I Tunes update

2005-08-23 Thread kennyj

Hi all,
having been away a few weeks I've just allowed all the new updates to 
install (OSX, 10.3.9)...

I now can't open I Tunes from the dock?
Have trashed the 'alias', created a new one but can't even open I Tunes 
from the applications folder?!

Is this an issue because of the updates, I would imagine the updates 
are for Tiger or is that not a drama?

Any help much appreciated,

Ken Jackson

Re: I Tunes update

2005-08-23 Thread Daniel Kerr
On 22/08/2005 11:28 PM, kennyj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 having been away a few weeks I've just allowed all the new updates to
 install (OSX, 10.3.9)...
 I now can't open I Tunes from the dock?
 Have trashed the 'alias', created a new one but can't even open I Tunes
 from the applications folder?!
 Is this an issue because of the updates, I would imagine the updates
 are for Tiger or is that not a drama?
 Any help much appreciated,
 Ken Jackson

Hi Ken

Have you tried repairing permissions. This is something that should always
be done after most updates.
To do this go to Applications/Utilities and open Disk Utility.
There under First Aid there will be a button for Repair Permissions.
Run this and it will go through and Scroll some unix info if it finds
anything. Once finished, quit it and see if that works.

If not, then also try deleting the iTunes preferences.
This is located at 

Drag that to the trash and then try to open iTunes again and see if that

If that doesn't work, then another thing to see if its a System wide error
or just related to your account is to create another user, log into it and
then see if iTunes has the same problem there as well.
If iTunes opens fine on the second account then you know it's related to
something to do with just your account. Whereas if it does the same thing
under the newly created account then you know it's a system wide error.
In that case iTunes may need re-installed.

Hope that info helps.


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau
Web:   http://www.macwizardry.com.au

**For everything Macintosh**

re: I Tunes update - Does your Safari app work?

2005-08-23 Thread Derek Yeoh-Ellerton

Hi Ken and WAMUG folks.

I've found that several machines I've updated with the security update  
2005-007 (Panther), running 10.3.9, exhibit similar behaviour to what  
you are describing. I found the issue was with Mail, and Safari. I  
hadn't opened iTunes on the specific machines. But the problem sounds  
very similar.

I recommend being very careful with the 007 security updates... There  
are numerous Apple forum discussion articles about people having  
similar problems. Especially with Mac OS X 10.3.9 (I've updated 10.4.2  
machines, without issue).

What most people notice first is that Safari or some other key Apple  
applications stop working.

Check into your log files using an application such as Console. Check  
out what the most recent messages are. Also, check  
~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter log.

I found on several machines that some core files were missing or upset,  
as mentioned in these logs. These included the Java Virtual Machine.  
Hence why the application wouldn't launch. E.g...

dyld: /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari can't open  
library: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/JavaVM


Check out some of these URLs to see if the symptoms match:

http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68b6a437
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68b667f6
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68b6bc6f
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68b6f349/ 

(those lines might wrap, and any %20 text to be removed from the URL)

In the particular cases I experienced at the end of last week, I found  
some careful work with Pacifist (to extract certain parts of  
installers) resolved the issues, without requiring an OS install.

Keep in mind, that if you try to install, say, the Java update that is  
already installed, the Mac OS won't let you do it. But if you use  
Pacifist to do the work, you can force install any update. (So, be  

In total, the tools I used were:

-Disk Utility
-Pacifist, along with these Mac installers:
-Mac OS X 10.3.9 installer
-Java 1.42 update 1
-Java 1.42 update 2
-Java Startup update 10.3.9

Before you attempt any fix, first make sure this is the same problem,  
by looking at your log files.

Secondly, back up any work before proceeding.

Some authors in the Apple discussions recommend reinstalling the OS.  
This *wasn't* necessary. But some careful work with Pacifist, and some  
restarts in between, was. Your mileage may vary though.

Hope that helps.



Derek Yeoh-Ellerton
National IT Manager
Printforce Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: 08 9223 2487
Fax: 08 9221 2059
Mobile: 0413 838 518

Sell the sizzle, not just the steak.