RE: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into electrical energy--what is the physics of the Bose magnons--

2019-09-30 Thread
The reference links make note of Bose magnons as being important in the 
phenomena of spin cliometrics.

It may be that neutrino spin is involved in creating the Bose particles with no 
net spin.  (It may be a combination of a positrons, electrons and a neutrino or 

Bob Cook

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 10:35:30 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into electrical energy


Nice work

I note that the Li doping is an important design feature  in Mn-Te materials 
used for conversion of phonic lattice energy to electrical potential across a 
macroscopic lattice.

Rossi may have stumbled on this effect in his reactor.

The question is: What is the differential temperature needed to sap off the 
enthalpy in the lattice in significant quantity to be practical.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:50:09 AM
Subject: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into electrical energy

“Paramagnon drag in high thermoelectric figure of merit Li-doped MnTe” 
(manganese telluride)

Zheng et al Science Advances  13 Sep 2019  Vol. 5, no. 9  DOI: 

Thermoelectricity is generally too inefficient for the obvious application - to 
put into an automobile exhaust system  where one has almost unlimited free 
megawatts of waste heat. Billions of dollars could be saved with the proper TE 

Magnetocalorics (spin-calorics) could change low expectations, erase past 
failures  and open up a new area of engineering to prolong the lifetime of the 
ICE and also to retrieve more energy from solar cells and other obvious 
applications… “Ifonly” higher efficiency is possible at reasonable cost. BTW �C 
this promising field was one of the first scams of Andrea Rossi. He used 
tellurides in his abandoned patent application:

In fact,  tellurides have been tried in TEGs for decades, to no avail. The 
better ones incorporate a strategy of “point 
engineering to regulate the electrical and thermal transport. The primary 
dopants used have been tin an antimony. The power factor is seen to  increase 
with proper doping due to reduction of the band gap. In fact, in the new paper, 
they claim to open up an entirely new pathway for conversion gain by  
optimizing the spin-caloric effect. This is novel.

This new material could be also used with LENR  and possibly the Manelas device 
-  but of course these  applications are not mentioned. Bottom line: the  new 
material described in the paper uses Li as a dopant and is said to be a huge 
breakthrough in efficiency although the required temperature is rather high and 
many important details are missing.


Local thermal magnetization fluctuations in Li-doped MnTe are found to increase 
its thermopower α strongly at temperatures up to 900 K. Below the Néel 
temperature (TN ~ 307 K), MnTe is antiferromagnetic, and magnon drag 
contributes αmd to the thermopower, which scales as ~T3. Magnon drag persists 
into the paramagnetic state up to >3 × TN because of long-lived, short-range 
antiferromagnet-like fluctuations (paramagnons) shown by neutron spectroscopy 
to exist in the paramagnetic state. The paramagnon lifetime is longer than the 
charge carrier�Cmagnon interaction time; its spin-spin spatial correlation 
length is larger than the free-carrier effective Bohr radius and de Broglie 
wavelength. Thus, to itinerant carriers, paramagnons look like magnons and give 
a paramagnon-drag thermopower. This contribution results in an optimally doped 
material having a thermoelectric figure of merit ZT > 1 at T > ~900 K, the 
first material with a technologically meaningful thermoelectric energy 
conversion efficiency from a spin-caloritronic effect.
A more simplified story:

RE: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into electrical energy

2019-09-30 Thread


Nice work

I note that the Li doping is an important design feature  in Mn-Te materials 
used for conversion of phonic lattice energy to electrical potential across a 
macroscopic lattice.

Rossi may have stumbled on this effect in his reactor.

The question is: What is the differential temperature needed to sap off the 
enthalpy in the lattice in significant quantity to be practical.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:50:09 AM
Subject: [Vo]:"Paramagnons" - new way to convert heat into electrical energy

“Paramagnon drag in high thermoelectric figure of merit Li-doped MnTe” 
(manganese telluride)

Zheng et al Science Advances  13 Sep 2019  Vol. 5, no. 9  DOI: 

Thermoelectricity is generally too inefficient for the obvious application - to 
put into an automobile exhaust system  where one has almost unlimited free 
megawatts of waste heat. Billions of dollars could be saved with the proper TE 

Magnetocalorics (spin-calorics) could change low expectations, erase past 
failures  and open up a new area of engineering to prolong the lifetime of the 
ICE and also to retrieve more energy from solar cells and other obvious 
applications… “Ifonly” higher efficiency is possible at reasonable cost. BTW �C 
this promising field was one of the first scams of Andrea Rossi. He used 
tellurides in his abandoned patent application:

In fact,  tellurides have been tried in TEGs for decades, to no avail. The 
better ones incorporate a strategy of “point 
engineering to regulate the electrical and thermal transport. The primary 
dopants used have been tin an antimony. The power factor is seen to  increase 
with proper doping due to reduction of the band gap. In fact, in the new paper, 
they claim to open up an entirely new pathway for conversion gain by  
optimizing the spin-caloric effect. This is novel.

This new material could be also used with LENR  and possibly the Manelas device 
-  but of course these  applications are not mentioned. Bottom line: the  new 
material described in the paper uses Li as a dopant and is said to be a huge 
breakthrough in efficiency although the required temperature is rather high and 
many important details are missing.


Local thermal magnetization fluctuations in Li-doped MnTe are found to increase 
its thermopower α strongly at temperatures up to 900 K. Below the Néel 
temperature (TN ~ 307 K), MnTe is antiferromagnetic, and magnon drag 
contributes αmd to the thermopower, which scales as ~T3. Magnon drag persists 
into the paramagnetic state up to >3 × TN because of long-lived, short-range 
antiferromagnet-like fluctuations (paramagnons) shown by neutron spectroscopy 
to exist in the paramagnetic state. The paramagnon lifetime is longer than the 
charge carrier�Cmagnon interaction time; its spin-spin spatial correlation 
length is larger than the free-carrier effective Bohr radius and de Broglie 
wavelength. Thus, to itinerant carriers, paramagnons look like magnons and give 
a paramagnon-drag thermopower. This contribution results in an optimally doped 
material having a thermoelectric figure of merit ZT > 1 at T > ~900 K, the 
first material with a technologically meaningful thermoelectric energy 
conversion efficiency from a spin-caloritronic effect.
A more simplified story: