I've got an odd problem with my ftp server. I'm running wu-2.6.0(1) my
/etc/ftpaccess is below. The problem is that my collaborator can not
list files in /ftp, which they must to get their ftp client to function
(they are using the Apple client 'Interarchy'). I have no problem
listing files when I log in as an anonymous user locally, but when I go
through my SunOS account at UCB, I have to use ls -l to list files (ls
itself finds no files). Has anyone heard of ftp client-server
incompatibility with listing? Or am I missing the obvious?

class   all   real,guest  *
class anonftp anonymous *  

loginfails 5
readme  README*    login
readme  README*    cwd=*
message /welcome.msg    login
message .message        cwd=*

noretrieve .notar
noretrieve /home/ftp/incoming

upload /home/ftp * no  
upload /home/ftp /incoming yes ftp ftp 0440 nodirs
compress        yes     all
tar             yes     all
chmod           no      guest
delete          no      guest
overwrite       no      guest
rename          no      guest  
log transfers   anonymous,real  inbound,outbound

shutdown /etc/shutmsg
passwd-check rfc822 warn
chmod           yes     real
delete          yes     real
overwrite       yes     real
rename          yes     real

Eric Engelhard

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