[vox-tech] fg a hidden window (chbg)?

2002-04-19 Thread Ajay

Hey guys,

Just had a (hopefully simple), though not too urgent question.  I
was playing with chbg, and I hit the 'Hide window' option by mistake.  I'm
using icewm, and I can't find any references to the window anywhere.  Does
anyone know how I can make the window show up, either by a ice (or other
wm), chbg trick, or other method?  I'm not too familiar with the concept of
window hiding either, so..
(And this IS different from the normal icewm 'Hide' window feature, because
window hidden that way are still able to be found!)
(Just switched to afterstep & wmaker, don't seem to know about it either)

(And if you were curious, it's still running, and I hadn't saved its cfg, so
that's why I wanted to bring it fg instead of just doing a 'kill.'  And I
reckon that figuring this out might increase my X knowledge too.. ;)

Just.. a quirky occurrence to me.  So..!

TIA (if that made sense! ;)


Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] +'d email addresses

2002-02-24 Thread Ajay

Hola guys,

* Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020222 00:33], about 
> [vox-tech] +'d email addresses:
:Does anyone know what mail servers support [EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
:[EMAIL PROTECTED] style alaising?

Ooo, my beloved topic topic. ;)  As mentioned, any server software that
supports rewriting would be able to support it.  Out of the box, I know
postfix has a simple (single yes/no) option you can enable for it, which is
what I'm using right now.
I also set up a (relatively simple) rewriting rule with Exim that I can
provide if desired.  (I just looked at the other recipes I saw, and
basically copied, so nothing fancy..)

As mentioned I love to use this, for address munging.  I'd like to
know when/where my addresses were harvested from, so that's what I use this
for.  (I try to do the same thing with my snail mail address too, but I'm
too lazy to keep track of that though.. ;)
(There are also some really nice things you can do with this if you're using
Cyrus as an IMAP server..)



BTW: Everyone, if you can remember to not reply to list msgs and change the
subject, but instead send a new/fresh mail to the list, it would be
appreciated.  (It's confusing/annoying when this message is grouped with
msgs about pine.. (which could theoretically be related, but obviously

Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] help -- server side include isn't working

2002-02-03 Thread Ajay

Did you edit access.conf, or do you have a .htaccess file in that directory
that might be overriding your universal access.conf file?  You've told it
what a .shtml file is, but you've not yet told it that you're allowed to do
anything with it.  late..


Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [p@dirac.org: Re: [vox-tech] Questions about building my own box]

2002-01-16 Thread Ajay

briefly.. Hola..

* Richard Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020116 21:13], about 

:mentioned sending to him.  This is, in my opinion, a very serious breach 
:of standard internet protocol.

Please go ahead and read laws on email privacy.  They all basically say
'you have none,' and basically all fall on common sense.  (Which is what a
lot of our laws are based on (I think the DMV manual explicitly states this
too ("use common sense"))).  We all know email is as secure as a postcard,
and that's one reason.  The more important, and common sense reason, is that
you don't want to say anything to anyone (over email) that you wouldn't want
public, you can by no means guarantee, or even expect, the privacy.  I say
this is common sense because this is true in the "real" world.  The only
thing is the online world occassionally allows for people to be left more

I don't think I wish for this list to be a meritocracy (a la svlug), but as
I've been .. (not flamed or attacked, something.. subtler) .. harassed
personally, by Peter, about not posting before spending the initial research
steps, I'd say that another person writing statements along similar lines
should be allowed.  (And when I posted to say that I had done work before
posting, the reply was redirected, and basically my post was 'modded down',
as far as the medium goes, and even ignoring my useful content, at that.)

If one wanted to ask for good sites to do hw research (anandtech, tom's, etc
etc there are so many nowadays), that should be a reasonable query, because
again, there are so many.  (and some are supposedly biased in a myriad of
ways.)  (The reason for this of course is none of us can be acclaimed to be
hw experts, so soliciting our opinion on lesser known/used products..)
(If it means anything, Takashi's was the most specific of all the responses
I saw.(in terms of content))

As for building a computer, I've found out that's it's really a lot harder
than one would imagine (this coming from someone who's done several), due to
the nature and sensitivity of motherboards today, so it's not something to
be easily recommended either, imho.

:On a separate note, I would say that whoever created and maintains a 
:mailing list has the right to say what goes on on that list.

This goes into the realms of censorship, trademark of a dictatorship.

I believe that lugod (like linux) is a community onto itself, and as such
would be subject to community standards/rules/regulations, not Ex Post Law.
(created by a single supreme arbiter with punishments created at the same
time as the laws.)
(or anarchy in the internet sense of the word.)

>-- End of excerpt from Richard Crawford

That's all (more than enough, 'eh? ;) from me, and I'm more shedding an
opposing viewpoint that I think is very important, in our day and in the
linux community.  Too often the linux-ers are prone to flaming each other,
and I don't know why.  Maybe Linux is meant to be a meritocracy, but that
still wouldn't explain the lack of love.  (again, community folks!)
And to reiterate, no ex post facto law, if you want to put something into
writing, do it (eg mailing list guidelines) and have it approved by the body,
(at least, I think that's a good idea, at least I'm tired of all the dopes
that quote (in their reply) EVERY line of EVERY reply in the thread.  Eek,
that has to go!  But.. (and that's the biggest complaint about outlook
users, actually.. ;) )

whatever, definitely into ramblings now.  Now all you kids should ask
yourselves if those flames were useful, productive, enjoyable, etc etc.  if
not, please refrain from flaming. Anyone.  Anytime.  (all the time.)


Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sshd dying on debian (potato)

2001-12-30 Thread Ajay

* Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011229 15:00], about 

:this reminds me of ajay asking why networked printing didn't work.  i
:suggested that he look at /var/log/messages.  i don't think he liked
:that suggestion because it took him a couple of days to get around to
:looking at the logs and said that in the meantime he wanted another
:solution.  nobody offered one.

>-- End of excerpt from Peter Jay Salzman

JUST to clarify!  ;)

I Always look at the log files.  In fact, on my own machine I have tail (or
colortail) -f running of various log files on various consoles.  (or
sometimes on xterms, especially when it's on other systems..)

What I didn't like was putting lpd in verbose mode, because I had already
previously put lpq in verbose mode, and it was INSANE.  I usually find
workarounds to problems (like logging into the print server and printing it,
which also lets me know printing works locally), then get around to fixing
them 'when I have time'/later.
(And I fixed it because I happened to notice it referring to a different
config dir than I had expected, I'm sure someone who didn't realize the
significance of that would have obtained nothing from putting lpr in verbose

sshd though isn't as verbose as lpr/LPRng, so putting that in verbose mode
won't be as bad.  That definitely sounds important though, ssh dying that
is.. (more urgent/etc too) Especially considering all the ssh exploits, that
also makes it that much more of a good idea to be running a recent version. 
And I'd definitely check (eg google) if many others are having that problem,
it shouldn't be that hard to find.  Heck, just check the ssh list archives
might be best, actually.

Actually, just realized Bill said potato, so that means ssh1, v1.2.x
(1.2.3 or 1.2.27 prob), and if there are problems with it dying, you should
be able to check the debian list archives, that would definitely be your
best bet, assuming it's not pilot error in some way. ;)
(And the security issue is probably moot if your ssh pkg is up to date,
1.2.3-9.3 it looks like.)



Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LPRng ?

2001-12-17 Thread Ajay

Hi again,

* Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011217 13:53], about 

:ok.  but that should be the starting point.   :)

No doubt. ;)

: there *has* to be logs on the server.  on debian, it should go under
: /var/log/daemons.

I don't know why there aren't any logs.  syslog has them listed, printcap
has them listed, I'm not sure.  I'll look at that later though.  (yes,
Debian of course.)

:3. run the spooler daemon with whatever verbose switches there are.
:4. try to run the job on the client machine.  see what happens.

So yeah, I ran it from the console, debugging too.  This worked and didn't.
It worked as expected, major verbosity (just like running lpd/lp w/
verbosity.  Aye!), aka that was annoying. ;)

But it had the chance side benefit of making a reference to
/etc/lprng/printcap.  "Huh?!" I said?  Then I looked at /etc/lprng, saw the
aforementioned lpd.conf and lpd.perms files.  I was wondering why those
files were missing before!  (So I hide now!)
(And of course, diff /etc/lpd.perms from Deb2.2 vs /etc/lprng/lpd.perms
(Progeny 1.0 install), two lines added to latter, what's the important one?
'REJECT NOT SERVER/'.)  HM!  Arg.  Ack.  Eek!

I think 'using the source' is different from 'reading the logs', if people
actually suggest debugging by reading source, that's.. weird.  I actually
did do that a little (since it showed up many times in my google search!),
and there were many reasons 'no connect permissions' would show up, as I
recall.  But anyways.

And LPRng doesn't seem to read its log files on the fly, so I did kill the
one on the console, and then I just started it up using its startup script.

One thing I thought was kind of curious was that, in the verbose logging,
the request said it was coming from my public IP address, instead of my 10.
IP address.  (The server in question is ONLY the print server.)
(Obviously that doesn't make much sense since that shouldn't work, if it
wasn't responding back to a 10. IP, but.. I have a mildly funny config, so
maybe that's why. ;)

:nah.  already written.  :-)   i've been reading a book on .procmail that i
:got at nerdbooks.  it gets high recommendations; i'm thinking the club should
:have a copy for loans.  it's that good.

>-- End of excerpt from Peter Jay Salzman

Hmm, I'm semi-curious to see your recipe.  The one I have works via formail
-r, so it includes their entire email, then at the bottom puts "don't send
html", which isn't completely effective, and I haven't gotten around to
playing with it yet.

So yeah, thanks again for the help guys, and arg on Debian for moving paths
between releases.  (At least, I assume the /etc/lprng is a woody-ism)  Well,
Whatever.  I ramble now.  late!


(Ohh, and only need to reply to the procmail one, if you do prob chg the
subject, rest is me just rambling. ;)

Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] LPRng ?

