In Mail (latest version within OSX 10.6.4), let's say I have the following 
mailboxes ...

Mailbox A
Mailbox B
Mailbox C

I have a rule such that if a message arrives in account 'Mailbox A', and 
contains a specific string of characters, then the message will be copied to 
Mailbox B. That works fine.

What I now want to do is copy the arriving message to Mailbox C (as well as 
copying it to Mailbox B. However when I tried to add the action "Copy Message 
To Mailbox C", the 'Copy Message' option is greyed out, presumably because I've 
already used the 'Copy Message' option in order to copy to Mailbox B. Mail 
doesn't seem to allow you to duplicate 'Copy Message' action within the same 

So, I created a new rule, same as the first rule but replacing 'Copy Message to 
Mailbox B' with  'Copy Message to Mailbox C'. Upon testing this, Mail seems to 
act on the 1st rule, but ignores the 2nd rule. I suspect that this is due to:

Each incoming message can have only one rule applied to it.
Mail doesn't consider the message copied to Mailbox B an incoming message.

Whilst typing out this query, I did figure a workaround, however it's not 
perfect so I'll keep typing.

To my rule I added another action - 'Redirect message to Mailbox C'. Whilst 
this works, it does leave a trail, in that the message in Mailbox B is marked 
as 'redirected', which is not ideal. So if anyone knows how I can 'copy' an 
incoming message to more than one mailbox, I'd be interested to hear.

Cheers, Steven

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