Many messages similar to the following always appear on various mailing lists and web forums just after the Keynotes given by Steve Jobs
If anyone can download a copy of the Steve Jobs 2006 Macworld Keynote which
can be watched here:

Apparently, you cannot save it to hard disc--but maybe there is a
workaround? We would like to show it to the group at our meeting this week.

But unfortunately Apple do not provide a downloadable version, only the streamed version.

Which I found rather surprising when you consider Apple have the best "downloadable" video distribution service out there in the form
of the iTunes Music (Media) Store ;)

How many people here would be prepared to pay US$1.99 (or AUD$3.39, or what the local price) for a downloadable version of various Apple Keynotes, just hours after the event itself.

Sure the quality from iTMS would be lower then the streamed versions - I believe the streamed versions are now available in HD while the standard format for iTMS is 320x240 pixels. Not the best but acceptable.

Perhaps if we all wrote to Apple via their Feedback Form found at <> (which can also be accessed from the "Provide Feedback" option under the iTunes menu in iTunes itself) requesting they add the keynotes to the iTMS they may actually do this.

I have just done so, setting the "Request Type" of "Request Artist" and suggested that artist be "Steve Jobs" and stating that many people on various mailing lists and web forum often enquire about obtaining a downloadable version.

If YOU would be interested in getting a downloadable version of the Apple Keynotes (this one or even future ones) then please take a few minutes to use the Request Music feedback form and we may just get what we want ;)

Nicholas Pyers, Macintosh User Group Resources
