Apple isight webcam

2009-12-13 Thread Lodge family

Hi All
Son going overseas and he feels he needs a webcam to use with a 12  
inch ibook 1.33mhz.
Is it worth trying to find a firewire isight webcam or can anyone  
recommend another make.


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Free Large CRT apple monitors

2009-06-04 Thread Lodge family

Hi all

I am disposing of six large 24inch CRT apple monitors all in working  

If anyone is interested they can be picked up from the Kalamunda area.


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iweb 09 and IE compatibility

2009-04-14 Thread Lodge family

Hi All

Does anyone know if iweb 09 will display on windows machines using IE 6.
08 iweb would not display truly and links would not work, OK in most  
other windows browsers, just IE.

Microsoft blamed Apple and vice versa but hoping someone fixed it.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Free CRT monitors

2009-01-30 Thread Lodge family

Hi all

Have some large CRT monitors going free.(20inches and up)
There is a mix of IBM sony and Apple.
Contact me off list if interested.
Pick up only.


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Any charities out there?

2008-12-20 Thread Lodge family

Hi all

Have several powermacs that I cannot use and would like to donate to  
school or charity.

They are G4 400 with 512Mb ram or more.
Please contact off list if interested.


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Iweb IE compatible?

2008-10-24 Thread Lodge family

Hi all

Used iweb template to make up web pages to display photographs.
Tested fine in firefox and safari.
When tried on IE on XP machine the links to the pages do not display.

I found iweb easy to use and very intuitive but does this all mean  
that it is impossible to display iweb sites on 95% of computers who  
run XP and IE ?

Any solutions  would be appreciated.

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Iweb08 and IE 7

2008-10-24 Thread Lodge family

Thanks all for the quick responses.
Have javascript enabled.

Glenn thanks for that site. Testing the site using  
clearly shows that it will not work.

On searching the web for problems it seems that iweb 08 will not work  
with IE 7 on XP.

Solution seem to be to use iweb 06 which will work.
Or as customers to download  Firefox.

Thanks again.

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firewire gone missing

2008-10-16 Thread Lodge family

We were considering the cheaper option of the other side at our school.
This cuts out many options and puts Apple out unfortunately.
We will not be leasing the more expensive machines.

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Missing Dock Items using wireless

2008-07-09 Thread Lodge family

Hi all
Have a problem with dock items missing when logging macbooks onto  
network using wireless.

Problem occurs when a user logs onto the network using wireless, can  
get all the items/half the items/or just the bin and finder.
Does not matter if other laptops are logging on at same, can occur  
with just one user.
Can log on and get two items, then log on again and get the lot, and  
vice versa.
Have checked group managed prefs etc but no improvement in the  
intermittent problem.

Have tried trashing difference.
Only had problem since moving from 10.4.7
No problems with ethernet clients.

Background Noise on network 13%, is this normal?

Any ideas ??
Thanks in anticipation

tiger server 10.4.11 with clients all running 10.4.11 Macbook first  
generation. Apple basestation extremes

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Faulty Caps and emac 1.25

2008-04-25 Thread Lodge family

Hi All

Have some machines (emac 1.25Ghz USB 2) that have bulging capacitors,  
problem mostly in this model.
I think Apple were replacing whole logic boards then fixing  
capacitors and then reusing them.
Evidently there were millions of these duds produced used in wide  
variety of computers, they were produced using a stolen Japanese  
formulae that was incomplete.
Not well advertised by Apple, the symptoms being screen freezing when  
video intensive activity.

Question is.. is there anyone in Perth who can replace these  
capacitors on the board.

Thanks in anticipation.


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Free 5400

2007-10-27 Thread Lodge family

Hi All
Anyone interested in free working 5400 with stylewriter and zip drive  
with disks.

Trying to avoid rubbish tip.
Saw a group was taking old computers, is this ongoing or a once a  
year thing?


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Basestation power chord needed

2007-07-26 Thread Lodge family

Hi all
Someone at work has lost the power chord for an early grey basestation.
It is the one with the rectangular transformer as part of the power  
Anyone who has one to spare at reasonable cost can you please contact  
me off list.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Phaser or Laser that is ...

2007-06-20 Thread Lodge family

Hi All

We are looking at purchasing the following printer for a school  
situation.Xerox Docuprint C3210DX
Has anyone on list had any experience, good or bad, regarding this  

We are particularly looking at reliability and maintenance issues.
We have had a Xerox 850N for five years, 100 000 prints and two sets  
of heaters plus powerboard etc.

The solid ink technology is supposedly cheaper to run, but with  
improvement in laser technology this may now not be the case.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Any emacs out there?

2007-05-02 Thread Lodge family

Hi all
We are looking for one or more emacs for our school.
There was a clearance at the end of their lives from all mac stores,  
think they went out for about $500 at the end.

