Thanks to all who have taken the time to drop me a line and report their
experience with running OSX on machines < 333MHz. I have to say that
the response to date has been fairly equivocal in terms of positive vs
negative performance evaluations. Just to help my decision, I wonder
whether someone would mind commenting on the following -
Before posting my initial request for feedback, I tried dropping my 10G
OS X-only hard drive from my Pismo 500 Mhz into the 233MhZ Wallstreet
(256Mhz) I am considering upgrading. The result: well, system
performance was rather sluggish - perhaps even to the point where I
would probably consider not upgrading the machine. Is such a method of
"hot-swapping" the hard drives likely to provide an accurate assessment
of system performance? From what I can tell, there are no firmware
upgrades required for this machine before installing OS X. Are there
other issues associated with the disk swap which may be impacting on the
speed? (NB The extent of my speed appraisal involved tinkering around in
Finder and running MS Word for OS X.)
Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770
On Saturday, April 6, 2002, at 09:55 AM, Matt Huitson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd appreciate some feedback from anyone currently running (or with
> prior experience of running) OS X on a G3 233 Mhz processor. Just a
> brief word or two on general speed of system would suffice. Additional
> comments on how MS Office X performs would be a bonus. Happy for them
> to be sent direct to me if you prefer.
> TIA,
> Matt.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]