[vox-tech] Linux Picture Pattern Login

2016-07-05 Thread Darth Borehd
Is it possible to have a picture click based login for Linux?

Windows 8 and 10 have a "picture login" option where you can use mouse
movements on the screen to authenticate instead of a password.  Is there a
Linux equivalent to this?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] ExoPC Tablet accelerometer rotation

2016-06-23 Thread Darth Borehd
I got a free ExoPC tablet.  The Windows 8 OS on it was messed up, so I
installed Ubuntu 16.04 on it.

So far the touch screen works and I can use the Onboard on-screen KB.  I
can also get a wireless keyboard/mouse working as it has a couple USB

What I can't get working is the automatic screen rotation.  I know it has
an accelerometer in it that can detect screen position, but I need to find
software that will work for it.

I tried upgrading to Unity 8 through the packages but still no joy.

Is there another distro that has accelerometer screen rotation already
baked in?  If not, any suggestions on getting it to work in Ubuntu?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Sharing wi-fi in hotel with Chromecast

2016-05-23 Thread Darth Borehd
I am staying in a hotel with family.

We have the following devices:
Laptop running Linux Mint Mate 17.3
iPhone 4
Dell 7 Android tablet (Wi-Fi only)

We want to be able to stream Netflix and Hulu from one of the mobile
devices to the big TV in the room using Chromecast and one of the mobile
devices without tying up the laptop.  (The laptop frequently has to be used
for work while others are watching the movie.)

The problem is that the hotel's wi-fi is setup for AP isolation.  Devices
on the wi-fi can't talk to each other.

(I already got around the hotel login page by spoofing the Chromecast MAC
on the laptop).

I heard of a windows software called Connectify that lets you re-share your
wi-fi connection over the same adapter.  Unfortunately, I was not able to
get it to run on Wine.

Googling found some articles on setting up the laptop as a wi-fi hotspot
but they all assume you have two adapters (like ethernet to wi-fi).

Any suggestions?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [Lug-nuts] Linux Mint 17 without monitor

2015-09-01 Thread Darth Borehd
I'm not sure how to actually implement this.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:05 PM, <li...@fullsack.com> wrote:

> Screw frys, you've got X.
> http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 07:10:14 -0700
> Darth Borehd <darth.bor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am using a standard Linux Mint 17.2 computer as a Minecraft server
> > (amongst other things).
> >
> > I have it set to auto-login to the desktop and launch the script.  I
> > also have desktop sharing turned on so I can control it via VNC.
> >
> > A curious thing I found is that if the monitor is not plugged in, the
> > X server will not start.  Because the desktop does not load, the
> > Minecraft script does not start and I cannot control it via VNC.
> >
> > I previously had an old version of Ubuntu on the box before upgrading
> > and I did not have this problem.
> >
> > Any ideas how to get around this problem?  I want it to just sit on
> > the shelf and not have a monitor attached.
> ___
> Lug-nuts mailing list
> lug-n...@saclug.org
> http://lists.saclug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lug-nuts
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Linux Mint 17 without monitor

2015-08-31 Thread Darth Borehd
I am using a standard Linux Mint 17.2 computer as a Minecraft server
(amongst other things).

I have it set to auto-login to the desktop and launch the script.  I also
have desktop sharing turned on so I can control it via VNC.

A curious thing I found is that if the monitor is not plugged in, the X
server will not start.  Because the desktop does not load, the Minecraft
script does not start and I cannot control it via VNC.

I previously had an old version of Ubuntu on the box before upgrading and I
did not have this problem.

Any ideas how to get around this problem?  I want it to just sit on the
shelf and not have a monitor attached.
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Linux video editing

2014-04-25 Thread Darth Borehd
What is the best software for editing videos that will be posted to YouTube?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Careto AKA The Mask Malware

2014-03-21 Thread Darth Borehd
Supposedly a sophisticated malware that attacks Windows/Mac/Linux operating

Isn't the only way it can really attack a Linux system is through a Trojan
that somebody runs as root?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Why Mac but not LInux?

2013-06-27 Thread Darth Borehd
I see a lot of games that have Mac versions but not LInux versions.  Why?
Wouldn't it be trivial to get the same program to run on Linux as they run
on Mac because they are both POSIX based?

But even if a company is not going to bother with a Linux version, why is
it easier to use WINE to play the Windows version than it is to find a way
to emulate the Mac version?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Secure Wiping hard drives

2012-05-11 Thread Darth Borehd
We need a fast way to securely wipe hard drives.

