Re: [Vo]:Higgs, spin, and an energy-sink

2014-06-11 Thread Bob Cook

Nice reference from Berkeley. 

The Nano Ni in the Rossi system may provide the necessary confinement of 
electrons to split them into spinons and holons.  In the Ni system the low 
energy (.43 ev and 1.4 ev) may make distribution throughout the matrix possible 
with a host of split electrons participating in fractionation of the mass 
energy released in a Ni-H reaction.   The energy would be distributed by 
re-establishment of whole electrons with spin and charge and resulting lattice 
vibrations.  The ash of the reaction would be the new whole electrons along 
with the copper or whatever was formed from the Ni-H combination.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Jones Beene
Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎June‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎54‎ ‎AM

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Jones Beene wrote:

> Any electron getting close to the gateway will be "tightly confined at 
> temperatures close to absolute zero" and the result could be that only the 
> spinon is retained in 3-space, while the holon and orbiton become properties 
> of another dimension.

You can quantify the holon as the mass of the electron but can you
quantify the orbiton?


Here is some relevant information.

Not sure if it can be interpreted as bolstering the case for the spinon being 
relevant to LENR. I wish it were possible to quantify how spin coupling would 
add thermal energy, since it seems that otherwise there could be some validity 
to the hypothesis.

RE: [Vo]:Higgs, spin, and an energy-sink

2014-06-11 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Jones Beene wrote:

> Any electron getting close to the gateway will be "tightly confined at 
> temperatures close to absolute zero" and the result could be that only the 
> spinon is retained in 3-space, while the holon and orbiton become properties 
> of another dimension.

You can quantify the holon as the mass of the electron but can you
quantify the orbiton?


Here is some relevant information.

Not sure if it can be interpreted as bolstering the case for the spinon being 
relevant to LENR. I wish it were possible to quantify how spin coupling would 
add thermal energy, since it seems that otherwise there could be some validity 
to the hypothesis.

Re: [Vo]:Higgs, spin, and an energy-sink

2014-06-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Any electron getting close to the gateway will be "tightly confined at
> temperatures close to absolute zero" and the result could be that only the
> spinon is retained in 3-space, while the holon and orbiton become properties
> of another dimension.

You can quantify the holon as the mass of the electron but can you
quantify the orbiton?

RE: [Vo]:Higgs, spin, and an energy-sink

2014-06-10 Thread Jones Beene
How do you split the electron? 

At one time this was considered impossible, then it became a mathematical
abstraction, then a controversial experiment and later: "let me count the
ways"... :-)

Aside from the FQHE, we should consider that two years ago an accredited
research team observed an electron being split into two "quasi-particles",
one carrying the particle's spin and the other its orbital movement.

Since the property of spin figures into both magnetism and angular momentum
- which are two out of three of the electron's quantum properties (the other
being electrical charge), we must account for charge to complete the picture
- which itself can be fractionated as in the FQHE. Thus we see many
fractionated parameters, usually prime number fractions, but to take that
finding forward into new territory with LENR, we must propose that some of
the electron properties can be captured in different quasi-particles,
especially the magnon - at the same time as the others are "lost" to

The electron can be theoretically considered as a bound state of the three
properties with the "spinon" carrying the spin, the "orbiton" carrying the
orbital location and the "holon" carrying the charge, but in certain
conditions any of the three can behave as independent particles, just as the
electron disappears.

However, this has seldom been seen in physics, outside of LENR as a possible
example, except when electrons are tightly confined at temperatures close to
absolute zero. This is where the gateway to negative energy comes into play.
Any electron getting close to the gateway will be "tightly confined at
temperatures close to absolute zero" and the result could be that only the
spinon is retained in 3-space, while the holon and orbiton become properties
of another dimension.

Here is a new/old "spin" on LENR. 

Executive summary: the energy gain in LENR can be described
as "retained spin energy" - involving the Higgs particle as an energy sink.

We speculated about the Higgs <-> LENR connection some time
ago - and the elements xenon, cesium barium, lanthanum and cerium - all of
which have isotopes in the proper range of mass-energy. But that connection,
as interesting as it is, apparently leads us nowhere towards explaining

Look at it in another way. In order to see the Higgs
particle at the LHC, terawatts of beam energy are collided at a point in
space, resulting in a basic "particle" of mass-energy near 125 GeV having a
fractional second of existence. One perspective of this discovery is that
the "particle" was always present in another dimension, but was hidden,
being very cold and dark relative to its surroundings. Therefore, the Higgs
is best described as an "energy sink" for a quantum of mass-energy and NOT
as a particle per se. 

As a practical matter, we then ask ourselves: can we access
this Higgs energy-sink from our 3-space via a gateway and end up with gain
instead of loss? The answer is yes, but it is a complicated argument.

From a prior post: our gateway to the Higgs in 3-space would
be an interface at something close to Planck dimensions. It would be cold
from our perspective, since it is an interface with negative energy. The
"coldest nucleus" can be defined as the most energy-depleted... which is the
same way of saying - having the highest binding energy per nucleon.
Nickel-62 is the coldest nucleus in nature with the highest binding energy
per nucleon (8.8 MeV). 

Is there anything else which can make the case for nickel as
a gateway to Higgs?  On the surface, one AMU is very close to one GeV making
Ni-62 at first glance seem to be about half the mass-energy of the Higgs,
but that approximation is rough, even if we are talking about a resonant
gateway to a heat sink, instead of a heat source. In order to find the
putative manner in which the Higgs may be relevant to LENR, the relationship
between positive energy and negative energy will be important. So the
further question is - if nickel can serve as gateway to the Higgs
energy-sink in another dimension - how do we convert any resource in our
3-space into positive energy by way of an energy sink? 

IOW, if this line of reasoning were to be productive for
understanding LENR, we would need to find a "medium" of energy transfer,
which will be a common and divisible particle which we can "sacrifice" at
low cost - in the sense of keeping a fraction of its energy for local use,
and sending the rest of it into the energy sink.  This has led to the
conclusion that the medium is "ground", in the sense of a source of free

Strange as it sounds, high amperage current going into a
device in such a way that a fraction of the electrons are actually lost