Re: [vox-tech] SURFboard SBG900 opinions

2009-12-03 Thread Bill Broadley
Aaron Brayton wrote:
> Hello again everyone!
> I'm looking to outfit my parents with high sped internet.  They still 
> use dial-up.
> I've found an offer through comcast for $29.99 for six months, $100 
> rebate and a free Motorola SURFboard SBG900.

I've been tempted by deals like that, but when I call I ask what the price I
after pay for month 7 and they waffle and say it's impossible to tell.  How
long are you contracted to stay with comcast?

> (If someone knows of a better offer, please let me know.)
> Does anyone have feedback for the SBG900?  Can you connect a USB printer 
> to the USB port on the modem to 'network' the printer?

I'd google for that, I found a wealth of info on what you could use USB ports
for.  I was researching 802.11n linux access points and the support from
various community distributions.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] SURFboard SBG900 opinions

2009-12-03 Thread Aaron Brayton
Hello again everyone!

I'm looking to outfit my parents with high sped internet.  They still 
use dial-up.

I've found an offer through comcast for $29.99 for six months, $100 
rebate and a free Motorola SURFboard SBG900.

(If someone knows of a better offer, please let me know.)

Does anyone have feedback for the SBG900?  Can you connect a USB printer 
to the USB port on the modem to 'network' the printer?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MySQL question: making stats out of orders

2009-12-03 Thread Brian Lavender
What if you just use RRD tool?

On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 05:32:20PM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Ok, so I've got a few queries our website does that
> are used to determine which products are 'top sellers'
> in the past 90 days' worth of sales.
> Right now, this involves joining the product table
> with the orders table, by way of an items-in-the-order table.
> In other words, to figure out what sold the best in the
> last 90 days, it's something like:
>   SELECT * FROM products
>   JOIN orderitem ON = orderitem.productid
>   JOIN orders ON = orderitem.orderid
>   WHERE orders.timestamp >= { 90 days ago }
> As time goes on, our records or orders, order items, and
> actual products all keep growing.  That means this task
> gets more and more intensive.
> Now, we've got some statistics tables set up for other
> purposes -- how many times a product was viewed,
> as well as when any particular logged-in-users last
> visited particular items, which allows us to do the
> "people who recently looked at X also recently looked at Y".
> I'm thinking we could do something similar for sales,
> to simplify the "top sellers" queries.  They'd hit
> a single stats table (which could, on a daily basis,
> be cleared of any >90-days-ago entries), rather than
> having to JOIN two large tables that go back to day 1.
> My current problem -- no doubt due to lack of brain power
> at the end of the day -- is how to take the CURRENT data
> from the orders and orderitem tables so that I can do an
> initial population of a new stats table.
> Our "views" stats table, for example, is something
> along the lines of:
>   productid, date, views
> where those first two columns act as a key.  (Date is at the
> 'day' level of granularity.)
> And we count a view like so:
>   INSERT INTO views (productid, date, views) VALUES (###, NOW(), 1)
>   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE views=views+1
> In other words, the first time a product is viewed on any given day,
> we insert a new row, otherwise we update its existing row.
> Anyone feel like flexing their MySQL muscles and provide some
> ideas on how to populate a similar table (tracking sales) based
> on the orders/orderitem table combo explained above?
> Thanks.  Sorry for asking you to do my (home)work for me.
> -- 
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list

Brian Lavender
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