Has anyone got one or more for sale at reasonable price?
Prefer younger ones if possible.
Thanks in anticipation.

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FS 12inch ibook batteries

2007-03-30 Thread Lodge family

Hi all

Following ibook batteries that fit th 12 inch white G3 or G4 ibooks.
3 @ New in packet   Never used  M9337G/A
1@ Six months use

$70 for the new ones
$40 for the one with light use.


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Steve's True Face?

2007-02-17 Thread Lodge family

For the faithful

Has Steve Jobs shown his true face?
Does he really think on such a basic level? (Teachers that can't  
handle new technology should be sacked!)
A clue to his profound utterings may be in the fact that he is in  
Bush Country where improving the education system involved firing  
teachers to raise the teacher/student ratio and thus improving the  
bottom line.

Interesting to read the response from Dell's representitive


802.11n macbooks ?

2007-01-27 Thread Lodge family

Hi All

I have read that the first macbooks (core duo) cannot use 802.11n,  
but new core 2 duo machines will be able to.
Is there an airport card availiable or going to be made availiable so  
that these macbooks can use the extra speed and range.
In other words are these early macbooks going to be limited to  
802.11a/g speeds

Thanks in anticipation

DVD question

2007-01-18 Thread Lodge family

Hi all.
Last year I transferred all my VHS tapes to dvd via imovie/idvd.
I would like to transfer about 30 secs off the dvd to use in iphoto  
slideshow for a birthday.

I no longer have access to analogue to digital convertor.

I do have canon digital camera, could I use output from dvd player  
and record back to camera and record on camera, then import from  
camera into imovie.

Thanks in anticipation.

simple resizing of images?

2006-05-29 Thread Lodge Family

Hi all
Anyone out there got any suggestions for batch processing digital  
images.  At present we have three cameras all producing different  
sized images.
Have used graphics convertor but this does far more than a primary  
school would ever need.

Thanks in anticipation

Which Scanner?

2006-01-12 Thread Lodge Family

Hi All

My wife is into restoring old pictures and wants to buy a reasonable  
scanner for the purpose.
She has mostly black and white pics. She wants good quality scans to  
edit in photoshop.
Can anyone recommend a scanner, willing to pay for quality, say  
around $500 or so. (more if required)

We have slides and negatives, but these are not priority at present.
She has and epson 610 perfection.

Thanks in anticipation.


Golf Game ?

2005-10-22 Thread Lodge Family

Hello all

Looking for a golf game to run on a 500Mhz imac. Must be a CD.
 if anyone has one for sale or knows where I could find one in Perth it 
would be appreciated.

Tiger Wood 2003 would fit that machine I think
Thanks in anticipation.


IBM ViaVoice feedback

2005-05-31 Thread Lodge Family

Hello All

Any feedback about IBM ViaVoice  would be appreciated.
Seeking voice recognition software for slot loading imacs. (400Mhz)

Needed for children who have problems putting pen to paper.

Thanks in anticipation

Unable to download

2005-01-22 Thread Lodge Family

Hi Wamuggers

I have a problem as I am unable to download irrespective of which 
browser I am in. (Safari and IE quits and Firefox does nothing)
All other internet services work fine( email browsing software update 
and Ichat)
I have reinstalled the OSx to version 10.3.3 and updated to 10.3.7 and 
trashed preferences.

Using ADSL DSL 300 with iinet.
Ibook G4 384MB

All ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Unable to download files

2005-01-22 Thread Lodge Family

Hi Wamuggers
I have a problem as I am unable to download irrespective of which 
browser I am in. (Safari and IE quits and Firefox does nothing)
All other internet services work fine( email browsing software update 
and Ichat)
I have reinstalled the OSx to version 10.3.3 and updated to 10.3.7 and 
trashed preferences.

Using ADSL DSL 300 with iinet.
Ibook G4 384MB
All ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Have you been using any 3rd party apps. to speed up downloads?

My son installed download speedmaniac about two months ago and thats 
when problem started. Erased everything I could see related to that 

By 'Download' do you mean 'unable to view web pages'? Have you tried 
remote web pages (like and local ones (like iinet's?)
Check to see if you have a proxy set in System Preferences' Network 
Panel. Choose whichever networking you're using from the 'Show' pop-up 
menu and then click the 'Proxies' tab and make sure your Web and Secure 
Web Proxy settings are set correctly for iinet (which according to 
their handbook indicates that they should be empty).

Have fun,

I have no problems downloading web pages, but when I try to download a 
file everything falls over.

I have checked proxy settings.

Rob there is one more idea,
did you use the small undate package or the combo
update package, from my experience it is essential to
use combo usually double the size but does fix a few
anomalies between updates.
Steven w

Used the combo update.