Re: Modems for sale

2001-11-05 Thread Peter McGrath

I have a modem for sale if anyone is interested. It's a US Robotics 56K.
It's missing the power adapter so I'll sell it for $50.

I also have a Mac Classic, a Mac Classic II and a Stylewriter 1200. The
Sylewriter doesn't work but might be fixable. $20 the lot or free to a

Please e-mail or call me.

Peter McGrath

Modems for sale

2001-11-03 Thread Larry Pohl

I've noticed a couple of people asking about modems for sale.

I have 2 at the moment I'm trying to sell, both around the $75 mark. There
are both in good condition etc - they just don't place nice with my new
ISP's setup. I'm off later today to buy a new one that will. ($250 - ouch)