Is there really any way to recover data after doing 1 pass writing zeros to
every sector? (This is what we are doing now using the free version of
Active Killbits, but it takes over an hour per hard drive.)

If we repartition and reformat Windows NTFS drives as Ext3, is there any
way to recover data from them?  (We found this method is faster, but are
not sure if it is as secure as the above.)

The company will not pay for a degausser.

Safety requirements prevent us from doing physical destruction of the
sledge-o-matic variety.

We use a computer recycler, but do not trust them 100% to destroy our
data.  We know for a fact that equipment they get from us sit unguarded in
a warehouse for months before destruction.

Interested in hearing opinions on this.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Secure Wiping hard drives

2012-05-11 Thread Darth Borehd
How secure is a single pass zero-fill?  As secure as that.

On 11 May 2012 10:25, Rick Moen r...@linuxmafia.com wrote:

 Quoting Darth Borehd (darth.bor...@gmail.com):

  We need a fast way to securely wipe hard drives.

 _How_ secure?  LLNL actually melts the platters on hard drives retired
 from their security-sensitive computing vaults.

 Commercial operations generally consider DBAN good enough.

 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [Lug-nuts] Secure Wiping hard drives

2012-05-11 Thread Darth Borehd
Anything requiring power tools, sledgehammers, drills, or small bits flying
off is vetoed by the company HR due to safety.  Shotgun is *WAY* out.
(Except for maybe the Texas office).

Vinegar?  Would that really work?  I imagine HR would say no the hydrogen
waste gas too, if not the smell would disrupt the office workers in the
next room.

DBAN takes 2 to 3 hours but is thorough.

And it looks like repartitioning is about as secure as putting a yellow
sticker on it that says erased.


On 11 May 2012 13:54, Mikies Runs Baal mikiesrunsbaal@sbcglobal.netwrote:

  Government standards for a security wipe is a rewrite done 7 times. Many
 manufacturers have a Low-Level Format utility that can be used. However,
 some intelligent drives actually block a LLF, but FALSELY report as

 Dismantling a drive only requires a reassemble to regain access to any
 recoverable data.

 The hammer or shotgun technique does not destroy data. So, any chunks
 large enough can be used to recover partial files.

 Since, data platters are made of metallic alloys like aluminum, they are
 highly susceptible to irrecoverable damage by acids. Drill multiple holes
 in the drive case, and drop in a bucket of vinegar, and forget. BTW, no
 smoking. This method generates lots of hydrogen gas which s highly
 explosive. Best to use in area with lots of ventilation.



 On 5/11/2012 9:32 AM, Darth Borehd wrote:

 We need a fast way to securely wipe hard drives.

 Is there really any way to recover data after doing 1 pass writing zeros
 to every sector? (This is what we are doing now using the free version of
 Active Killbits, but it takes over an hour per hard drive.)

 If we repartition and reformat Windows NTFS drives as Ext3, is there any
 way to recover data from them?  (We found this method is faster, but are
 not sure if it is as secure as the above.)

 The company will not pay for a degausser.

 Safety requirements prevent us from doing physical destruction of the
 sledge-o-matic variety.

 We use a computer recycler, but do not trust them 100% to destroy our
 data.  We know for a fact that equipment they get from us sit unguarded in
 a warehouse for months before destruction.

 Interested in hearing opinions on this.

 Lug-nuts mailing 

 Lug-nuts mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Rescuing NTFS partition

2012-03-19 Thread Darth Borehd
I've rescued data off NTFS disks before with the scrounge program.

On 19 March 2012 19:35, Peter Salzman p...@dirac.org wrote:

 Hi all,

 A 2GB Hitachi drive holding one NTFS partition got hosed.   The drive
 is literally one year old, and my belief is that this is a hardware
 failure, not a filesystem hosing.

 I see the drive in BIOS, so perhaps not all is lost.  Windows fails to
 even acknowledge the drive's existence, so I'm trying to rescue it on
 Linux.  I've never rescued an NTFS partition before.

