Re: [Vserver] using djbdns (tinydns dnscache) from within vserver

2006-04-13 Thread Benedict Verheyen

 you could alternatively use the 'plain' init style
 and have a real init inside the guest, just as on
 uml :)

Herbert, would using the plain init style have advantages over what
i'm doing now?

 Even from within the vserver doing for instance a dnsip doesn't work.

 how does it fail?

As for the dnsip failing, it doesn't do anything as in not returning a
value. When it works, it immediately returns the correct value.

 those are synonyms, so one of them should
 be enough, IIRC raw_icmp

i tried specifying the raw_icmp option in the file ccapabilities and this is
what i got:
Unknown ccap 'raw_icmp'

An error occured while executing the vserver startup sequence; when
there are no other messages, it is very likely that the init-script
(/etc/init.d/rc 2) failed.

Common causes are:
* /etc/rc.d/rc on Fedora Core 1 and RH9 fails always; the 'apt-rpm' build
  method knows how to deal with this, but on existing installations,
  appending 'true' to this file will help.

Failed to start vserver 'thor'

If i remove it then it works again.

 probably the only thing really required to be changed
 is the way you handle the networking, aside from that
 djbdns should not have any issues, maybe you can
 elaborate a little on your network setup, and how
 you test?

(ipconfig  route are way below)
As for what kind of error, well it doesn't actually give a certain error
but pinging the hosts or doing an dnsipq on a machine in the dns records
doesn't work.
After further testing, I really think it has to do with networking as you

Some more about my network:
Since i used to run 4 uml's, i wanted to ease the way i did networking and
configured a bridge (br0) and on that bridge 4 tap devices that my uml's
plugged into. Worked great.

I no longer use the 4 uml's as they are now converted to vservers but the
bridging is still on and i want to keep it that way because i might use
the uml's to experiment (as in try things out and destroy it in the
process :)).

Now, sometimes when i start the vserver, the dns stuff works and sometimes
it doesn't. Very weird. I have no clue on how i can track it. Nothing
logged in my iptabels (i get a log when a packet is dropped or rejected)
and i have no firewalling on the bridge.

For instance, sometimes when i start the vserver, when exim comes up, it
takes a looong time to start.
It show this message Starting MTA:  and then takes several minutes to
go to the next program that needs to be started.
I think this is because of a dns problem, in other words djbdns that isn't
capable of doing what it needs to do.
Then when i enter the vserver, none of the dns utilities work.

I then close the vserver and restart it then and sometimes it then works.
Other times i need to restart it several times and can't get it to work.
Very strange.

Last test i did was bringing the uml and the vserver back on but then use a
different ip (/etc/vserver/thor/interfaces/0/ip) for the vserver.
Previously i always shut down the uml and use the same ip and name for the
vserver. Now i changed these settings.
I changed these to thor2:

I also changed the /etc/resolv.conf in this vserver to this:
domain xyz

where is the vservers own ip adres (the new one, old one is
.20) Then i restarted the vserver 5 times and all 5 times dns seems to
work like it should.


My wireless router has the ip
The wireless bridge attached to eth0 has ip
eth0 of the host has ip
eth1 of the host has ip
(bridge br0 gets this ip when i start teh bridging utils)
The uml with djbdns has ip and the vserver had this ip too
as i never started them both at the same time.
When i did so i changed the ip of the vserver to

br0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:B5:40:DD:EE
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:2857 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:291940 (285.0 KiB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:B5:40:DE:14
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:64372 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:68799 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:41328067 (39.4 MiB)  TX bytes:7599446 (7.2 MiB)
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x9400

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:B5:40:DD:EE


2006-04-13 Thread Falk Hamann
I read the manual to install vserver on crux.
I followed each step. But starting vserver fails.

# vserver vcrux01 start
save_ctxinfo: open(/usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01): No such file or
An error occured while executing the vserver startup sequence; when
there are no other messages, it is very likely that the init-script
(/sbin/init) failed.

Common causes are:
* /etc/rc.d/rc on Fedora Core 1 and RH9 fails always; the 'apt-rpm'
build method knows how to deal with this, but on existing installations,
  appending 'true' to this file will help.

Failed to start vserver 'vcrux01'

The file run in config-directory is an symbolic dead-link.

# ls -l /etc/vservers/vcrux01/run 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Apr 10 17:24 /etc/vservers/vcrux01/run
- /usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01

This is exactly, what I found in the documentation of source
// Saves current ctx + vserver-info into 'argv[1] + /run' which must be a dead 
// symlink

What goes wrong ?
Thanks Falk

PS: The configure-options are:
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
Vserver mailing list


2006-04-13 Thread Xavier Montagutelli
On Thursday 13 April 2006 14:02, Falk Hamann wrote:
 I read the manual to install vserver on crux.
 I followed each step. But starting vserver fails.

