Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-17 Thread Bill Broadley
I'm going try to keep the signal to noise high.  So I'm going to avoid 
the point/counter point, especially since I agree with Rick.

I'm quite fond of ssh key pairs.  They offer numerous advantages:
* very impractical to brute force
* reduce the exposure of whatever passwords you do use
* if a server is compromised you do not need to change your user
   key pairs.
* Reduces any pressure to have a short/simple password since you
   use don't use them for logins.
* Can restrict a key to running a specific command, very handy to
   allow a user to run one and only one thing.

However as Rick pointed out they aren't magic and can be compromised if 
the client is compromised.  You are pretty much doomed with any system 
if the client is compromised.

The most important thing to start with is physical security.  If you 
eliminate your connection to the internet (often called an air gap) and 
have physical security you have the best security there is.  So even a 
piece of paper in your wallet, or say a palm pilot can be a very secure 
place to store passwords.

Personally I keep my password database encrypted on my phone and do not 
use any network sync functionality with my encrypted database.  So a 
compromise on my phone would sniff my password next time I decrypt the 
database.  I take steps to minimize the risk, but it's certainly higher 
than an offline database.  I do however avoid shoulder surfing risk 
since I can cut/paste without revealing the password to even a very 
sharp eyed attacker.

I actually had one of my users compromised because of the sourceforge 
compromise.  Sourceforge at the time used passwords for ssh access. 
They got compromised and started collecting passwords.  Then started 
logging into machines where users logged in from and compromise those 
accounts.  This is exactly what is prevented with key pairs.  As a 
result they switched from passwords to key pairs.  Exactly the same 
thing happened at with exactly the same result.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-17 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Bill Broadley (

What you said.

> * Authoritative only servers don't cache

Well, yeah, authoritative-ONLY servers would have no use for caching by
definition, as they aren't accepting data from elsewhere.

DNSSEC is definitely quite worthwhile.  I just am mostly wary of people
treating it as if it were magic crypto sauce and the solution to
Internet site authentication and key managment -- when attention to a
few fundamentals elsewhere gets you a lot further.

> * DNS based Amplification attacks are a major issue these days

A lot of this results directly from the widespread reliance on open
recursive servers.  So, Don't Do That, Then -- thus my polite
disagreement with Tony on that key point.

The more I've pondered this problem space, the more attractive 'split
split' DNS (where authoritative and recursive service are completely
decoupled) seems.
If nothing else, having a highly protected recursive-only server that's
as local as possible is a really good idea.  I like having a
localhost-only recursive server, actually, e.g., on laptops -- the last
word in 'can't flood _this_ with spoofed responses'.

> SSH prevents this by using public keys to exchange 
> a secret key, which is used for that session.

However, the keypair (and passphrase) can be stolen on the usage end if
that host has been compromised, and this is how public-key SSH
credentials get stolen and abused all the time.  Example:

The firm where this happened, which I didn't care to identify at the
time, was VA Linux Systems, which was h4x0red by a kiddie in South Lake
Tahoe who'd compromised a university shared computer, used that host to
collect outgoing public-key SSH credentials a developer used to ssh into, escalated to root on that shared host and
installed trojaned /usr/bin/ssh there, then last collected the
public-key credentials of a VA Linux Systems IT Dept. employee (not me!)
who made the error of then sshing or scping inbound into corporate
servers from the shared Sourceforge host.

> * DNSSEC can protect against local ISP

Just to clarify:  If you use the 'forwarders' keyword in BIND9 to
offload traffic to the ISP recursive server, the DNSSEC
capabilities of your local nameserver are going to be undermined.  
Even BIND10 is not yet aimining to fully validate forwarding:  So, Tony, that's yet another
reason not to keep using your forwarding scheme.

> Additionally even if the government did do that, you could immediately 
> notice the change in signing key and if you knew me you could enquire 
> why such a change happened.

This is key point, and bringing the 'temper-evident' quality back into
HTTPS is one of my _other_ current measures, as see below:

> Similar applies to SSL certificates.  If you are worried about secure 
> communications with someone you can store their public key.  While a 
> government can publish a new public key, they can't magically produce 
> the missing private key.
> So even the NSA has to be careful, faking a public key on any kinda of 
> wide scale is lightly to draw significant attention.

Word.  And one step towards making SSL tamper-evident (on the Web) is to
change Web browsers' happy-go-lucky default of saying absolutely nothing
about changes in SSL certs or their CA attestations as long as they
continue to be attested by some CA or other that's in the browser's
keyring.  Those keyrings have proven to be a joke.  Even the Turkish
government has been able to use a captive CA to promulgate forgeries.