 Doing some reading I found ntfsclone, so I figured the best thing to
 do would be to make a copy of the drive.   I used:

 ntfsclone --force --rescue -o /ftp/storage.img /dev/sdc1

 but it's basically stuck at 57.71%:

 ntfsclone v2011.4.12AR.4 (libntfs-3g)
 NTFS volume version: 3.1
 Cluster size   : 4096 bytes
 Current volume size: 2000396288000 bytes (2000397 MB)
 Current device size: 2000396289024 bytes (2000397 MB)
 Scanning volume ...
 56.71 percent completed

 which generates entries in /var/log/messages along the lines of:

 Mar 19 21:49:17 satan kernel: [3492239.910141] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdc]
 Sense Key : Hardware Error [current]
 Mar 19 21:49:17 satan kernel: [3492239.910146] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdc]
 Add. Sense: No additional sense information
 Mar 19 21:49:17 satan kernel: [3492239.910151] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdc] CDB:
 Read(10): 28 00 00 62 57 a7 00 00 08 00
 Mar 19 21:50:39 satan kernel: [3492321.522843] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdc]
 Unhandled sense code

 It's not even clear whether ntfsclone is actually *reading* the drive.
  Scanning could just be checking FS integrity.  Anyhow, I was curious
 about something.

 What exactly is the difference between dd (or ddrescue) which is how I
 normally rescued partitions in the past and ntfsclone?   Which tool
 would be more appropriate for rescuing as many files as possible?

 Any words of wisdom from people who been here / done this?

 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [Solution] Gnome Classic on Ubuntu 11.10

2011-10-17 Thread Darth Borehd
Yep, this is why I am still on 10.10.

What were thinking?  Is Jono really OK with this?

On 16 October 2011 17:32, Tony Cratz cr...@hematite.com wrote:

 On 10/15/2011 10:31 PM, Rod Roark wrote:
  Wow, lots of comments from unhappy Ubuntu users there.
  Alex Mandel tech_...@wildintellect.com wrote:
  Since this one is likely to bite a few people very quickly.

 And I will add to the list of not really happy with the new

Even with going back to the Gnome classic they have screwed
things up.

1) I can't find out how to disable the keyboard inactivity
check. I don't want it to dim the display just because I'm not

2) The old system menu is moved and is not as good.

3) I like the top panel with it's apps. I have not found how to
get back to those apps.

4) I have not found out how to change the theme from their
default theme to one I like better.

Just a number of small things which there may be solutions
but I feel they really screwed up with things they should never
have touched in order to force us into this new brain damage
way of thinking.

 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Linux can't play blu-ray??!!??

2011-09-18 Thread Darth Borehd
I have been using a Linux media center computer with Ubuntu 10.04 to play
hulu and Youtube videos as well as play DVDs for a couple of years now.  I
finally upgraded the drive to a blu-ray player and got my first blu-ray

Only to find I can't play it!
Not Totem, VLC, or mplayer will touch it.  I did some searching and the only
thing I could find was some wonky workaraound about streaming it with some
program called makemkv and then watching stream.  When it works at all,
which is not often, it is choppy and has video quality drop outs.  Is there
really no other way to watch blu-ray discs on Linux?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] HTML coding conundrum

2011-08-01 Thread Darth Borehd
Wow that is amazing, thank you.  Is there a way to keep the directory
structure or adjust the formatting?

On 31 July 2011 12:24, Harold Lee har...@hotelling.net wrote:

 You can generate links to a bunch of files using find:

 cd /path/to/parent_directory
 find directory_name -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' -o -name
 '*.gif' \) | while read filename ; do echo a
 href=\$filename\$filename/a; done

 The -o means OR, so you can add more file extensions in the find command.

 You can put this output into your HTML if you just want to generate a bunch
 of links. Or you can use the find command this way to bulk post pictures to
 some online gallery (e.g. a Drupal or Wordpress site) using curl or wget
 instead of echo.


 On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Darth Borehd darth.bor...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have a lot of club media files (pictures, videos, and sound) on a drive
 running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I want to share these media files on the
 Internet.  I figure the best way is to make a webpage with links that
 correspond to the files, so clicking on a link downloads the file or plays
 it in browser.

 The problem is there are thousands of these little files.  I tried
 manually creating links by copying and pasting, but it's taking me to long.

 I tried webmagick, but I found it only works on picture files.  Otherwise,
 it looks to be exactly what I want.

 Any suggestions?

 vox-tech mailing list

 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] HTML coding conundrum

2011-07-29 Thread Darth Borehd
I have a lot of club media files (pictures, videos, and sound) on a drive
running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.  I want to share these media files on the
Internet.  I figure the best way is to make a webpage with links that
correspond to the files, so clicking on a link downloads the file or plays
it in browser.

