Re: [Vserver] Problems with Knoppix 5.2 (which should be Vserver-enabled...)

2007-03-23 Thread Oliver Heinz
On Wednesday 21 March 2007 21:18:54 Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 07:04:03PM +0100, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> > Gerhard Hofmann wrote:
> > > Because these are quite a lot of steps I always thought it would be
> > > nice to have a Debian distro that is Vserver-enabled out-of-the-box.
> >
> > Like, say, Debian Etch?
> 4.0 has reasonably up-to-date vserver kernels and utils in
> standard apt depositories? Can someone else confirm or deny this?

As with most distributions there will be now major version updates on any 
packages once it's released - but yes, right now it has a kernel with a 
fairly recent kernel patch ( and recent utils (0.30.212)

> Does this apply to Feisty Fawn as well, or is this a different universe
> altogether? (I'm clueless about Ubuntu, I only run 6.06 LTS on a server
> and a desktop, haven't done any VServers there yet).

Feisty doesn't have precomiled vserver enabled kernels, but the utils are 
util-vserver0.30.212-1  feisty

Vserver mailing list

Re: [Vserver] OCS Inventory

2007-03-23 Thread Guillaume Pratte

Herbert Poetzl a écrit :

you might want to check with the source (of OCS Agent)
what the application actually does with /dev/mem
As far as I know, OCS only uses /dev/mem to check if the script has root 
access. Commenting the lines in the script enable the agent to run in a 
vserver without the security implications of giving access to the guest 
to that device.

We use OCS in vservers at Revolution Linux and with that small patch it 
is working pretty well.

Guillaume Pratte
Recherche et développement
Révolution Linux

Toutes les opinions et les prises de position exprimées dans ce courriel sont 
celles de son auteur et ne répresentent pas nécessairement celles de Révolution 

Any views and opinions expressed in this email are solely those of the author 
and do not necessarily represent those of Revolution Linux.

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