A long shot, but hoping someone can point me to some revelational fix for problems I'm having with Mail Rules.

I'm running 10.5.8, so a side question is whether anyone knows whether Snow Leopard has changed / improved Mail, and in particular Mail Rules. Because maybe upgrading to Snow Leopard might put an end to the problem anyway.

I currently have about 25 separate Rules set up, and all of these rules (except for the pre-prepared 'News From Apple' rule) apply to an IMAP account (I'll call this account IMAP A. The Rules predominantly copy messages to a range of other IMAP accounts, which I'll call collectively IMAP B, if certain Rules are met. So, I have one of the Conditions as "Account IMAP A", and one of the actions as "Copy Message to mailbox IMAP B".

About once a day (just an estimate of frequency), the action "Copy Message to mailbox IMAP B" simply, and without warning, changes to "Copy Message to mailbox IMAP A". It does this for each of the Rules, and is bugging me because I have to go through all of the Rules about once a day and manually change them all back to what they should be, ie. "Copy Message to mailbox IMAP B". Nothing else seems to change, just that one action.

A couple of the Rules I have set up do not copy the messages from IMAP A to IMAP B. These two Rules copy incoming messages to a locally saved Mailbox within my Mail client. These two Rules do not seem to require periodic repair - they just keep on going.

Any clues? Is it a known bug? Is there a fix? Will Snow Leopard likely fix?

Cheers, Steven

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