10^12.  In any case, long
term conversion of energy sources needs to be analyzed this way.  This
is very enlightening.


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Re: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-05 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Sat, 05 Mar 2005 18:23:50
Table 1 - Current energy plant capital cost in $/W

Gas turbine  0.5
Wind 2.0
Solar tower  2.5
Nuclear  6.0

One MBtu is equivalent to 33.43 watts expended for a year.  Multiplying the
above values by 33.43 we can thus obtain energy plant cost in $ per MBtu/yr
assuming a plant life of one year.

Table 2 - Current energy plant capital cost
  (in $ per MBtu/yr, or $T per quad/yr)

Gas turbine  17
Wind 67
Solar tower  83
Nuclear 200

The above values have to be multiplied by 10^9 to obtain cost in $ per
quad/yr.  So, the above numbers represent the current cost in trillions of
dollars per quad/yr energy creation capacity.   

The costs started off in dollars and got multiplied by 10^9, so
they are be in billions, not trillions of dollars per quad/yr
generation capacity.


Robin van Spaandonk

All SPAM goes in the trash unread.

Energy - The Big Picture DRAFT #2

2005-03-05 Thread Horace Heffner
The following is an attempt to put into perspective the problem of
obtaining the world's energy needs by carbon free renewable means.

Table 1 - Current energy plant capital cost in $/W

Gas turbine  0.5
Wind 2.0
Solar tower  2.5
Nuclear  6.0

One MBtu is equivalent to 33.43 watts expended for a year.  Multiplying the
above values by 33.43 we can thus obtain energy plant cost in $ per MBtu/yr
assuming a plant life of one year.

Table 2 - Current energy plant capital cost
  (in $ per MBtu/yr, or $B per quad/yr)

Gas turbine  17
Wind 67
Solar tower  83
Nuclear 200

The above values have to be multiplied by 10^9 to obtain cost in $ per
quad/yr.  So, the above numbers represent the current cost in billions of
dollars per quad/yr energy creation capacity.   Thus multiplying the values
of Table 2 by 400 we have the cost of plant capacity to provide current
world energy needs of 400 quads:

Table 3 - Current energy plant capital cost in $T to supply world needs

Wind 26.8
Solar tower  33.2
Nuclear  80.0

If we discard nuclear energy as not cost effective, and assume half solar
and half wind energy production, we have 30 $T capital cost to provide all
the worlds energy needs by renewable means.  Assuming a 3 percent cost of
capital (reasonable assuming value of energy inflates too) we have an
annual cost of 1.5 trillion dollars to produce the 400 quads.  That is
(10^6)(1.500x10^12)/(400x10^15)$/MBtu  = $3.75 per MBtu.

If we triple the cost to include cost for novel energy transportation and
storage methods, we have a cost of $11.25 per MBtu.  This is very
competitive with the DOE 2003 costs of energy, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4 - Current costs of energy in $/MBtu

Electric  25.20
Heat. Oil  9.25
Propane   13.46
Kerosene  11.41

It appears the job of converting to renewable energy can be accomplished
starting now, especially where long trades are not required.  The capital
cost will ultimately be on the order of 90 trillion dollars, but invested
over the, say, 20 years required to accomplish the plant development it
will be about 4.5 trillion per year.

At $12/MBtu, the world energy requirement costs about 4.8 trillion dollars
per year.  The capital to achieve the conversion can be obtained by
doubling the cost of energy for about 20 years.  Considering most of the
energy is consumed on the continents in which it is produced, the cost
could be substantially less than that estimated, possibly by as much as 60
percent less.  The powerful effect of economy of scale has not been applied

Unfortunately, as with a national renewable energy policy, all that is
missing is the political will to make it happen. It is even less likely to
happen on a global basis than a national basis.  However, emerging
capitalists should have their noises in the air.  The smell of money is
there.  They may well wipe out those unable to think in any terms other
than big oil.  The future is likely another example of survival of the
fittest and the adaptable.

Any corrections would be appreciated.


Horace Heffner  

RE: Energy - The Big Picture

2005-03-05 Thread Horace Heffner
At 10:39 PM 3/5/5, Michael Foster wrote:

I assume you mean American trillion, i.e., 10^12.  In any case, long
term conversion of energy sources needs to be analyzed this way.  This
is very enlightening.

Thanks for the correction.   I shouldn't post when I'm so short of time.


Horace Heffner  

Energy - The Big Picture DRAFT #2

2005-03-05 Thread Horace Heffner
I wrote: However, emerging capitalists should have their noises in the
air.  The smell of money is there.

I wrote: However, emerging capitalists should have their noses in the air.
The smell of money is there.


Horace Heffner  

Re Energy - The Big Picture DRAFT #2

2005-03-05 Thread Horace Heffner
I wrote: However, emerging capitalists should have their noises in the
air.  The smell of money is there.

I meant to write: However, emerging capitalists should have their noses in
the air.  The smell of money is there.

However, a little noise probably couldn't hurt if that's all it is.


Horace Heffner