Terry Blanton writes,
> > ... not that there's anything wrong with that...
> Ah-hah! 'Fess up, Jonesie. It's yours, innit?
Nah... You don't really think I could write something like,
"There is no hope for this world with academic egghead
physics, which amounts to intellectual masturbation, self
gratification, and peer ego stroking Only endless wars,
pollution, environmental destruction and great expense for
energy, which could be produced practically without cost!"
Pretty extreme, I'd say. After all, there is always a
practical cost, and what about ...
"Religious hypocrites, like Bush, Rice and Ashcroft have
hijacked our country. They claim they own the values and
morality of our country. These fools are an abomination to
the memory of Paine, who... created a Republic, which
protected the rights of each and every individual. A
democracy protects only the rights of the members of the
dominant mob."
[Give me a break, what did Condie do wrong... except maybe
tow-the-company-line a little too intelligently for her
critics (and get her 'do' at Donald Trump's hair-dresser)?
...and, just out of curiosity, why leave out the mastermind
of the whole thing ABC axis-of-evil thing, anyway?]
"The dominant mob right now is a lot of weirdo religious
dopes, who believe in fairytale mythologies as if they were
real historical truths. They support the president because
he claims he has been "born again"... etc, etc, ad nauseum.
Whew... way too extreme for this "born again" (can anyone
ever reach noetic maturity without the equivalent experience
?), testifying to the fact that Buddha, Allah, Torah and
Jesus can get along just fine without either Dem/wits or
Repugs running the show... At least cynics like myself will
try to give equal-opportunity criticism to both sides of
every political issue, and I heard no mention of
specially-flavored cigars, etc...
Plus, there are not nearly enough spelling errors for
me to have been involved.
Not to mention, all former mythologies which pass the "test
of time" ARE historical truths, but do we really want to get
into epistemology today ...