Re: 6400 and OS9

2005-08-11 Thread Andrew W. Hill
Is it possible without a major workaround to load OS9 on a 6400? 
Each time I try the machine tells me that the software can not be 
loaded onto this machine.

I've run 9.2.2 on my 6400 using the application bundled with 
XPostFacto.  OS9Helper or something I think it was called.  9.1, as 
many have pointed out already, should install from the CD onto a 6400.


Re: Fwd: [freecycleperth] OFFER: Old Macs (Salter Point)

2005-08-01 Thread Andrew W. Hill


Got this from the Freecycle list if anyone's interested. Please respond to



First priority to WAMUGgers :)

Got some SEs, perhaps even with ethernet.  They're great for playing 
Dark Castle on (it runs a custom system and doesn't run on too many 
newer machines).


Re: OT kind of: changing IP address on a HP 1320n

2005-07-28 Thread Andrew W. Hill
HP's online help and included PDF  manual says that to get a valid 
IP number to turn the printer off, hold down the network config 
button and turn the printer back on. however the sub net it is 
on doesn't have DHCP enabled and the  printer keeps returning to the 
same address.

What are the IP numbers on the computers?  Any chance of changing 
them into the same subnet as the printer's self-assigned? 
Alternately, setting up a DHCP server on one of your computers would 
probably be a better solution than sharing it as a USB printer.


Re: Zip files and Zip files?

2005-07-27 Thread Andrew W. Hill
II recently sent a file "zipped" by "Make Archive" in the Finder to 
a Windows user.  She could not open it.  I zipped it again using 
Stuffit v9 and she had no trouble.
Yesterday I downloaded two zipped files from Inkjetmall and neither 
the Finder nor Stuffit could open them though I have had no trouble 
with files from them in the past.  They finally opened using 
"Panther Unzip".   What is the score here, all the files had similar 
icons and visible attributes as far as I looked.
It rather defeats the purpose of a universal(?) format if it is 
touchy.  I never had any trouble with Stuffit files but then they 
are Mac only and the Windows  mob have not had a chance to screw it 

Maybe I am being overly harsh?

I haven't quite figured out the problem yet, but I have also noticed 
it.  Additionally, I've found that some zip methods totally screw up 
the file, even changing the final file size.  Three main methods are 
using "Archive" from OS X, Stuffit's zipping, and gzip from the 
terminal.  I use the UNIX gzip utility the most as I've had the 
fewest and least issues with it.  Will report back if I figure it out.


Re: Car adapters for iBooks

2005-07-24 Thread Andrew W. Hill

I'm having a look around for car chargers/adapters for a current model
iBook. After something that's (hopefully) both light and cheap. Any
suggestions/personal experiences? Where's a good place to buy from?

I got a very expensive one from the place in Carillion Arcade.  It 
was $200, but it was made by Lind.  I've used Lind on my laptops in 
the past and found that they have excellent power conditioning.  I 
really don't trust a lot of the generic ones as I've blown power 
boards in the past from bad power, and car power supplies are 
notoriously dirty.  If you get a genero-one, make sure to plug it in 
after the car has started to avoid the surge.


Re: Size of PDFs created under OSX

2005-07-14 Thread Andrew W. Hill
The problem here is i've already compressed the images as much as 
possible in photoshop so would require some pretty major work to get 
it smaller than 225kb. The pdf options don't allow to determine the 
resolution or compression of those two images and hence can't 
control the output size very well.

Distiller is the adobe PDF creation tool but i haven't seen what it 
can do with word document or if it works at all.

Distiller usually works as a printer driver.

Something I've noticed on windows is that if I drag/drop a picture 
onto a page it converts it to its bloatware format, however if I use 
insert:picture it leaves it jpeg sized.  It's made the difference 
between 2MB files and 100kB files before.  I forget if it makes a 
difference on the Mac side - our drag/drop interface is much better.


Camera Repair?

2005-07-07 Thread Andrew W. Hill
I dropped my Olympus digital camera last night and it no longer turns 
on.  There's no visible damage though (and I have charged and checked 
the batteries).  It's fairly old, but I'm attached to it.  Does 
anyone know if there are repair places I could take it to?


Re: Shock and horror

2005-07-06 Thread Andrew W. Hill
We're looking at using a remote software 
distribution/audit/management system for Windows (name eludes me 
right now Altera? maybe), the Domain admin dude is making it sound 
like the hottest new thing on the block  and I just roll my eyes and 
groan and mutter under my breath "Zen Works"

Altera makes programmable logic devices.  FPGAs and CPLDs.  Probably 
not them :)


Re: [MEETING] Reminder - 7.30pm Tuesday 5th July - tonight

2005-07-05 Thread Andrew W. Hill

I am having a clean out and looking at getting rid of all my old Mac gear.

An old powerbook 520 and a performer 5400 plus a couple of old 
printers, zip drives, external drives and some other bits.

I've got a stack of stuff like this as well...