One tool for alerting browser users to cert or attestation changes is
Firefox extension CertWatch (Certificate Watch).  It's not very clever;
it just tells you when an SSL cert or its attestation has changed since
last encounter, leaving entirely up to you how to interpret that change
and what to do about it.  That is not a comprehensive solution, but I
find knowing about the fact of a change a great deal better than not

For my own self-signed Web site SSL cert, I carry around its hash value
in my PDA for comparison, same as with my SSH host and personal keys.

> Sadly certificate authorities are anything but trustworthy.  So I prefer 
> the ssh model.

There are some projects to build an alternative to the laughably broken
CA attestation scheme.

> * Pick good passwords, never use them for more than one site/service,
>preferably generated by a machine.  I susggest an open source password
>database like keepass (It works on windows, linux, android, and IOS).

I consider an online password safe program suboptimal because it is
exposed to attack and compromise if your machine is -- albeit it's
hugely better than no password safe at all. 

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-17 Thread Bill Broadley

I've gave a talk a few DNSSEC and DKIM talks and run a few DNSSEC 
protected domains.  I was involved in getting UCD to finally go DNSSEC 
which happened recently.  I was (AFAIK) the first DNSSEC enabled domain 
on campus.  Ah, rats, for years I was the top hit on google for DNSSEC 
and DKIM, but campus was hosting my slides and apparently killed the 
site 8-(.

Some points I wanted to make:
* Name servers have two main categories of functionality, Authoritative
   and Recursive.
* Authoritative only servers don't cache
* Buffer overflows/bugs in implementation certainly exist, but aren't
   a major point of concern these days.  Bind is large, and complex.  But
   sufficiently audited that the serious issues are getting fairly rare.
* DNS based Amplification attacks are a major issue these days
* DNS was by design a VERY insecure protocol, even assuming a perfect
* DHCP suggestions for a name server can get used or ignored.

Traditional MitM (Man-In-The-Middle) involved, er, a man in the middle. 
  So with a telnet connection someone who was between the source and the 
destination could listen in, record the username and password, then 
login from anywhere.  SSH prevents this by using public keys to exchange 
a secret key, which is used for that session.  So not only can someone 
not sniff a ssh connection, but they can't replay a session.

DNS has a much more serious issue.  The default uses UDP, and UDP 
packets don't have a source address.  So you can't tell where the packet 
came from.  So if you ask a DNS server for anyone on the 
planet could send you (or the DNS server) a UDP packet that says is some ip address in Russia.  So it's really 
Man-On-The-Planet, they do have to hit a rather narrow time window though.

Cache poisoning builds on this.  Normally you'd have a very short window 
between a request and a valid response to lie to the DNS server  with a 
forged UDP packet.  But say you can trigger a remote name server, say 
one for a large ISP to look up  Then you know that 
A) it's not going to be cached, B) the DNS server is going to ask RSN, 
and C) since you know ahead of time you can send a valid looking answer 
in the very next packet.  The trick is you'd send two answers, one for and one for  At the time (2008ish) most 
name servers would accept both, and suddenly an arbitrarily large number 
of users would get the forged results.

That however was fixed quite a long time ago, so winning the race 
conditions are hard.  Additional protections have made this even harder, 
but not impossible.  The real fix is DNSSEC.

Neither of the above lets a remote attacker change the address a name 
server forwards to.  Not sure of any practical attack that would.  Sure 
a serious buffer overflow could, but at that point you'd likely just 
take control of the server instead of just redirecting dns queries.

DNSSEC used public key encryption to validate DNS requests.  A few points:
* DNSSEC does prevent cache poisoning
* DNSSEC does prevent MITM attacks
* DNSSEC does not require a secure network
* Room 641A is pretty much irrelevant
* DNSSEC can protect against local ISP
* DNSSEC can not protect you from those who sign the root.  Thus US Gov
   can get verisign and related to delete/change zones.
* However tinkering with the zones is easy to detect.

So basically a DNSSEC aware resolver typically stores the key for ".", 
called the anchor, then does query .com, then, and so on.  At 
each stages the key above signs the record on the next level.  So say 
for (which is signed).  The root key is held by verisign I 
believe, which signs ".".  The public interest registry signs the .org 
domain, and my registrar allows me to upgrade the records for  So sure the USA government could pressure a registrar to 
delete or change my domain.  But that has little to do with spying 
hardware installed in various large network hubs.

