Re: Media tracking of Bubble Fusion Story

2006-03-09 Thread Jones Beene

Sorry previous message went out a little on the unripe side...

...did you (or the media) pick up on that little detail ??

...should have been a little clearer on the identity of another 
possible "bad apple" ... or is that "bad orange" ...

"Mr. Naranjo [the whistle blower] said that the pattern of 
particles seen in the experiment much more closely matched that 
given off by californium, a radioactive element that is used in 
Dr. Taleyarkhan's laboratory."

The press ran this blurb almost without question, even though Mr. 
Naranjo is an undergrad who is working with Putterman on a 
competing device and even though this new Taleyarkhan report was 
extremely embarrassing to Putterman, due to his BBC 'slime job'... 
now totally discredited.

Not to mention the "pattern of  particles" [sic] does NOT match 
californium, but I guess the media was a bit to lazy to check with 
someone other than an undergrad working on a competing project

It should be noted that "With $350,000 from the Defense 
Department, Seth J. Putterman, a professor of physics at U.C.L.A. 
is the thesis adviser to Mr. Naranjo," and 'reportedly' has tried 
to build a replica of Dr. Taleyarkhan's apparatus but has not seen 
any signs of fusion, YET he has his own competing LENR device 
which he claims does work ... and he is trying to distance himself 
from Taleyarkhan's sonofusion device... which BTW is far more 
robust, than Putterman's and has far greater potential to 

Academic jealousy is slimier than anything on the morning soap 


Re: Media tracking of Bubble Fusion Story

2006-03-09 Thread Jones Beene
Another huge problem with the bulk of media coverage on this story 
is that even if Taleyarkhan or someone else turns out to be a "bad 
apple" in terms of credibility, which may indded be the 
'proximate' case...

...they failed to look at the numerous other work in the field - 
some of it superior in a number of ways - PLUS - just like the 
case with the BBC using Putterman, as their  agent-provocateur, 
who it turned-out was also a likely jealous-suitor with a 
"competing" device (LENR but claimed to "really" be hot fusion) 
this new whistle blower has one too ...

...did you (or the media) pick up on that little detail ??


Re: Media tracking of Bubble Fusion Story

2006-03-09 Thread Philip Winestone

Hi Richard... nice hearing from you.

I'm the new guy on the Vortex block.  I've been in communication with Steve 
Krivit, and a few weeks ago had the pleasure of meeting him in person, when 
I was in California.  He put me in touch with Vortex.

 I'm not the most patient of people, and I've been hanging around 
"Cold Fusion" ever since it started.  When I saw the very nasty (and very 
closed-minded) reaction to what these two Chem Eng professors had come up 
with, I was immediately incensed to the point where I smelled several 
rats.  I'm a Chemical Engineer myself, and I've never met a professor who 
made some of the elementary mistakes thrown at the media by the 
professional debunkers.

Steve Krivit is exactly what Cold Fusion (I call it LENR to prevent the 
usual automatic reaction) needs.  My tack - and Steve knows this - is that, 
as I said in my posting, we need solid applications asap, even if they 
don't yet operate at the theoretical peak efficiency.  Why?  Because as 
with the automobile and all major inventions - even the humble light bulb - 
it's ordinary people who make the ultimate decision to accept or not, and 
the only way to get ordinary people involved is to offer them the prospect 
of something extremely attractive... preferably before some government 
naysayer enacts some legal obstacle to its use, which is quite likely these 
days.  Unfortunately, the average person knows very little about nuclear 
physics, so the only alternative, as I see it, is to show them a working unit.


At 08:01 AM 3/9/2006 -0600, you wrote:

Winestone wrote..

>Like I tell people all the time; the ONLY way to prove that any of the 
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions actually work in a practical sense, is to 
quickly incorporate each into a simple prototype working 
device.  Scientists - especially the closed-minded (non-intuitive) ones - 
can spend endless hours debating how many angels can dance on a pinhead, 
but when an actual physical device is operating continuously according to 
what looks like a new paradigm, it's very difficult to argue that the 
reason for the original results of the bench study was that the test tube 
was dirty.

