Isodual nature of anitmatter

2006-02-18 Thread thomas malloy


You may recall my comments on the dangerous ideas webpage. IHMO, the 
idea of the antimatter generator that would fit in the trunk of an 
automobile fits that category. In the hands of a terrorist, it would 
give new meaning to car bomb. With that on the back burner, I read the 
post on the Isodual nature of anitmatter book. A steady stream of 
antimatter particles impacting any kind of matter would be an excellent 
power generator. The reaction produces hard radiation, so it would be 
inherently limited to industrial facilities, which would be a good thing.

. I have no idea what isodual means, I'm also wondering about a 
conversion of say milligrams to kilo calories or BTU s. I'm going to 
recommend that my friend purchase a copy of the book, even though it is 
a bit spendy.

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Re: Isodual nature of anitmatter

2006-02-19 Thread Horace Heffner

On Feb 18, 2006, at 8:35 PM, thomas malloy wrote:


You may recall my comments on the dangerous ideas webpage. IHMO,  
the idea of the antimatter generator that would fit in the trunk of  
an automobile fits that category. In the hands of a terrorist, it  
would give new meaning to car bomb. With that on the back burner, I  
read the post on the Isodual nature of anitmatter book. A steady  
stream of antimatter particles impacting any kind of matter would  
be an excellent power generator. The reaction produces hard  
radiation, so it would be inherently limited to industrial  
facilities, which would be a good thing.

It is extremely unlikely that an antimatter generating device that  
can generate net useful power and fits in the trunk of a car will be  

. I have no idea what isodual means, I'm also wondering about a  
conversion of say milligrams to kilo calories or BTU s.

Just multiply kg by c^2 to get joules and then convert units
1 milligram = 1x10^-6 kg
The energy in 1 milligram of antimatter is the energy of converting 2  
milligrams of matter to energy.  One mg of antimatter provides 170  
million BTU.

I'm going to recommend that my friend purchase a copy of the book,  
even though it is a bit spendy.

I would be very surprised if it provided any practical means to  
produce energy.  It sounds like just a lot of complex theory. Let us  
know how it goes.

Horace Heffner

Re: Isodual nature of anitmatter

2006-02-20 Thread hohlrauml6d


I have no idea what isodual means,

Applying both Newonian and Quantum algebraic analysis to antimatter:

Classical isodual theory of antimatter
Authors: R. M. Santilli
Comments: 25 pages, Latex
Report-no: IBR-TH-97-S037, Feb. 155, 1997
Subj-class: General Physics

An inspection of the contemporary physics literature reveals that, 
while matter is treated at all levels of study, from Newtonian 
mechanics to quantum field theory, antimatter is solely treated at the 
level of second quantization. For the purpose of initiating the 
restoration of full equivalence in the treatments of matter and 
antimatter in due time, in this paper we present a classical 
representation of antimatter which begins at the primitive Newtonian 
level with expected images at all subsequent levels. By recalling that 
charge conjugation of particles into antiparticles is anti-automorphic, 
the proposed theory of antimatter is based on a new map, called 
isoduality, which is also anti-automorphic, yet it is applicable 
beginning at the classical level and then persists at the quantum 
level. As part of our study, we present novel anti-isomorphic isodual 
images of the Galilean, special and general relativities and show the 
compatibility of their representation of antimatter with all available 
classical experimental knowledge, that on electromagnetic interactions. 
We also identify the prediction of antigravity for antimatter in the 
field of matter (or vice-versa) without any claim on its validity, and 
defer its resolution to specific experiments. To avoid a prohibitive 
length, the paper is restricted to the classical treatment which had 
not been sufficiently treated until now. Studies on operator profiles, 
such as the equivalence of isoduality and charge conjugation and the 
implication of the isodual theory in particle physics, are conducted in 
a separate paper.

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Re: Isodual nature of anitmatter

2006-02-21 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 2/19/2006 1:24:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Vortexians;You may recall my comments on the dangerous ideas webpage. IHMO, the idea of the antimatter generator that would fit in the trunk of an automobile fits that category. In the hands of a terrorist, it would give new meaning to car bomb.
Nikola Tesla built a handheld device which resonated at the Earth's resonant frequency, which he claimed could split the Earth in two.  If it is this easy to build such a device then the whole Earth and every person on it would have to be monitored split second by split second to ensure that no one tired to build such a device and split the Earth in two.  
Tesla also claimed to have built an energy device which could send a very powerful energy beam to any planet and perhaps even further out to other star systems.  If this is the case, then every planet in our solar system has to be monitored by ET'S to prevent harmful energy beams from being sent to other planets.  
Another book I read claimed that Earth sends magnetic energies to the sun which helps power the sun, and Earth receives magnetic energies from Jupiter which helps power Earth, so that the flow of magnetic energies between planets is important to well being of the whole solar system.  If Earth becomes polluted then the magnetic energies that Earth sends out could also become polluted and damage the solar system.  Earth has to remain healthy for the rest of the solar system to remain healthy.   This means that E.T.'s who live on other planets have to monitor Earth.  Another book I read claimed that E.T.'s from Venus and Mars invaded Earth recently, and perhaps have taken over Earth secretly.