On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 02:52:31AM -0700, Bill Broadley wrote:
> On a seperate but related topic, the wonderful dingus.  Way cool, it's
> the part of gnome that allows a gnome-term to autorecognize URL's.
> So for instance as I read this email in mutt (in a gnome terminal),
> when the mouse goes over a url it highlights the url (with no support
> from mutt) then I can right click to view it in my favorite browser.  

KDE's Klipper (cut-n-paste clipboard applet in the taskbar) has a feature
which makes this work "anywhere."  If you highlight a recognized string,
it will pop-up a menu giving options as to what to do with it.

So if it sees that you've highlighted:


it pops up a menu asking if you'd like to view that URL in Konqueror,
Netscape, Opera, Links, etc.

Or if it sees something like:


it pops up a menu asking if I'd like to view it with KDE's image viewer.

It's not QUITE as useful as just being able to click or meta-click an
URL, and have it launch a browser right off, but it's nice that it
works EVERYwhere, not just in terminals.  (It doesn't even need to be
a KDE app., either, thanks to the wonders of X11)

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