 # vserver vcrux01 start
 save_ctxinfo: open(/usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01): No such file or
 An error occured while executing the vserver startup sequence; when
 there are no other messages, it is very likely that the init-script
 (/sbin/init) failed.

One (euro) cent :

does the /usr/var/run/vservers/ directory exists ?

If no : create it

If yes : what happens if you try touch /usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01 before 
vserver .. start ?

 Common causes are:
 * /etc/rc.d/rc on Fedora Core 1 and RH9 fails always; the 'apt-rpm'
 build method knows how to deal with this, but on existing installations,
   appending 'true' to this file will help.

 Failed to start vserver 'vcrux01'

 The file run in config-directory is an symbolic dead-link.

 # ls -l /etc/vservers/vcrux01/run
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Apr 10 17:24 /etc/vservers/vcrux01/run
 - /usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01

 This is exactly, what I found in the documentation of source
 // Saves current ctx + vserver-info into 'argv[1] + /run' which must be a
 dead // symlink

 What goes wrong ?
 Thanks Falk

 PS: The configure-options are:
 ./configure --prefix=/usr \
 --sysconfdir=/etc \
 Vserver mailing list

Xavier Montagutelli  Tel : +33 (0)5 55 45 77 20
Service Commun Informatique  Fax : +33 (0)5 55 45 77 60
Universite de Limoges
123, avenue Albert Thomas
87060 Limoges cedex
Vserver mailing list


2006-04-13 Thread Falk Hamann
On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 14:12:09 +0200
Xavier Montagutelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does the /usr/var/run/vservers/ directory exists ?
 If no : create it
 If yes : what happens if you try
 touch /usr/var/run/vservers/vcrux01 before vserver .. start ?

Yes the directory exists.
If I touch this file and start again the vserver: the file is deleted
and Errormessage is the exactly same.

Thanks, but that not solve the problem.
Any other ideas ?

Bye Falk
Vserver mailing list

Re: [Vserver] su ?

2006-04-13 Thread Albert Shih
 Le 13/04/2006 à 15:47:36+0200, Albert Shih a écrit
 Hi all
 I've installe two vservers (guest), everthing work fine.
 Now I want duplicate this two server.
 I make a squelette with vserver build -m squelette and I copie all files
 from the working two vservers on my new hosts (running same version of
 On this two news vservers I change some name and on one I can't do 
 he ask my a password. Event when I'm root.
 What's wrong ?
I answer to myself (in case someone have same problem)

I forget to reboot the host after disable selinux.

Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Thu Apr 13 16:03:05 CEST 2006
Vserver mailing list

[Vserver] [xen/i386] 2.6.16-xen-vs2.0.2-rc16 success

2006-04-13 Thread Matt Ayres
This kernel was built by simply applying the VServer patch on top of an 
already existing 2.6.16-xen kernel.  Due to the new way in which the new 
Xen kernel works (as a sub-arch) nothing extra needs to be done. Two 
rejected hunks were related to asm-i386/page.h, but they can be safely 
ignored and requires no manual patching for everything to compile/boot.

Linux-VServer Test [V0.15] Copyright (C) 2003-2006 H.Poetzl
chcontext is working.
chbind is working.
Linux 2.6.16-xen-vs2.0.2-rc16 #1 SMP Wed Apr 12 20:59:09 EDT 2006 i686
Ea 0.30.210 273/glibc (DSa) v13,net
VCI: 0002:0001 273 0376 (TbLgnP)
[000]# succeeded.
[001]# succeeded.
[011]# succeeded.
[031]# succeeded.
[101]# succeeded.
[102]# succeeded.
[201]# succeeded.
[202]# succeeded.
Vserver mailing list


2006-04-13 Thread smagnuson


Not sure if this helps any but I have a newer doc version.  Pasted it
below.  I have not tried with crux 2.2 yet.