The problem is there are thousands of these little files.  I tried manually
creating links by copying and pasting, but it's taking me to long.

I tried webmagick, but I found it only works on picture files.  Otherwise,
it looks to be exactly what I want.

Any suggestions?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] (no subject)

2011-06-13 Thread Darth Borehd
My time is limited, but I can try to take a stab at it.

What version of Ubuntu are you running?

On 13 June 2011 12:03, Dr. Denny Scronek pasze...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Hi Linux folks. Remember me ... the guy with the ubuntu infinite login loop
 problem? I still have the same problem and I'm not further along in solving
 it because the guy who was supposed to do this PAYING JOB was a complete
 flake. Fortunately all I lost was time so. This is what I am looking for:

 1. A human being who will step up to the plate and fix my beast.

 2. I live near Sac State. Come to my place, do your magic to my
 satisfation, get paid by an agreed amount, I say Thank You, and that's it.

 taking my beast to a computer store to be worked on by a Windows person.


 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Netflix

2011-03-08 Thread Darth Borehd
Netflix intentional denies Linux clients from using their streaming service
because of DRM.  Please send them letters and phone calls expressing why
this is stupid.

On 6 March 2011 14:21, jimbo evesautomot...@wavecable.com wrote:

 My wife and Iwas renting oscar winner and nominee movies starting from 2009
 until our neighborhood blockbusters closed.  This is our only entertainment
 as we have cut back severly.

 Netflix looks like a great fit.  At 9.99/mo. this is a great deal.  I am
 however behind the times as far as streaming.

 Does anyone stream netflix with Linux programs?  I think xbnc does this.
 Using Linux would have huge advantages over Windblows, I think.

 I also need to find an option to stream to my non wifi tv w/o hooking my pc
 to it.

 One last thing.  I can use an older spare pc and hook it to my tv  but what
 about quality?  Can I get away with a so so gpu but get 1080p pumping out
 my set?   What would be a light weight Linux distro that will let me do
 this?  Maybe I can come to the next installfest and not only have this but


 vox-tech mailing list

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[vox-tech] SAMBA shares sluggish

2010-11-15 Thread Darth Borehd
I have an Ubuntu 10.04 machine that serves SAMBA file shares to other Ubuntu
(10.10 and 9.04) clients and to Windows XP clients.  All clients say that
just recently , the SAMBA shares have slowed down.  It takes longer to see
the list of directories and there is a lag of a few seconds when navigating
each level.  Once you actually get to the files and start working with or
copying them to and from the directory, everything runs fairly quickly.  Any
ideas on what I should check?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] timetunnel xscreensaver

2010-01-23 Thread Darth Borehd
This is a Doctor Who inspired screensaver.  By default it shows the generic
image of a flaming monitor.  I want to restore the real Doctor Who images.
I have the tarball that has them in it, but I don't know where to place
them.  /usr/lib/screensaver doers not work,
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Netflix and Linux

2009-12-30 Thread Darth Borehd
I've been trying to get Netflix's Watch Instantly feature to work on
Linux.  I've installed Moonlight, WINE, and User Agent Switcher for Firefox
(to spoof their website into thinking I am running IE 7).  I tried going
through Boxee too (total bust).  I'm out of ideas.  Anybody been able to
crack this riddle?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Tux Paint, Fullscreen, and dual monitors

2009-12-01 Thread Darth Borehd
If you configure the dual monitors through the Nvidia control panel, set
them for separate X screen logins, and then enable Xinerama, you get the
ability to move windows from one screen to the other.

Tuxpaint --fullscreen expands to fill one of the monitors, but not both.

2009/10/21 Bill Kendrick n...@sonic.net

 On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 10:32:56AM -0700, Darth Borehd wrote:
 I just got a second monitor and use Twinview from the Linux Nvidia
 panel.  I found that Tux paint won't work correctly in full screen
 anymore.  The application is shifted half off the second monitor and
 have to move the mouse several centimetres to the left to click on the

 Sam replies with:

  It may not work at this point.  I'm planning a full review of
  fullscreen support in SDL 1.3 in the next 3 weeks or so.

 :^/  If you experiment and come up with a solution (in terms of how you
 set things up in Twinview and/or the X server), do let me know!

 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Ubuntu not booting after Kernel update

2009-11-24 Thread Darth Borehd
Why LILO?  I can't think of a single thing LILO can do that Grub can not do

If you have an older kernel available in the menu, boot to that.  Then check
for updates again.  Sometimes the headers don't download completely on older
releases.  If so, then install those and try to reboot with the new kernel.

