On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> "Cold Fusion gets lukewarm backing"
> 1. "the reviewers say they remain unconvinced about the reality of cold
> fusion ..."
> 2. "... indeed, a third of the reviewers believe that the phenomenon could
> potentially create excess power"
> Invent a logic system for which these two statements are consistent with
> each other, and use it to prove that pigs can fly.

Lol!  Already accomplished.  It's called "Democracy."

If 50.0001 of a group wants "black," and 49.9999% of the group wants
"white," then we can say that the entire group actually wants black. Right?
Ah, inspiration! :

  THE EMPEROR'S VISIBLE CLOTHES                              billb 2005

  The Emperor's experts talked him into going nude in front of a large
  crowd.  Fortunately the entire crowd talked themselves into being able
  to see the clothes which were not there.  And so the clothes began to
  actually exist.  Unfortunately there was one little kid who loudly asked
  why the Emperor was naked.  Nobody could hear him.  After all, "reality"
  isn't an absolute, instead "reality" is determined by expert concensus.
  Majority rules.  And if some little kid says something that we don't want
  to hear, why, he really didn't say anything at all.  In fact, no
  acoustic waves even came out of his mouth nor vibrated any eardrums.  In
  fact, what little kid are you talking about?  Are you some kind of lying
  crackpot Woo-Woo or something?  There's no little kid here.  Well, there
  is some meat and broken bones in the middle of that crowd of adults who
  are all jumping up and down for some reason.  But that's not a little
  kid, so maybe you are one of those lying scumbag Woo-Woo crackpots who
  needs the attention of this large crowd.  We all REALLY HATE woo-woos,
  you know.  Understand?  Good.  I thought you might.  Now let's all take
  up a collection to reward the Emperor's clothing designers.  The Emperor
  didn't pay them nearly enough.

  The end.

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-789-0775    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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