Re: Message for Thomas Clark Regarding Hitler

2006-02-03 Thread OrionWorks
From: Thomas Clark 


> But what does it matter in any case, whether I go 
> to another planet with a reincarnation of Hitler
> or someone else.  Other than I thought that a
> reincarnation of Hitler wanted to get the good
> karma by working with me so I offered it, since
> Hitler is often associated with doing bad things,
> why not allow him to be associated with doing
> good things. 
> Hitler is a far nicer person than you would have me
> believe. He is a gentleman and a scholar even in this
> day which few are.  I have spent a great deal of time
> trying to show that Hitler was a scapegoat used by the
> US and UK governments, the Mafia and secret societies
> to cover up their governmental crimes, which is the
> truth.  


Yes, I understand Hitler could be quite charming in person.

Never the less, it would be my suggestion that you let Hitler's spirit guides (whoever they might be) take care of his own spiritual welfare. Is this really any of your responsibility to assume?

You might want to do likewise.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: Message for Thomas Clark Regarding Hitler

2006-02-02 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 1/28/2006 5:49:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
For example:The "beam weapons targeting [you]",Being "contacted by many powerful persons in emails and by phone like the Generals of all Time (such as Chronos  Hitler)",...and many other expressed thoughts... These are the internal dragons I am speaking of. These are the dragons generated from within you
I will take your advice, very seriously, about being more careful when around dragons. There are real dragons out there living in caves, and some of them are nice and some not so nice. Perhaps I have been to friendly to some very real dragons who may not be so nice. The dragons are not from within but from without. The very realdragons offered a very real peace pipe to me, which I took seriously and thanked them. The peace pipe was offered to me in a very real store in the Lansing Mall, called theThe Mountain which I associated with Venus. I did not buythe peace pipe but Iunderstood its message andaccepted it. If I bought the peace pipe I could have sent it to you. I have been communicating with real beings by means of a higher dimensional 4th dimensional language which many E.T.'s use. Some of the signs and symbols are my own, and some are not. That's the problem with such 4th dimensional telepathic gravitonic languages-its often hard to tell which symbols are theirs and which are yours. Odin treated his dragons very well, and they also treated him very will in return. Why shouldn't I do as Odin did. There are allot of different life forms in outer space, and if I cannot get along with an ordinary dragon, it would not make me look very good, since I would have to get along with many other far stranger and perhaps far more dangerous life forms, if I ever want to travel to another planet. 

I felt it was wrong and ungodlyto keep dragons or any other life form locked in caves on Earth, and so I truly believe that some hope should be given to dragons or any other life form locked in caves on Earth to allow them to leave Earth for a more friendlier home planet. I myself am not a reptilian dragon, but a mammal as far as I can tell related to the cat, bird, horse, and bear clans, but I feel that I should be sympathetic with other life forms as should all. I did see a Japanese anime moviewhich showed dragons as being mammals with furlooking like cats. There may be some dragons which are reptiles and some which are mammals.That Japanese anime movie showed such dragons living on an Island near Japan, where they are kept hidden from the rest of the world. 

You are one of the few who seems to want to limit my story to some chemical imbalance.
A Theology Doctorate from Scotlandsent me an email associating himselfwith Jesus Christ, who asked for copyrights to my story which has pictures of myself posted as evidence, so that he could place it in a play based on a real storymuch like movies that Walt Disney makes based on real stories. 

Iactually saw a doctor withburns on my body andgenitals (balls)claiming that energy beam weapons caused the burns while I was living in a tent on Mount Ashland in Ashland Oregon,miles away from anyone,and they were identified as burns that I could not have created myself, and these are not chemical imbalances. Just like China has got Bush by the balls, so has someone got me by the balls using energy beams. I have a great deal more evidence than this but I wont go into it. 

I may have been misinformed by the contents of the emails thatI received but I have copies of them and they are real emails.  The Hitler idea started since I made a comment on an email list that posted an email about when Hitlermay have beensymbolically castrated by a secret society - the Skull and Bones Nutcracker initiation,and to make Hitler look good for going through some secret society ordeal, Icompared him symbolically to aGod likeChronos being castrated symbolically, which was contained in a quote whichmentioned that Zeus had to work with Poseidon to keep his empire. Then another person sent an email which said - I can see you on that planet now, which I assumed was associated with a reincarnation of Hitlerassociating himself with Poseidon or Chronos making the commentbut it may not have been. In this case, one would have to assume that another person who sent the email, was forced to send the email due to subliminal messages sent to his mind which were associated with me, in which case one could the argue that maybe a reincarnation of Hitler did not approve of that statement. But the email is real, andif the email was coerced by subliminal messages itwas generated not be me, but by an artificial intelligentcomputer system pretending to be me, and attempting to predict my thoughts before I think them and then forcing others including myself at times, to realize the computer's prediction of my thoughts in email posts by sending subliminal messages to them, which looks likes its me but it is not me, at least not all of