Additionally even if the government did do that, you could immediately 
notice the change in signing key and if you knew me you could enquire 
why such a change happened.

So for instance:
$ dig +short +dnssec ds
16276 5 2 7BCB5E40E630C8F77F168FFA1380BBBF25356A0B474FDDFA6F89FF1D 0AD4301B
16276 5 1 3397132E041EC17D59206FC318047D4D5128EB65

One is a KSK = Key Signing Key, and the other is a Zone Signing Key (ZSK).

Similar applies to SSL certificates.  If you are worried about secure 
communications with someone you can store their public key.  While a 
government can publish a new public key, they can't magically produce 
the missing private key.

So even the NSA has to be careful, faking a public key on any kinda of 
wide scale is lightly to draw significant attention.  The more they use 
it, the less effective it will be.  Various national governments have 
tried this to intercept communications with various email/messaging 
sites.  It worked for

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Tony Cratz (

> > This prevents hackers from injecting false information (aka DNS cache
> > 'poisoning'), in an attempt to re-direct people trying to access a real
> > website to a fake, phishing or criminal site.
>   I will attempt to answer you question by giving a very high
>   level overview.
>   I do ask others (Rick, Alex and any other person who knows DNS)
>   to keep me correct if (when) I say something wrong, if if they
>   feel I left something out which needs to be covered.

Thanks for your thoughtful run-through.  It makes me feel like a bad
penny breezing in and doing drive-by comments:  Apologies for not having
the time to write a more-careful and considered rejoinder.

>   Paul Vixie (and others) decided we needed a better method
>   and developed Bind which used the Domain Name System instead
>   of bang-paths.

FWIW (and not any kind of criticism, just historical trivia), there was
an overlapping step where first ARPANET and then the InterNIC at SRI
International maintained a central HOSTS.TXT file (per RFC 953) that
could be fetched from a standard location via ftp.

>   Of late, Ubuntu has gone one more step, they have set-up what is
>   called a 'caching name server' when you use DHCP.

Have they?  Good.  OTOH, it's always been trivial to set up a local
nameserver for better performance, reliability, and security.  The term
'caching name server' is one I would avoid using in favour of clearer
alternatives that are more specific and meaningful.  (Again, I mean no
criticism of your fine explanation, but wish to bring additional clarity
to the subject.)

1.  _All_ DNS servers of various and sundry sorts do caching -- so
saying that a nameserver is a 'caching name server' really doesn't tell
you much.

2.  Far more meaningful is whether the nameserver does authoritative
service or not.  (By 'authoritative' service, I mean serves up
information of its own, as opposed to querying, caching, and providing
DNS data sourced from elsewhere.)

The other type of DNS service -- serving up and caching data queried
from elsewhere -- is somewhat loosely called recursive service.
Complicating the nomenclature somewhat is the fact that a DNS server's
query to another DNS server can either have the 'recursion desired' (RD)
bit or not.  The query thus characterised (RD bit set vs RD bit unset)
is called either a recursive query or an iterative query.  Those queries
are treated differently by the receiving nameserver.

Last, there is the issue of forwarding, to which you alluded.  A few DNS 
server packages (dproxy, Dnsmasq) have essentially no local
DNS-resolution intelligence of their own and are capable _only_ of
forwarding to a more-capable nameserver any queries local processes +
hosts submit to them.  (As you said, BIND9 can be configured to forward
elsewhere queries whose answers it doesn't have in cache.  It differs
from dproxy and Dnsmasq in having a considerable amount of local
DNS-resolving intelligence that can be used if you wish to do so.)

As these nuances are a bit complex and a bit counter-intuitive, I long
ago wrote a (metaphorical) 'networking fairy tale' about the mythical
Village of Lan to illustrate them:

Also, I have classified and summarised all DNS software for Linux
according to what sort of service it does:

>   If you run your own name service (BIND-9), depending on how you
>   set it up you can still use your ISP as a 'forwarder'. This
>   means, instead of doing a recursive search up to the TLD and
>   then down to the DNS server for the domain we just ask the ISP
>   if they have the domain in their cache (and most of the major
>   sites will be already in the cache). By using 'forwarders' you
>   can save a lot of time by not having to do the full search.

I beg your indulgence for my polite difference of opinion.  (I have the
discussion often.)

As background:  Specifying forwarders tells BIND9 to not use its
independent ability to resolve DNS questions whose answers aren't
already in the local cache (aside for records for which it's
authoritative), but rather to offload all uncached queries to one or
more remote nameserver (with the RD bit set) and have those do the work.  
The belief that this 'saves a lot of time' rests on the undeniable fact
that ISP nameservers tend to run with a bountiful cache set.  

