On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:40:08AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Gandalf Parker (gand...@community.net):
> > But I am going to save it. If all a person knows is PHP I can see where it 
> > might be the shortest route.
> The PHP interpreter can also be used locally (e.g., via phpsh) without
> involving a Web server at all.

Or just 'php' (not 'phpsh', which is an interactive shell for PHP).


  $ php somescript.php

or even just put a shebang in at the top of the PHP file, and set it exec,

  $ cat > junk.php
  echo "Hello world\n";
  $ chmod 700 junk.php
  $ ./junk.php
  Hello world

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