Re: [Vo]:People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-28 Thread Axil Axil
None of us live in the honesty of the objective universe; a cold and
uncaring domain where brutal science holds sway. Such a frigid and unfeeling
place is far to large and painful for us to bear in the lives we live.

We each of us are artists who paint our world as in a dream born darkly in
fading memories, prejudices, and reeling from the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune that color our lives. And in the illusion of our dream we
seek solace and the strength to keep going.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

  I wrote:

 If Jobs seriously believes that without him there would be no proportional
 fonts in modern computers, he is delusional. . . .

 to call it a lie is an overstatement, because even Jobs knows this isn't
 true, and he must know he is not fooling anyone.

 I mean he is not fooling anyone who knows the history of computers.

 Jobs got the idea for the Mac when he saw a Xerox Parc computer. The Parc
 had proportional fonts, and many other innovations that Jobs later took
 credit for.

 Modesty is not his strong suit.

 On the other hand, Xerox never even tried to sell the Parc, whereas Jobs
 went through hell getting the Lisa and then the Mac to market. That's genius
 enough. I don't begrudge him his fame or money.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-28 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Jed, there many plausible explanations why Rossi did lie. One of my guesses
is that Rossi did lie to Krivit, because he insulted him and others
therefore he denied the E-Cat demo from Krivit. It depends only your
imagination how many similar and plausible scenarios there might be.

It may be difficult to find how he would benefit from lying in so obvious
manner, but if Rossi has the real thing, then there is no way that there is
any harm done even if he lied.

Obviously Rossi does not want that mass media will reach E-Cat until
October. As media got too interested in May and early June, it made
perfectly sense that he wanted to discredit himself. Presenting silly
demonstration to overly scientific journalist, is the best way to tarnish
own reputation. And there has not been much media attention since.

Logic is simple. If Rossi had wanted that we believe him, he would have
taken a swimming pool and and boiled all the water away. This did not
happen, but only unconclusive short demonstrations. Therefore Rossi does not
want publicity outside cold fusion circles. There was, however significant
media attention because Swedish and particularly Mats Lewan took it
seriously. Therefore making silly Demonstration in June was good opportunity
to send a message that demonstrations were dubious, please do not bother me
before October.
