Re: Pismo LCD Problem

2004-01-03 Thread David de la Hunty

Joel: sorry, old thread, been off email over silly season.

The only word of advice on the pismo screen is don't even think about 
replacing the screen if you are looking for a cheap option... I 
replaced a damaged G3/Bronze screen last year (insured fortunately!) 
and they nailed me for 2 grand plus GST. Cheaper to ditch the Pismo and 
buy a new iBook.

What you need is a friendly soul on this list who has a dead computer 
with a live screen, or go to Ebay for the same, if it transpires that 
the screen itself is just rather tired. However if it is out of whack 
colour wise then it is more likely the hardware upstream such as the 
inverter board you mentioned. There are actually a couple of other 
boards in my limited experience which may be responsible too. Beware.


On Wednesday, Dec 24, 2003, at 05:05 Australia/Perth, WAMUG Mailing 
List wrote:

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 22:59:44 +0800
Subject: Pismo LCD Problem

Happy Holidays WAMmuggers!

I have a quick questionI've recently bought a 2nd hand PowerBook G3
- Pismo 500. It's a lovely machine but there's one li'l issue with it -
the screen is rather dim and the white balance is somewhat off. I've
tried calibrating it with SuperCal and can coax some passable results
with it...but a side by side comparison with a friend's clamshell iBook
reveals that my pismo's screen is still indeed dim and the white
balance is off (it is obviously tinted with an orangey hue.)

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could fix this or what
might be the cause of the problem? I was reading on some forums that
the LCD inverter board might need replacing, others suggested that a
new LCD would be the way to go. Others still suggest that it might be
the backlight that needs replacing. Being a student, the cheapest
option is the preferable one for me...and while the discolouration is
not a significant problem for me, it would be nice to have more natural
colours to facilitate graphic work.

re: Flaky monitor

2004-01-03 Thread Rod Lavington

Hi Bill,

Do yourself a *big* favour and recycle this monitor!  They are the pits 
and will cost you more money than buying a decent 17 PC display with a 
12 month or 3 year warranty.  The sooner this attempt for a display 
disappears, the better the world will be!

Honestly, they were poorly made by Apple and once they start to have 
problems, you will find that the monitor will constantly be in for 

I now step off my soap box ;-)

Best wishes for the New Year!


Re: Aple Mac's Mail v Outlook Express

2004-01-03 Thread Peter Hinchliffe

On 02/01/2004, at 5:26 PM, Gyn Solomon wrote:

Having recently upgraded to OS 10.3, I would welcome your comments on 

advantages/disadvantages of using Mail v. Outlook express for email.

First one, straight off the top of my head - Mail is MacOS X native; OE 
works only in classic. All other differences can be ignored.

Now, if you're comparing Mail to other MacOS X mail clients, that's a 
different story.

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer ServicesFileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia   Phone (618) 9332 6482Fax (618) 9332 0913

   Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

iMac DV networking

2004-01-03 Thread Brenton Kotz
I have an iMac DV that has networking issues. When connected to my other iMac 
DV it 
allows kilobytes of data through (33k to be exact) and then dies off as in 
freezes the 
other machine and confuses itself etc. The iMac with issues is a grape running 
9.2.2 and 
the other is a Blueberry running 10.2.8. In OS 9 the Bluberry has Open 
transport 2.8.2 
and the Grape has 2.7. I replaced the crossover Ethernet lead thinking that was 
problem but the problem still persists. Does anyone know where I can get Open 
Transport 2.8.2 installers from. Could there also be another issue lingering in 
my set 

NeoMail - Webmail that doesn't suck... as much.

printing on a small Ethernet with 8.6 and 9.2

2004-01-03 Thread Tom Lewis
I'd be grateful for advice on the following problem.

i have a small home network made up of:

- a G3 running 8.6
- two imacs running 9.2
- an Ethernet switch
- a Xerox laser printer.

The printer is currently connected to the G3 and prints fine.

I can see all three of the computers in the Choosers, and can mount the HDs
on the desktops as desired.

I understand there is a method of sharing the printer between the three
computers so that all can print.  It's not an Ethernet printer though.

Is this possible, and if so, how is it done?


Tom Lewis, in beautiful Jervis Bay, NSW, Oz

Locking nested folders

2004-01-03 Thread Severin Crisp
I wish to make nested folders Read Only but when I set the outermost, 
parent, folder as Read Only the inner ones remain Read and Write.

What am I missing?  10.3.2 by the way.
Severin Crisp
 Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
  15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
 Fax  (08) 9842 9650  (Int'l +61 8 9842 9650)
email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Web pages

Re: Flaky monitor

2004-01-03 Thread Craig Ringer

Rod Lavington wrote:

Hi Bill,

Do yourself a *big* favour and recycle this monitor!  They are the pits 
and will cost you more money than buying a decent 17 PC display with a 
12 month or 3 year warranty.

Where do you /get/ a decent 17? The good manufacturers seem to have 
stopped making their good quality tubes, and only seem to make the 
'office' variants now. *icky*.

I think you can still get things like the Philips 109P though (I have 
one, and it's a fairly nice 19 monitor) but haven't seen many nice 17 
monitors lately. Then again, I hear a Mitsubishi 2060U (22) is only 
about $1200 now. Ideally you'd want something like a Sony G520 (21) but 
they're ... a little pricey.

Naturally, this is all just opinion. Perhaps there's somewhere selling 
decent 17 monitors that's keeping quiet about it.

The sooner this attempt for a display 
disappears, the better the world will be!

Wow. Sounds like you've used them then ;-)

It's unfortunate how many monitors those words can be applied to, though.

Craig Ringer

Yellow dog linux

2004-01-03 Thread Michael Bradley
Hi Wamuggers, and a Happy new year.

maybe someone can help me?
a few days ago there was a post from a guy who was looking for info on
Yellowdog linuxI'd like to contact him
either he can write to me or does anyone still have that post and his email


Re: Aple Mac's Mail v Outlook Express

2004-01-03 Thread Steven w
One item I miss with Mail is the ease of acessing's newsgroups. If there is a way hopefully
someone will correct me.

steven w

 --- Gyn Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi
 Having recently upgraded to OS 10.3, I would welcome
 your comments on the
 advantages/disadvantages of using Mail v. Outlook
 express for email.
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Performa monitor very dark

2004-01-03 Thread Jude

Hi All - Happy New Year :)

I am in the process of cleaning up an old Performa 580cd to give to a 
single mum that I know so that she can do some simple word processing 
and let her son play a few games.

The computer runs well, stripped back to 7.5.5 and very bare on all 
other junk, but the monitor is very very dark. Even with the 
brightness all the way up it is often difficult to read things on 
darkish backgrounds.

I once stumbled on something that helped with a similar problem - 
some sort of software 'gamma correction, but now I can't find it and 
I really have no idea about the physical things that could be done to 
correct the problem. Of course, I also don't want to be spending 
money on repairs on a computer I am giving away, or making her pay to 
repair it either.

Any ideas? I am willing to open up the computer and poke things if 
someone tells me what might need doing, because she doesn't know she 
is getting the computer yet and if I break it then she won't have 
been anticipating a computer that she never gets.

Pushes in the right direction gratefully received.
