Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-03 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/3/2005 11:15:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Your writings indicate to me that you either have a difficult time with, or you simply chose not to distinguish the difference between mythic reality and scientific reality. Both are in my view absolutely important for a fuller more balanced perception on reality, but only if one can distinguish the difference
You may be right.  Earning a B.A. in Linguistics and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering at MSU, I learned how to use historical and lingustic reconstruction to reconstruct languages, and I also used the same technique to reconstruct the secret histories of Earth by reading between the lines of what myths said and what other science fiction writers hinted at, and what our history books said, and I may have made many great errors in confusing mythical accounts of history with more scientific accounts.  
I have read or browsed through most books at the Michigan State University library on history, the origin of races, tribes and mythical cultures on Earth.  And I did read several well documented historical books about mythical societies such as Utopias of the classical world Ferguson, John, 1921-London : Thames and Hudson, [1975] and Imaginary worlds; or the evolution of Utopia by Paul Bloomfield, which very specifically and clearly stated that the mythical Gods of Greece existed and left Earth during Plato's day, and that there is a very real underworld society on Earth where supermen, dragons, angels, and daemons live who are ruled and controlled not by governments but by computerized beam weapons systems in the inner Earth a few miles down or further.   There are many more books about life in the inner hollow Earth such as the The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World / by Willis George Emerson, and The Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, and The Journals of CIA Operatives who have visited the Inner Earth, and E.T. societies.   Dr. Richard Boylan's website at and email list very professional provide official presidential documents, and reports from NASA, about E.T.s, advanced US secret flying saucer space ships and agencies, and E.T.'s presently teraforming Mars, as well NASA reports on how the US government spends trillions of dollars trying to cover up the fact that E.T.'s and star visitors live on Earth with us, which is causing the US government to go broke. 

The book by Francis Bacon called New Atlantis as posted at discussing a visit to Atlantis after Christopher Columbus had discovered America, mentions that a holographic energy beam teleported a copy of the bible from the future to residents of Atlantis (Angelic Beings) long before the bible was ever written.  Bacon also mentions in the detail the technologies that the Atlantinians had and used such as advanced energy beam technologies and the means to study the energies in life forms.  The Atlantinians had residences 3 miles down in caves, and 3 miles up in mountains on Atlantis, so that they could survive floods, meteor attacks, and earth quakes.  The Atlantinians also claimed that around 3000 B.C. there were dozens of nations with thousands of ships sailing all around the world but that a flood occurred and that the sailing decreased so that knowledge of the America's and Atlantis was lost after 3000 B.C.  My guess is that this Atlantis spoken above may be in the inner hollow Earth or near the north pole, since the Atlantinians mention that their home was in God's bosom being perhaps the inner hollow Earth?
Voltaire in his book Candide, mentions that E.T.'s lived in South America in his day.  George Washington in official congressional records mentions that he could remotely see into the future by means of Angelic remote sensing technologies given to him by Angels, and stated the vampires would attempt to ruin America as is happening today. 
I have read several other books such as MYSTIC MICHIGAN. Written by JAGER, MARK. $7.95 ISBN: 9672, which describe the architectural accounts and findings of Celtic ruins in Michigan and in other states which prove that a proto-celtic societies existed in the Americas, and which are kept out of main stream history books. I have recieved emails documenting skelotons of Giants being found in Saudi Arabia, and Roman and many other types of Classical Middle Eastern coins being found in Minnesota, USA.  
The fictional books The Eternity Code (Artemis Fowl): by Eoin Colfer also very clearly hint and specify that societies of Fairies, Leprachauns, and Elves live a few miles down in the inner Earth and utilize advanced space age technologies superior to ours.  Lawhead's Pendragon Novel's give a very good historical account of Atlantis.  The societies living in the inner Earth use advanced computers, teleportation and beam weapons technologies to literally create any type of life form imaginable and e

