Hi guys & gals, anyone wish to share an opinion on the following

I'm considering upgrading the cpu on my G4 400 sawtooth. It's the old
system bus version, AGP not PCI (I've got a 32meg GF4mx card
installed) 896megs of 
RAM, and a 7200RPM hard disk.

Other World Computing has a bunch of different upgrade cards
available, but the 
ones I'm thinging of are 'GigaDesigns' branded 1.2 and 1.4Ghz cpus.

The 1.2Ghz goes for $687 AU, while the 1.4Ghz goes for $867
(difference of $180).

I was originally going to fork out for the 1.4Ghz, but I read some
threads on 
xlr8yourmac.com which made me wonder - on my 100mhz system bus, am I
going to 
see a negligible performance increase from 1.2Ghz to 1.4Ghz? i.e, are
the bandwith 
limitations of my G4 going to negate the benefits of a faster
processor? or, looking at 
it another way, am I just being really, _really_ picky? ;-)



P.S. 'Figure this decision only needs to last me a year or so, as
I'll pick up a G5 next 

P.P.S. I use my box for Photoshop, DreamWeaver, InDesign, email, web,
and few 
games*, and the occasional (but becoming more frequent) iMovie.

*Okay, quite a few games. ;-)