Re: and gMail

2005-07-01 Thread Andrew W. Hill
POP "leave on server " simply downloads the all mail in the  mailbox 
(headers/messages/attachments)  that hasn't previously been 
downloaded by that client and then leaves any messages  on the 
server that have been downloaded within the "leave on server" time 
period deleting mail downloaded prior to that time span.
good for being able to access read and write (if not send) mail off 
line, slow particularly on dial up.

I'm pretty sure IMAP allows you to ONLY download the headers so you 
can then download the message body when you want to read it.  good 
for mobile devices or dialup/satellite access but can't read mail 
that hasn't been already read (or selected to download) when offline

Yup, you're correct.  Good point.

Re: and gMail

2005-06-30 Thread Andrew W. Hill
You need to use an imap server, I do not know if gmail has this or 
not, as pop (IIRC) does not allow you to grab headers and download / 
leave on the server.

If I am wrong please do not shoot me, as I am not 100% sure, but 
have always set users up with imap when they have asked for this 

Okay, I won't shoot you, but POP3 servers do permit you to download a 
copy of a message without deleting it.  I know this is supported in 
Eudora and Outlook, but I don't know about  Often it 
masquerades as a "leave on server for x days" feature.


Local Source for RAM

2005-06-25 Thread Andrew W. Hill

I'm looking for a 512MB PC133 SO-DIMM, but the places I've called 
claim that I'm going to have trouble finding anything bigger than 
256MB in Perth.  Anybody have a secret stash?


Local Source for

2005-06-25 Thread Andrew W. Hill

USB Webcam

2005-06-25 Thread Andrew W. Hill
Looking for a webcam compatible with iChat for less dollars than the iSight.  
Probably something USB.  I had one a few years back but it's not OS X 
Any recommendations?

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Local Stores

2005-06-25 Thread Andrew W. Hill
I've been out of town for about 2 years and am looking for a place to buy some 
PC100 SO-DIMMs for my iBook.  Where's a reputable yet affordable place in Perth?

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Western Digital Hard Disk & Beige G3

2003-09-02 Thread Andrew W. Hill
My Dad has a beige g3 desktop (rev C), 224MB RAM, 4GB and 30GB HDDs, 
and tells me the 30GB is dead.

Best way for drive info seems to be tabular.  Lets try:

Partition   Size Drive   Location OS
Macintosh HD~4GB 4GB WD Caviar   Internal EIDE8.6
WD 87.98GB   30GB WD Caviar  UltraTek/66  9.2.1, 10.2.5
HD-20   ~20GB30GB WD Caviar  UltraTek/66  n/a

Anyway, I set the old 30GB to slave, set the new 80GB to master, make 
sure master is at the terminal position on the 80 conductor cable and 
boot.  I install 10.2 from the original disks, setting the first 
partition to 7.99GB.  I connect to the internet, copy over files, 
update to 10.2.6 etc etc etc.  I reboot.  I do more stuff.  Finally I 
shut down.  I turn it back on.  It will NOT boot from 10.2 on the 
30GB, and boots from "WD 8".

TechTool Pro 3.0.3 figured there was a catalog error in the drive, 
but couldn't fix it.  Disk First Aid figured it was fine.  Rebuilt 
the directory with DiskWarrior anyway.  No improvement.  Nuke&Pave 
time, no joy.

Frustrated, I try lots of things over the next few weeks.  Summary:
*  I can boot from all the other volumes in OS 9 and OS X (10.1 and 10.2).
*  I can boot from the 80GB if I install OS 9 on it
*  VST UltraTek/66 has the update from OWC.  Reapplied just in case
*  Zapped PRAM, rebuilt desktop (all volumes), CUDAed more than... something
*  Removed all extraneous devices, cards, USB peripherals (used ADB 
mouse/kb only)
*  Tried all master/slave/bus configurations.  Connected each of the 
drives to the internal EIDE and both ATA/66+ cards to the VST card as 

*  Always installed OS X on a 7.99 partition at the beginning of the 80GB drive
*  I reformatted and repartitioned between OS X installs
*  When booted from a different drive, I could still access the 80GB 
drive even if I couldn't boot from it.

*  Tried setting boot disk from 8.6 (Mac HD), 9.2.1 and 10.2.5 (both on WD 8)

Funny thing is I'm unable to reproduce Dad's problem with the 30GB disk.

Long, long Google searches seem to show that many people are using 
this disk with this ATA card on beige g3s.  About half of these 
instances are failures and nobody seems to have a good reason why. 
We finally got it working, and it lasted for a few weeks until it 
stopped again (prompted by an install without first repairing 

The only thing I can come up with is that possible the 80GB disk has 
a fault in it that OS 9 isn't picky enough to care about.  I'm hoping 
that someone on the list would be willing to try to install OS X on 
this disk using their machine, preferably something with onboard ATA. 
The ATA card successfully runs 10.2 on the other disk, and the disk 
in question runs OS 9 flawlessly.