Howdy Philip,

The tides of time have a way of "flushing" the estuaries of science. 
Overlooked in the reports are the undercurrents of interest by the science 
community. Steven Krivit of New Energy Times again 
demonstrates  integrity, class and style  with his factual reporting and 
analysis by listing the chronology of the " breaking" stories. The 
accelerating interest in new energy research is the " story". The trials 
and tribulations of one scientist is irrelevant.

Let facts be submitted to a candid world. We can handle the facts.


Re: Media tracking of Bubble Fusion Story

2006-03-09 Thread RC Macaulay

Winestone wrote..
>Like I tell people all the time; the ONLY way to prove that any of the 
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions actually work in a practical sense, is to quickly 
incorporate each into a simple prototype working device.  Scientists - 
especially the closed-minded (non-intuitive) ones - can spend endless hours 
debating how many angels can dance on a pinhead, but when an actual physical 
device is operating continuously according to what looks like a new paradigm, 
it's very difficult to argue that the reason for the original results of the 
bench study was that the test tube was dirty.
Howdy Philip,
The tides of time have a way of "flushing" the estuaries of science. 
Overlooked in the reports are the undercurrents of interest by the science 
community. Steven Krivit of New Energy Times again demonstrates  integrity, 
class and style  with his factual reporting and analysis by listing 
the chronology of the " breaking" stories. The accelerating interest in new 
energy research is the " story". The trials and tribulations of one scientist is 
Let facts be submitted to a candid world. We can handle the facts.

Re: Media tracking of Bubble Fusion Story

2006-03-09 Thread Philip Winestone

Like I tell people all the time; the ONLY way to prove that any of the
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions actually work in a practical sense, is to
quickly incorporate each into a simple prototype working device. 
Scientists - especially the closed-minded (non-intuitive) ones - can
spend endless hours debating how many angels can dance on a pinhead, but
when an actual physical device is operating continuously according to
what looks like a new paradigm, it's very difficult to argue that the
reason for the original results of the bench study was that the test tube
was dirty.

At 02:37 AM 3/9/2006 -0800, you wrote:
The New York Times breaks a
preview of the main story 23 hours ago
University to Investigate Fusion Study
Nature breaks the full story with a 4-part splash 14 hours ago.
A sound investment?
Bubble fusion: silencing the hype
Is bubble fusion simply hot air?
Bubble bursts for table-top fusion
Reuters runs this erroneous lead 13 hours ago, based on the Nature story,
and starts to call it cold fusion:
University checks "bubble fusion" fraud claim 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Purdue University is investigating complaints
about a scientist who claimed to have achieved "cold fusion"
using sound waves to make bubbles in a test tube, the university said on
Then, 11 hours ago, CNN repackages the same Reuters story and calls it
cold fusion in the title
Purdue probes 'cold fusion' fraud claim
UPI picked up the story 7 hours ago, apparently based off the NYT
Purdue investigates professor's research
AP does their own original reporting and puts their story out 4 hours
Purdue probes 'tabletop fusion' study
At about 23 hours after the first NYT story broke, Google News reports
that this story has appeared in 54 news outlets.
Based on a very quick analysis, only four outlets apparently have done
original reporting on this story and everyone else is ripping and reading
2 of the 3 wire services apparently did not do original
Washington Post (Perhaps the most best report so far) T+24hrs
Tabletop Fusion' Research Under Review
NYT does follow-up story at T+24hrs EST
Scientist Says He Stands by Fusion Data
LA Times has several direct and indirect allegations of fraud from
Suslick and Putterman.  Perhaps the most slanderous and inaccurate
article so far. T+25hrs
College Reviews Physicist's Tabletop Fusion Claims,1,2142402.story?coll=la-news-a_section
Indianapolis Star T+25hrs
Purdue scientist is under scrutiny
Boston Globe reprints Reuters story, reuses CNN title  T+25hrs
Purdue investigates scientist over 'cold fusion' claims
Google News reports a total of 67 stories at T+30hrs EST