Running Cyberduck 4.1 on Lion on MBP 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.

For the past week or two, I haven't been able to access the server directories 
I've always accessed in the past - via SFTP, via bookmarks - nothing has 

Yet I installed Cyberduck on a an iMac I have, duplicated the bookmarks 
(manually) and accesses fine.

I've compared about 10 times now the Cyberduck bookmark settings on my MBP vs 
iMac, both the same. Using Cyberduck on the iMac, I've disconnected from the 
server and quit Cyberduck in case there was an issue with two clients accessing 
server at same time, or the iMac connection blocking out the MBP connection. 
Makes no diff.

I've reinstalled Cyberduck on the MBP. There are no password error messages. 
When I access via the bookmark, the status bar shows "Opening SFTP connection 
to <domain name>" a green dot appears next to the bookmark details, and there 
it sits spinning its wheels. The Activity window shows "Mounting <domain>". And 
there things sit forever.

It used to be that you'd trash a preference file for things like this - is 
there any similar fix I should try these days? Any clues as to the cause of 
Cyberduck working on one Mac and not another?!

Cheers, Steven

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