[WAMUG Meeting] Notes from May Meeting

2004-05-05 Thread Daniel Kerr
Hi All

Here are some brief notes from tonight's meeting:

1) A brief discussion on Apple in the media.

2) Yahoo mail. Can log in from the school network, but from home on a modem
it crashes out?
To clear out Cache in Explorer, have a look under preferences in the
Have a look in Preferences/Explorer/delete cache and file cache.waf

3) Toast won't install on Panther?
Need to update to Toast 5.2.3 update. This should fix the issue.
Palm Sync issues. Need to update to 4.2.1

4) Any way to make one machine sync to a phone to another machine so they
are the same?
Try syncing one calendar and see if this makes a difference. Reset to
factory defaults and see how it goes.

5) To backup 1000 pages to file? Is there a machine that will do this?
A lot of the multifunction machines will allow you to do this, and will even
work on a network. Can access it to a machine, hit scan and it will transfer
it to one specific machine.
Brother and Epson have machines that do this. Canon also have one as well.
HP also have some on the market as well. Best for drivers would be Epson and

***Matt and Peter do an in house demo on Xgrid.***
What is a grid of computers? A grid is a bunch of computers all working
together on a single problem. (Big computing tasks that can be shared amoung
low cost computers.) It means they all work faster then 1 computer trying to
do it all by itself.
Everyone with laptops installed the software on their computer (which was
linked from Matt's machine.). The demo was ready to go after installing the
software on everyone's computer.
Matt then ran the Mandelbrot demo, which ran about 600MHz on one machine.
With about 7 computers linked together (via Airport) the demo increased from
MHz to GHz processing. (even up to 6GHz).
Although it didn't look the computer was doing anything it was working away
and transferring the information back to the main machine, which was Matt's
laptop. This is where you would use the downtime of each computer and get
them to work together. (A bit similar to Seti at Home, or folding.
So we could see the workload was distributed around all the computers and
getting much faster results out of many machines working together then one
Very useful for bio-tech companies. (released a program called Blast for
matching DNA code. Very processor intensive.) The G4 and G5 are very good at
it, due to AltiVec. Very big program. Allows to do jobs that could have
taken days previously, whereas now can get it done in hours.
To delete, go to Library/Xgrid/Scripts. Double click on Xgrid

*** Matt demo's Unison ***
For looking at newsgroups, which is a like a lot of emails all together in
categories. (Hogwasher, Neswatcher, Mt-Newswatcher.)
Now there is Unison (From panic)
http://www.panic.com or Versiontracker
It uses an interface like the Finder. The first thing you have to do isw
configure a server. This is normally news.ispname
Eg news.m.iinet.net.au, news.westnet.com.au etc
You can't access your own newsgroup server from other ISP's.
(This can normally be in the realm of 50,000 newsgroups.)
You can then look in Discussions and look into a category that interests
you. For example Macintosh. Then you can look at further categories inside
this. For example Applications.
So inside Politics there was alt.politics.democrats and there were 14
This is very similar to the WAMUG mailing list, except it's in one spot on a
You can also create favourites that you go to your self.
(NOTE: You also have to be very aware that the live content you see can
also be a bit risky, so  be aware that some of the content you may come
across may not be suitable for all ages!!!)
You can also post to the list. Also when you use your email address to post
be aware that you can get a lot more spam. You are better to disguise your
real address and use something like [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eg for wamug@wamug.org.au you would use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and then
in your email tell people to remove the *NoSpam* from your address. This
stops your email being taken by spam bots.
(Just a little side note for you - Ed)
It sells for about $30AUD. Matt notes it as the best one for the Mac.

*** Daniel does the demo with eyeTV400 ***
You may remember the demo for eyeTV USB some time last year. Well El Gato
have significantly changed the range now. They added a lot of Firewire
devices. EyeTV basically allows you to watch, record and edit television on
your Mac. You can also time-shift what you're watching. This means if
you're watching a show then you can pause it and when you come back to watch
it again you start from where you left off, meaning you don't miss anything,
even if you've been away for an hour! (Hard drive space permitting.). All
models now come with a remote control!
The range now consists of:
EyeTV USB - Analogue system for G3 or better. All normal features. RRP $429.
EyeTV 200 - 

Re: [WAMUG Meeting] Notes from May Meeting

2004-05-05 Thread Ronda Brown

On 04/05/2004, at 11:08 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi All

Here are some brief notes from tonight's meeting:

Thanks heaps to Daniel for giving  members who are unable to attend the 
Monthly meeting this information.

I for one appreciate it immensely.

(NOTE: You also have to be very aware that the live content you see 

also be a bit risky, so  be aware that some of the content you may come
across may not be suitable for all ages!!!)

hey hey Daniel ... you mean 'older ladies like me' 