Thus, initially the ISP nameserver has an advantage on account of the
loaded cache.  However, over a quite short period of time, your local
cache fills quite beautifully with or without a forwarders line, so any
initial advantage evaporates almost entirely within minutes.

But then the longer-term consideration becomes of interest:  ISP
nameservers (even those of good and praiseworthy ISPs) are a very
serious security and performance / reliability weak spot.  The security

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-16 Thread Tony Cratz
On 09/16/2013 04:08 PM, Tony Cratz wrote:
>   I will attempt to answer you question by giving a very high
>   level overview.

I see I made a number of small mistakes which could have been
corrected if I would have read over my message before I hit

The base information is still correct. Please read it as
if there is no miss spellings, or use of an incorrect word,
or even a missing word or two.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] inject false information into dns

2013-09-16 Thread Tony Cratz
On 09/16/2013 01:13 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> How is it that attackers inject false information into DNS?
> This prevents hackers from injecting false information (aka DNS cache
> 'poisoning'), in an attempt to re-direct people trying to access a real
> website to a fake, phishing or criminal site.

I will attempt to answer you question by giving a very high
level overview.

I do ask others (Rick, Alex and any other person who knows DNS)
to keep me correct if (when) I say something wrong, if if they
feel I left something out which needs to be covered.

Quick History

Before what we now know of as the 'Internet' we had a network of
machines which were mostly connected via modems and would use
UUCP to pass files and E-mail. This networked used was was known
as the 'bang path' method figure out how to get to a machine.
For example an old address I use to use was along this line:


which means send the E-mail to intelca, then to decvax, then to
inhp4 (in HP Indian Hills New Jersey), and then to a machine
which was connected to it and then to the user mbox.

Latter we added a couple of other symbols ie '@' to help with
the processing.

Then to make life easier, Peter Honeyman developed a program
which would take what was called the UUCP maps and build a
file by the name of 'path-file'. This text base file would
contains the hostname and a bang-path line for how to reach
the site.

Paul Vixie (and others) decided we needed a better method
and developed Bind which used the Domain Name System instead
of bang-paths.

What this now does is provide a key-value database which
contains the domain name such as 'mydomain.tld' (tld means
top level domain, such as .com, .org, .net and so on). The
value part of the database contains one or more IP addresses.
Really it is much more complicated then this but this is a
very nice and simple way to thing of it.

There is a lot more which can be covered in the history area
but I have a quick dirty overview.

Today with DNS

Let me cover what happens with Ubuntu as this is what most of
us are currently using. And the ideas are very close to all

Depending on how you are connected to the Internet, somewhat
controls type type of name services you run. For most of us
we are on a dynamic IP and uses DHCP when we connect. Even if
we are using a M$ system, a Mac or whatever we still follow the
same base set-up.

When we connect using DHCP we receive the IP address of the
name servers we are to use. This information goes into the file

Of late, Ubuntu has gone one more step, they have set-up what is
called a 'caching name server' when you use DHCP. This means we
keep a cache of domains and their IP address which we use to
look-up instead of having to ask our ISP for this information
(thus adding a slight handshake delay). In Brian's and my case
our ISP DNS 'forwards' is the Sonic DNS servers.

If you run your own name service (BIND-9), depending on how you
set it up you can still use your ISP as a 'forwarder'. This
means, instead of doing a recursive search up to the TLD and
then down to the DNS server for the domain we just ask the ISP
if they have the domain in their cache (and most of the major
sites will be already in the cache). By using 'forwarders' you
can save a lot of time by not having to do the full search.

The default method of setting up a DNS server (BIND-9) is to
not use forward and do your own searches.

Cache Poisoning - man-in-the-middle

BIND-9 like all programs has bugs in it. Because of how
serious the bugs can be, BIND normally has a very quick turn
around time to fix problem. But that does means all of the bugs
have been found.

For this lets assume that I have found a bug in an older version
of Bind which Brian has not updated to yet.

Buy using this bug I can change Brian's DNS cache to point to
me as a 'forwarder' (or ever as a TLD DNS server). This means
I know become a Man-In-The-Middle, and I can now force Brain
to use my fake-Google search engine, or even point his browser
to instead of And depending on where
he is at, at the time (think being at work and having this
happen), he could be put into a very bad spot.

Reason for DNSSEC

To try to prevent the man-in-the-middle issue, we now want to
insure that the machine we a