> someone please put me out of my misery and do a talk about cups and
> lprng at lugod!!
> pete

Pete, I think you bring up a very good point!  There are quite a few
talks that we could do that would help out people in general and even
computer professionals.

I am wondering what other people in the group think of having a
mentor/mentoring program?  SAGE (System Administrator' Guild) has such a
program.  I would definately be willing to work with someone that has a
Strenght in an area where I am weak and vice versa.  For an example, I
do not have much experience in setting up printers in Linux/UNIX, but I
have alot of experience with setting printers up in a Windows, Macintosh
and HP3000 network.  I also am certified (to repair/service) on several
different types of printers.  I understand pretty well how HP PCL and
PJL work and how to troubleshoot printer problems.

Maybe we could even have a group mentoring project?  Something like an
online email class or over irc even.  Where we have a couple of
experienced (seasoned) people teaching less experienced people.  The
test could be that the student(s) later give a talk to reinforce what
they have learned.

Any thoughts?
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