[WAMUG] September's General Meeting

2022-09-18 Thread topsmith--- via WAMUG
   Hello Fellow WAMUGgers

   At our September general meeting, we had an attendace of six. Four
   committee members and two regular members. However those who were
   prestn saind they enjoyed the monthly Zoom get togethers and would like
   them to continue.

   We then discussed the issue of attendance The chief problem is the time
   sand effort put into preparing the meeting versus the interest that is
   shown . This has been a concern even before Covid stopped our
   face-to-face meetings.

   From our discussion, the following were issues we felt contributed to
   the low attendance.

   People have the information they need at their fingertips, via the list
   and the internet, and there may be a feeling that they do not need to

   The subject of meeting topics came up. It is a Catch-22. We are unsure
   of what people want, so we provide topics we think might appeal, but
   they are not the topics people want.

   One attendee mentioned that they often feel their questions are too
   basic; however, everyone agreed this was never the case. We all learn
   from each other and can gain tips and knowledge from the answers others
   give. e.g.During this meeting, we had questions on ransomware, what
   hardware to use for a time machine back-up and hidden partitions on

   We are a forum of users. (Forum = "A public meeting place for open
   discussion.") and the more we contribute, the stronger we become

   The following decisions were made.
 * We will continue with the monthly Zoom meetings.
 * Before the meeting, we will ask for any questions, problems or
   topics people want to be answered or discussed.
 * We will look into opening our meetings to other Mac groups.

   [1]Send Email

   So, for now, we will continue with our monthly general meetings, and we
   hope to see more of you there.




   1. https://webmail.internode.on.net/index.php/mail
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[WAMUG] Where do we go from here?

2022-09-04 Thread topsmith--- via WAMUG
   Hello Fellow WAMUGgers,

   This Tuesday 6 September, our member meeting will focus on……wait for
   it….Where do we go from here?

   On  August 1, I sent a notification the to the list that the committee
   had decided change our general meetings from monthly meetings to
   meetings ‘as and when needed’.

   The following reasons came up in our discussions. They are not
   criticisms of any person or group of people but are facts

   The change in decision was due to -
 * declining attendance
 * not knowing what members would be interested in, which has resulted
   in the committee coming up with ideas that might be of interest to
 * presentations at meetings being left to a few.
 * our WAMUG list being the main source of information and help.

   So, this month’s meeting is an opportunity for you to have your say and
   join in the discussion.  If you are interested in contributing, please
   join us .

   Meeting details are below

   Topic: Where do we go from here?

   Time: Sep 6, 2022 07:30 PM Perth

   Join Zoom Meeting


   Meeting ID: 844 3921 2041

   Passcode: 502451

   Kind Regards,

   Maureen Smith
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