2001-12-17 Thread Ajay

Hola guys,

First, for Henry, just running lpq will get me 'no connect permission', so
it's nothing about WHAT I'm printing.

* Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011215 09:18], about 
> Re: [vox-tech] LPRng ?:
:1. have you started the spooler daemon using verbose logging?  that would be
:   the first step.  by default, it's not turned on.

No, I haven't.  I did try either lpr or lp with verbosity, and I
wasn't sure what to do with that, it printed a LOT of info.  I'd assume the
server (lpd) would do the same?  But I'll check that out.

:2. have you looked at logs for both client and server?

I can find no logs on the server, even though I see the lf= on the server's
printcap file.

And incase it wasn't clear from the previous message, logging into the
server and printing a file works fine, it's just that the server for some
reason doesn't want to allow clients to connect/print/whatever.  Any other
thoughts appreciated, otherwise I'll try the Debugging/Verb output when I
get a chance a little later.  Thanks for the replies!


:   ** Please don't send me html email **

I found a site that has procmail rules to auto bounce that, if interested..  ;)

Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] LPRng ?

2001-12-15 Thread Ajay

Hi guys,

I hooked up a notebook to a printer to act as a print server (easier
than moving the printer ;), using LPRng, and I can print fine from localhost
- I tested that.  However, it is not allowing me to print remotely, and I'm
not sure how to figure out 'why'.  All I get is 'No connect permission'.
(And a google search didn't help much.  I created lpd.conf and lpd.perms
files per that search, to no avail.)
I've had a recommendation (from a #debian er) to switch to CUPS, but it
seems like that would require me to remove lprng from both hosts, which I'm
not ready to do yet.

Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated, ttyl!

(I'll look into this a little more later, better jet for now..)


Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Locking a console?

2001-11-29 Thread Ajay

Oh that's much better than fortunelock!

(I'm wondering if it can do fortunes or matrix stuff on the console at the
same time?  At the size of the archive probably not in the default inst..)
(Or if there's a program that would do that.  That was the problem I was
having with fortunelock though, it was kinda weak, and only the current
console, so yeah, vlock sounds very cool.)

(I'm also curious if 'all console access' includes serial/whatever, I guess
it would.)


Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] dict!!

2001-06-06 Thread Ajay

hey guys,

I just found this program, and I'm one step closer from having 0 web
dependance.  (Some simple tasks, to me, the web is too cumbersome for.  Once
I can figure out how to do a whois lookup of an IP, I'll be set. ;)
'apt-get install dict' in Debian, I don't have a URL for it otherwise, other
than something I noticed in the doc dir: ftp.dict.org/pub/dict 

This is a client program, it connects to a dictd, a dictionary server (!!)
that's running either locally or on the internet somewhere, and gives you
the results from several different sources.  (Depending on what the server
is configured to return.)

Here's an example of someone running a dictd they've made available..


(he's from svlug, which reminds me, I completely forgot about the mtg
(again) d'oh!)

dictionary.com was 'ok' while I used it, but no more for me.  (Well.. maybe I
could use it thesaurus feature, but I've only used it once or twice in my
life.. and I guess that would be thesaurus.com or something. ;)

see ya!


(hmm.. I was just thinking if there would be utility to Lu-GoD running a
dict on their server with their own definitions file added?  Nah, it would
probably be better in a html page, if it got too cumbersome then that'd be a

Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."

[vox-tech] list(s) being harvested?

2001-03-24 Thread Ajay

If somebody's already mentioned this, then sorry I missed it!
In any case, this message got caught by my spam filter, and yeah, it seems
like somebody getting the list's email addresses and using them for spam.
(At least I'm assuming some/many of you got htis email as well..)

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Received: from moonriver.m5.ntu.edu.tw (moonriver.m5.ntu.edu.tw [])
by mail.cjb.net (8.11.2/8.11.2) with ESMTP id f2LK4Uk00875
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:04:30 -0700 (MST)
Received: from LZN4GETD7 (slip-32-101-105-40.ca.us.prserv.net [])
by moonriver.m5.ntu.edu.tw (8.8.6/8.8.6) with SMTP id EAA06293;
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 04:03:14 +0800 (CST)
DATE: 21 Mar 01 12:08:01 PM
X-Reject: Did not have exactly 1 valid Message-Id:
Content-Length: 1906
Lines: 31

The Internet's Finest and Most Reliable Bulk Email Provider!

[body text snipped, not really important!]

- End forwarded message -

Just thought I should mention it.  I don't know if there's anything we can
do since we're not the ones actually doing the archiving, assuming they got
the addresses from that one place you guys are using for list archives?  If
there's another way they could've gotten it, dunno.
In any case!  What svlug always suggests is munging addresses on the archive
pages, if the option is available to you guys you might want to take it.
(OTOH, I've gotten recruiters contacting me from my posts before which was
interesting, too bad I'm not looking for a new job.  Still, that might be
considered spam, and more bad than good.)


(who doesn't remember which list he should post to.  Ahh well, since my
vox-tech email addy got harvested, hence I'm posting there..)

Milpitas, ca[EMAIL PROTECTED]HempVille, Planet Talarian
"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in..."