
Presbyterian Ladies' College is the largest K-12 user of Apple equipment in WA and perhaps Australia. From time to time we have excess equipment to clear at very reasonable prices. Last year at our School Fair, many WAMUG members took away iMacs, iBooks, software, peripherals etc at bargain prices.

We have G3 iMacs, G3 iBooks, spare parts, monitors, printers batteries, power supplies, software, manuals etc.

We are presently organising a bit of an inventory, but if you would like to be contacted in the near future to be invited to inspect/buy/ take away any of this equipment, please hit the reply button to this email with your details.

Your email will not be individually answered, but any respondents will be contacted in bulk once we have organised a purchasing opportunity - eg. carpark sale one Saturday morning in the near future.


Brett Clarke
Director, Information Systems & Services
Apple Distinguished Educator, 2002

Presbyterian Ladies' College
14 McNeil Street

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