[Vserver] Running bind 9.2.4 on Debian Sarge without caps

2006-10-24 Thread Holger Nowak
Title: Running bind 9.2.4 on Debian Sarge without caps


I know that running bind in a vserver guest is a bit problematic, so I decided to recompile Bind with linux-caps disabled according to



http://www.newt.com/debian/acornHOWTO/ (Section bind9)

But I couldn't start named properly. No error messages neither on promt nor on syslog occur but the name server isn't running.

If I want to stop the service I receive the well known message:

Stopping domain name service: namedrndc: connect failed: connection refused

But I don't think it is a permission problem, since running named in foreground resulting in

mystery:/etc/bind# named -g -p 53

Oct 24 13:50:14.675 starting BIND 9.2.4 -g -p 53

Oct 24 13:50:14.676 using 1 CPU

Oct 24 13:50:14.678 loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

strace gives no more information, so I think I've made some mistake configuring the listening server.

The crucial file where named is stop is the name.conf.options

mystery:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.options

options {

    // Avoids listening on

    listen-on {;


    auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035


    controls {

    inet allow {;



The one and only IP is which is a virtual IP on eth0:5 on the host system. The host system is running bind too but I don't listen to the given IP.

If I disable the listen directive I get the following message from named:

mystery:/etc/bind# named -g -p 53

Oct 24 13:56:53.970 starting BIND 9.2.4 -g -p 53

Oct 24 13:56:53.970 using 1 CPU

Oct 24 13:56:53.973 loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'

Oct 24 13:56:53.973 no IPv6 interfaces found

Oct 24 13:56:53.973 listening on IPv4 interface eth0:5,

Oct 24 13:56:53.975 peer.c:87: REQUIRE(*list != ((void *)0)) failed

Oct 24 13:56:53.975 exiting (due to assertion failure)

Aborted (core dumped)

I've been at my wits' end and I hope some could help me.

Best regards,



Holger Nowak

Junior Projektmanager

Datenmanagement | Programmierung

psychonomics AG

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AW: [Vserver] Running bind 9.2.4 on Debian Sarge without caps

2006-10-24 Thread Holger Nowak
>> But I couldn't start named properly. No error messages neither on 
>> promt nor on syslog occur but the name server isn't running. If I
>> to stop the service I receive the well known message:
>> Stopping domain name service: namedrndc: connect failed: connection 
>> refused

> IIRC rndc wants to connect to localhost, which of course is not
possible if 
> this resolves to the loopback interface

> A line like 


> in /etc/hosts should fix that.

I forgot to post. This didn't help.
Before your mail my /etc/hosts looks like localhost

I added the  but it didn't change anything

Every command with rndc like
rndc -s localhost stats

fails with "connection refused".

Localhost is reachable:
mystery:/# ping -c3 localhost
PING mystery ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from mystery ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms



Neuer "psychonomics Kundenmonitor Banken" ab Ende September 2006 erhaeltlich. 
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AW: AW: [Vserver] Running bind 9.2.4 on Debian Sarge without caps

2006-10-24 Thread Holger Nowak
Hi Christoph and Peter,

>> > IIRC rndc wants to connect to localhost, which of course is not
>> possible if
>> > this resolves to the loopback interface
>> > A line like
>> >localhost
>> > in /etc/hosts should fix that.

>If I remember correctly rndc does not respect the hosts file. You have
to set up /etc/bind/rndc.conf like this:

>include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";

>options {
>default-key rndc-key;

> and generate a key in /etc/bind/rndc-key with rndc-confgen.

I did copy the key in rndc.conf but neither this nor including the file
doesn't change the behaviour. Also the options not to listen to ipv6
doesn't change anything.



Neuer "psychonomics Kundenmonitor Banken" ab Ende September 2006 erhaeltlich. 
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