How to install and use linux-vserver with crux 2.0 / 2.1

Expect to find errors
I may be doing things completely backwards but it seems to work
vservers are going to be installed onto seperate partition /vservers/...
I use sudo for most root commands. If you prefer to use root then ignore
sudo at front of commands

Preparing your host server with vserver

* Get vserver code

cd ~/src/vserver
gzip -d util-vserver-0.30.204.tar.gz
tar -xf util-vserver-0.30.204.tar

gzip -d linux-vserver-1.9.5.tar.gz
tar -xf linux-vserver-1.9.5.tar

* Get vanilla linux kernel and compile in vserver patch aquired from

cd /usr/src
sudo wget
sudo bzip2 -d linux-
tar -xf linux-

cd linux-
sudo cp ../linux-2.6.6/.config .
sudo cp ~/src/vserver/patch-
sudo patch -p1 -s ../patch-

If you want: patch for the specific kernel

sudo make menuconfig
sudo make all
sudo make modules_install

* Install newly patched kernel

cd /usr/src
sudo rm linux
sudo ln -s linux- linux

sudo cp /usr/src/linux-
sudo cp /boot/
cd /boot
sudo ls -s

sudo vi /etc/lilo.conf

sudo lilo -q
sudo lilo
sudo lilo -q

* Install additional/required software

sudo prt-get install iproute2
sudo prt-get install iptables
sudo prt-get install rsync
sudo prt-get install dietlibc

* Get vconfig binary

cd ~/src/
sudo cp vconfig /usr/local/sbin

* Complile and install vserver utilities

cd ~/src/vserver/util-vserver-0.30.204
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

* Create vserver guest OS directory

sudo mkdir -m 000 /vservers
sudo mkdir /vservers/vcrux01

* If using SSH (or any other port listening application) change it
to listen to the specific interface (ie not

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

* restart ssh and ensure it still works

sudo /etc/rc.d/sshd restart

Building your first vserver

* On Host OS

sudo vserver vcrux01 build -m skeleton -n vcrux01 --context 100
--hostname --interface --netdev eth0
--netmask --initstyle plain

* Edit sysctl.conf and configure vshelper

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.vshelper = /usr/local/lib/util-vserver/vshelper

* Set up vserver barrier (this is untested)

sudo showattr -d /vservers/vcrux01/..
---bui- /vservers/vcrux01/..
sudo setattr --barrier /vservers/vcrux01/..
sudo showattr -d /vservers/vcrux01/..
---Bui- /vservers/vcrux01/..

* Try this if the above does not work (This works but above should
be better)

#sudo showattr -d /vservers/vcrux01
#---bui- /vservers/vcrux01
#sudo setattr --barrier /vservers/vcrux01
#sudo showattr -d /vservers/vcrux01
#---Bui- /vservers/vcrux01

* set default tty (not sure if this works)

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/init
cd /usr/local/etc/vservers/.defaults/apps/init
sudo ln -s /dev/tty6 tty

* Check the folowing file to ensure all it configured fine. If not
edit files.

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/apps/init/style

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/interfaces/dev

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/interfaces/mask

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/interfaces/0/ip

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/interfaces/0/name

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/uts/nodename

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/name

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/vcrux01/fstab
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /tmp tmpfs size=16m,mode=1777 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0

cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/crux01/context

# set it up so uptime is reflective of vserver uptime not host uptime
cat /usr/local/etc/vservers/unixdev1/flags

Install Crux to /vserver/vcrux01

boot from crux install cd
mount /, /usr, and /vservers to /mnt, /mnt/usr, and /mnt/vservers
chroot to /mnt
set root password
run crux setup
use /mnt/vservers/vcrux01 as install point
do not compile kernel, not used
do not run lilo
do not run lilo
do not run lilo
see crux handbook for details:


boot OS back up

* configure guest OS vcrux01

cd /mnt/vservers/vcrux01

sudo vi ./etc/rc.conf

[Vserver] secure http architecture with vserver howto ?

2006-04-13 Thread jean-marc pouchoulon


   I'd like to manage all my web user site ( LAMP base configuration)  
in a secure way with vserver.
   One context per user/site could be usefull to limit damage in case 
of intrusion. How to compartmentilize  , without overburden and 
complicated configuration ?
   Have you got any recommendation, link, security tips  on  that type 
of configuration ? use of vunify ?

   What are the usage for isp ?

   thanks in advance for your advice.
Vserver mailing list

Re: [Vserver] using djbdns (tinydns dnscache) from within vserver

2006-04-13 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 10:14:32AM +0200, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
  you could alternatively use the 'plain' init style
  and have a real init inside the guest, just as on
  uml :)
 Herbert, would using the plain init style have advantages over what
 i'm doing now?
  Even from within the vserver doing for instance a dnsip doesn't work.
  how does it fail?
 As for the dnsip failing, it doesn't do anything as in not returning a
 value. When it works, it immediately returns the correct value.
  those are synonyms, so one of them should
  be enough, IIRC raw_icmp
 i tried specifying the raw_icmp option in the file ccapabilities and
 this is what i got:
 Unknown ccap 'raw_icmp'

what tools are you using? (probably not 0.30.210)

