I have been doing many experiments with magnets recently, and have hundreds
of the most powerful magnets available from e.g.







If you haven't experienced these rare earth magnets, I think you'll be in
for some surprises!

Be very careful with these. Ideally you'll need a special workshop with only
non-magnetic materials around, such as titanium tools, and wooden
workbenches, no computers, disk drives, credit cards, etc. nearby,  and
practice being aware of what you're doing.

You must constantly think about what you're doing, as if you're carrying
around U235 or nitroglycerine  ( I know, I've had numerous close calls,
pinched fingers, and shattered magnets, sucking up tools from a foot away,
getting stuck to a vise, etc. ).

The forces can be in tons for two magnets with 1.2 Tesla flux densities
(12000 Gauss) at their surfaces.

I've had to build a special tool to separate two magnets that got
accidentally got stuck together:


Hoyt Stearns
Scottsdale, Arizona US

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