On Saturday, Jun 21, 2003, at 14:54 Australia/Perth, Onno Benschop

The fact that no-one responded indicates to me that the problem has
likely nothing to do with Entourage, and much more likely something in
your personal setup. Alternatively everybody hates you :-)

On Monday, June 23, 2003, at 11:34 AM, James Green wrote:

Maybe you should not reply to emails when you are "upset" and "grumpy"
which unfortunately appears to be the case most of the time. All the
smily faces in the world don't change the fact that most of your
replies, whether they are helpful or not, come off sounding sarcastic
and arrogant. I don't deny that you are very knowledgeable, but
methinks you are also a ******, and perhaps every so often you should
remove your head from your ***, and actually think about what you are
typing when replying.

1. This language is not appropriate for this list.
2. Personal attacks have NO PLACE on this list.
3. If you must to continue, take it off the list.
4. Disregard this warning and be permanently banned.

Enough said.

- Matt


Matt Healey     [EMAIL PROTECTED]