2009/11/23 ALLO (Alfredo Lopez De Leon) a...@novozymes.com

 Hi I have an Ubuntu server 8.04 LTS with 2 TB (RAID 5) of storage space.
 This morning I allowed the system to download and install a bunch of
 updates, along them a Sun Java and a kernel update.
 After the update due to some concerns about a Java application I decided to
 re-boot the server and I got a Lilo error the infamous L 99 99 99 ...  Some
 Google postings suggested to run lilo just to make sure that the info about
 the new kernel was part of the booting sequence.

 After booting with a rescue disk I ran /sbin/lilo and re-boot, the Lilo
 problem was gone but the system now hangs after the BIOS Data Checkup

 I will a appreciate any suggestions.

 Alfredo Lopez
 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Tux Paint, Fullscreen, and dual monitors

2009-10-20 Thread Darth Borehd
Tux Paint is fantastic.  My 4 year old daughter loves it and creates very
impressive pictures.  It seems every day she finds a new feature.

I just got a second monitor and use Twinview from the Linux Nvidia control
panel.  I found that Tux paint won't work correctly in full screen anymore.
The application is shifted half off the second monitor and you have to move
the mouse several centimetres to the left to click on the buttons.

For now, I took out the --fullscreen option and she is using it in a
window.  We'd really like to get it back to fullscreen without having to
disable one of the monitors.  Any ideas?

Also, how come the window doesn't have a maximize button?
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Neverwinter Nights on Linux

2009-10-12 Thread Darth Borehd
I play the Linux version of Neverwinter Nights a lot and have no issues
except one annoying one.

When playing in fullscreen mode, there seems to be no way to minimize, move,
switch applications, or change desktops.  All of my hotkeys seem to be taken
over by the game.  The only ones that work are the the CTRL+ALT+F# keys to
bring up other consoles.  The only way back to the Gnome desktop is exiting
the game completely.  I really want to to be able to check emails and IMs
without having to leave.  I play on a public server so I can't just save the
game and load back where I was.

I can edit the .ini file to AllowWindowedMode=1 but it has no effect.  I can
change fullscreen=1 to fullscreen=0 and be locked into playing in windowed
mode with no option to maximize or go fullscreen, which I don't prefer.

I tried googling how to fix it and found just references to instructions on
a now defunct webpage.

Anybody else have a copy of the referenced instructions or have any other

I run Ubuntu 9.04 and have the proprietary nvidia drivers.
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Most efficient way to wipe hard drives

2009-09-09 Thread Darth Borehd
This is what I've been doing lately. I boot with a Fedora 10 live CD.
Then I mount the hard drive and run

wipe -cifkr /dev/sda1

Then just for good measure, I repartition and reformat over it.

It seems to pretty much shred the files but it takes hours.  Anybody
have a faster and more efficient method?

The requirements:
* No cost and is usable in a business
* Securely erase so well that no proprietary information can be
recovered, by say an experienced attacker with thousands of dollars to
spend on equipment
* Require a minimum of interaction (to free technicians to work on other tasks)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] totally screw up with my ubuntu

2009-08-24 Thread Darth Borehd
I've done many similar things.  As for the wireless, my experience is
not to even bother with ndis wrapper.  If it doesn't work
automatically when you plug it in, go get a different adapter.  Most
major brands are supported, but I've had the best luck with Intel.

2009/8/21 Hai Yi yihai2...@gmail.com:
 never mind, it's my stupidity. I log in from recovery mode, and remove
 a line : @include common-pamkeyring from /etc/pam.d/gdm
 and get my system back


 On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Hai Yi yihai2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello All:

 I was planning to make my ubuntu work wirelessly so I installed a driver for 
 my wireless card (WUSB300N), and during the process, I came across this 
 message the application
 'nm-connection-editor' (/usr/bin/nm-connection-editor) wants acces to the 
 default keyring,Enter password for default keyring to unlock , since none 
 of my passwords I can think of can unlock it, I did some google and take 
 advise to install pam-ring and now i totoal screw up my system: next time I 
 start the ubuntu, before I can enter my user name, a popup window: 
 Authentication failed and it never go away.

 Anyone can help me out? I can't afford to losing my stuff in this machine. 

 Thanks a lot!

 vox-tech mailing list

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