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-04 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/4/2005 10:31:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Speaking of mythic interpretations of reality have you ever read any of Terry Pratchett's Disk World series? Now, here's an individual who knows how to harness the power of myth! ...and, of course, least we forget Douglas Adams.
Thanks for the references to the above authors. I will look into them.  A series of books I really enjoyed was the River World Series by Philip Jose Farmer, which explained the history of Earth in a unique way by traveling along a million mile river that represented time travel through history to the end of history.   
You stated that you were an artist in addition to a computer programmer.  Being an amateur programmer, I have been very interested in animation art, and virtual reality programming, to program virtual reality worlds that can be experienced by the viewers, which I feel will be the next trend in the entertainment industry.  One of Bill Gates former employees wrote a book on game programming in which he explained the myth that long ago in unrecorded past history, the art of computer technology had been so advanced that they could literally create reality and life from computer programs and game animations that actually created the reality in which they lived. 
I have been focusing on myths to much as you suggest, and I should try to think more about the present and future than the past.  In my case, perhaps I may have been tricked and seduced into walking into another if not many other virtual reality timelines, where all things are possible, and what we think may come to be almost instantly.  Those who have tricked me, may be encouraging me to focus more on mythology than I should, to bring the myths of long bygone days back to life at times if not to idealize them and improve upon them, which is much like the Never Ending Story Novels where the reader of the book becomes part of the book to create the history, present and future around them as they read the book.  The Sir Gewain and Green Knight myths mentions the Lost Land of Lionesse, which was part of Atlantis at one time, which also claims that some events in the past may also occur again in the future, as if the future creates the past but some pasts and futures are hidden from us unless we choose to be part of them much like the Lost Land of Lioness.  Since there may be many different pasts on Earth, then also there may be many different futures.  We all may be in a time in history presently, were we may be choosing and fighting over which past and which future may come to be in our present and in our local region on Earth.  Different regions on Earth each have different cultures, histories, pasts, and futures. Certainly those who do not prefer one past history, may deny its existence to hope to prevent its present and future. 
Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-08 Thread OrionWorks
> From: ThomasClark123


> We all may be in a time in history presently, were we may
> be choosing and fighting over which past and which future
> may come to be in our present and in our local region on
> Earth.  Different regions on Earth each have different 
> cultures, histories, pasts, and futures. Certainly
> those who do not prefer one past history, may deny its
> existence to hope to prevent its present and future. 

Despite my occasional jabs at your past interpretations I find there is much 
here that I am in agreement with. To what degree should this be considered 
symbolic interpretations and how much may actually be closer to literal truth 
is beyond my capacity to discern. 

To reinterpret a famous saying: Grant me serenity over the probabilities that I 
can't change, the courage to change the probabilities that I can, and the 
wisdom to know the difference.

Good comments, Baron.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: OT:Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-11-10 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/8/2005 9:18:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
To reinterpret a famous saying: Grant me serenity over the probabilities that I can't change, the courage to change the probabilities that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Good comments, Baron.Regards,Steven Vincent
I hope that the forces in the universe of probabilities and knowledge grants us all what you ask for in your above saying. May the force be with you as Luke Skywalker would say. 
I appreciate your criticism.  You caused to me consider why I had give up science for mythology so easily, so as to confuse the two as you suggest.  I then realized that I had given up my faith in science in part, when science seemed to fail us and I did not have time to wait for science to succeed, and I needed answers and instant access to forces that seemed to tap into the root forces of the universe, where no formal understanding is needed.   While at the same time I had also given up my faith in God, and myth in part, to discover sciences that could save us all, that few to this day dare speak about in any formal mathematical way, such as the science of law, constitutional theory, and social theory for space age split second societies.  
I have written a very fine paper on constitutional history and the proposed formal science of constitutional theory that should be developed to show which forms of law and government can be modeled on computers to govern society peacefully and civilly over the ages as posted at  Some mathematician and engineer should refine the principles of law and government far further than I have considered them so that they can be formally modeled.  Such a book on the science of law cannot be found in any law library to date, though it should be there by now, so that we could prove which laws and governments are the best at any moment in time for any type of society, and end some of the need for wasted debate, politics and warfare. 
The one thing I did read and save on my computer about Carl Sagan as posted at his own website was his Baloney Detection Kit which lists some basic logical rules to follow to discover warning signs that suggest deception and bad science.  I was fortunate to have studied under a philosphy professor at MSU, named Professor Herbert Hendry, who wrote computer programs to teach logic and to test for flaws in logic which could be applied to read normal text in books and in papers to analyze thier logical flaws very quickly. 
Fifth Annual Computers and Philosophy Conference at Stanford ...Joseph Hanna and Herbert Hendry (Michigan State). Algorithmic Translation inPropositional Logic William Hanson (Minnesota) - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.