Re: [vox-tech] spams originating from my friends server

2004-01-20 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Kendrick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> When I checked my email this morning, I was greeted with what must have been
> about 200 bounced messages.  Spams which someone sent, and used one of my
> addresses as the "From:" line.  So, when the spams hit tons of nonexistant
> or blocking addresses, _I_ ended up with them in my inbox.

Ja.  ;->  I also get a bunch of this sort of thing from people's broken
virus-checking programs, every time a new piece of MS-Windows malware
comes out.

Cheers,   "This is Unix.  Stop acting so helpless."
Rick Moen   -- D.J. Bernstein
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] spams originating from my friends server

2004-01-20 Thread Rob Rogers
On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 11:08:21AM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Thankfully, I check my email on my ISP, so I don't have to download all of
> that junk.  Also, I use Mutt, so it was easy to hit [L]imit, type
> "failure", and then hold the [D]elete key down for a few seconds to wipe
> 'em out.

Or in one step as [D]elete-patern "failure" (as opposed to [d]elete)

Also probably quicker than your limit as [T]ag-pattern [;](apply next
function to all tagged messages) [d]elete

That's the power of programs with more features you can ever remember...
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] spams originating from my friends server

2004-01-20 Thread Bill Kendrick
On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 08:37:31AM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> Often, it turns out that the complainant is fundamentally mistaken, and
> the offending mail never went anywhere near your MTA.  People frequently
> file mistaken reports of this nature because they credulously believe 
> forged "From:" and similar headers, having themselves never learned
> header analysis.  Spammers and creators of malware software typically
> cause headers to be forged in order to evade responsibility and shift
> all blame onto others (such as your friend).

When I checked my email this morning, I was greeted with what must have been
about 200 bounced messages.  Spams which someone sent, and used one of my
addresses as the "From:" line.  So, when the spams hit tons of nonexistant
or blocking addresses, _I_ ended up with them in my inbox.

Thankfully, I check my email on my ISP, so I don't have to download all of
that junk.  Also, I use Mutt, so it was easy to hit [L]imit, type
"failure", and then hold the [D]elete key down for a few seconds to wipe
'em out.

Still pretty damned irritating.  One day I might become one of those
tech-geek-hermits who never use e-mail.  (KIDDING) ;^)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] spams originating from my friends server

2004-01-20 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting karthikeyan.balasubramanian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

>   One my friend has a server with some limited number of hosting.
>   He is managing the whole server through CPanel.  Now he is getting
> complaints from various people that lots of spam is coming from his 
> server.  

Your friend's logical first step is to request copies of the offending
e-mails _with full headers_.  People often fail to comprehend the latter
phrase, or are so unable to use their own mail user agents that they
prove hapless to comply, so that first step can be a challenge. 

Once he is in possession of some sample e-mails, the next step is to 
analyse SMTP headers to determine the mail's origin.  If your friend
doesn't yet know how to do that, he's behind the curve and needs to
catch up.  (What I mean is that it's a prerequisite knack for anyone
running an MTA, for reasons your friend is now finding out.)  The
alt.spam FAQ's tutorial on the subject is as good as any:

Often, it turns out that the complainant is fundamentally mistaken, and
the offending mail never went anywhere near your MTA.  People frequently
file mistaken reports of this nature because they credulously believe 
forged "From:" and similar headers, having themselves never learned
header analysis.  Spammers and creators of malware software typically
cause headers to be forged in order to evade responsibility and shift
all blame onto others (such as your friend).

Once the mail's IP address of origin has been narrowed down, your friend
may no longer bear responsibility for the mail at all.  Alternatively,
if it _did_ enter the SMTP stream at his host, he can examine his logs
to find out from whom, how, and when.

> SMTP port is blocked already

The above is a bit vague.  Blocked from where?  Surely it isn't blocked
from localhost, for example.

Rick Moen  "vi is my shepherd; I shall not font."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Psalm 0.1 beta
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] spams originating from my friends server

2004-01-20 Thread karthikeyan.balasubramanian

  One my friend has a server with some limited number of hosting.

  He is managing the whole server through CPanel.  Now he is getting
complaints from various people that lots of spam is coming from his 

  Now the question is 

1. How to trace which user is sending these spams?
2. How to stop it.  

Additional Info : 
Server Redhat 9.0
Mail Server : Exim
SMTP port is blocked already

  Any inputs are welcome.

Karthikeyan B

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