 An error occured while executing the vserver startup sequence; when
 there are no other messages, it is very likely that the init-script
 (/etc/init.d/rc 2) failed.
 Common causes are:
 * /etc/rc.d/rc on Fedora Core 1 and RH9 fails always; the 'apt-rpm' build
   method knows how to deal with this, but on existing installations,
   appending 'true' to this file will help.
 Failed to start vserver 'thor'
 If i remove it then it works again.
  probably the only thing really required to be changed
  is the way you handle the networking, aside from that
  djbdns should not have any issues, maybe you can
  elaborate a little on your network setup, and how
  you test?
 (ipconfig  route are way below)
 As for what kind of error, well it doesn't actually give a certain
 error but pinging the hosts or doing an dnsipq on a machine in the dns
 records doesn't work. After further testing, I really think it has to
 do with networking as you say.
 Some more about my network:
 Since i used to run 4 uml's, i wanted to ease the way i did networking and
 configured a bridge (br0) and on that bridge 4 tap devices that my uml's
 plugged into. Worked great.
 I no longer use the 4 uml's as they are now converted to vservers but the
 bridging is still on and i want to keep it that way because i might use
 the uml's to experiment (as in try things out and destroy it in the
 process :)).

you do not need bridging for the vservers, as they
already share the interface on the host

 Now, sometimes when i start the vserver, the dns stuff works and
 sometimes it doesn't. Very weird. I have no clue on how i can track
 it. Nothing logged in my iptabels (i get a log when a packet is
 dropped or rejected) and i have no firewalling on the bridge.
 For instance, sometimes when i start the vserver, when exim comes up,
 it takes a looong time to start. It show this message Starting MTA: 
 and then takes several minutes to go to the next program that needs to
 be started.
 I think this is because of a dns problem, in other words djbdns that
 isn't capable of doing what it needs to do.

yes dns timeouts are often a reason for unexpected
delays (up to 30 seconds sometimes)

 Then when i enter the vserver, none of the dns utilities work.
 I then close the vserver and restart it then and sometimes it then works.
 Other times i need to restart it several times and can't get it to work.
 Very strange.

maybe you should check /etc/resolv.conf and/or
/etc/nsswitch.conf (or at least provide them)

 Last test i did was bringing the uml and the vserver back on but then use a
 different ip (/etc/vserver/thor/interfaces/0/ip) for the vserver.
 Previously i always shut down the uml and use the same ip and name for the
 vserver. Now i changed these settings.
 I changed these to thor2:
 I also changed the /etc/resolv.conf in this vserver to this:
 domain xyz

you definitely don't want to ask here

 where is the vservers own ip adres (the new one, old one is
 .20) Then i restarted the vserver 5 times and all 5 times dns seems to
 work like it should.
 My wireless router has the ip
 The wireless bridge attached to eth0 has ip
 eth0 of the host has ip
 eth1 of the host has ip
 (bridge br0 gets this ip when i start teh bridging utils)
 The uml with djbdns has ip and the vserver had this ip too
 as i never started them both at the same time.
 When i did so i changed the ip of the vserver to
 br0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:B5:40:DD:EE
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:2857 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:291940 (285.0 KiB)  TX bytes:0 

Re: [Vserver] using djbdns (tinydns dnscache) from within vserver

2006-04-13 Thread Benedict Verheyen

It seemed that all the changes i did to test gave me an inconsistent
setup so I rechecked the hosts resolv.conf, the ip's of the vservers and
the resolv.conf of the vserver. Then I rebooted and pinging internal
machines by name worked for the host and the vserver.

Only thing that didn't seem to work was the pinging of external hosts
from the host and the vserver.
I then checked the settings of the 0 dir inside the interfaces directory
 of the vserver and i saw the content of dev was still eth0. That means
the ip ended up as an alias of the real eth0 which has a
different address range 192.168.0.x.
I changed that to eth1 and then it all seems to work.

BUT after that change i can't ping the internal host anymore by name.

So i changed my setup. I'm not sure this is a good way of accomplishing
it but it seems like it's the only way to get it working.
This is what's in the interfaces directory:

0 - dev: eth0 - ip: (host eth0
1 - dev: eth1 - ip: (host eth1

My host resolv.conf
search mydomain

With these changes everything seems to work but as i said, i'm not sure
that what i configured as my interfaces in the vserver setup directory
is ok.

Vserver mailing list

[Vserver] Plesk in vserver

2006-04-13 Thread ehab heikal
Does anyone have experience running plesk control panel in a vserver?
Any special tips. I am trying plesk 8 and qmail of plesk will not start
with the rest.
Any tips?

Vserver mailing list