Thanks Ronni for your very clear explanation.  Cheers,

Sent from my iPhone

> On 4 Oct 2015, at 11:15 AM, Ronni Brown <> wrote:
> Hi Michael and any member interested in this subject,
> Michael’s previous questions to the list under the Subject: Re: the spinning 
> beach ball has changed!
>> "Going by how often running "repair permissions" seemed to work for me, does 
>> this mean (a) I was deluded (b) Apple has sorted something out that had 
>> lingered for a long time or (c) software updates are going to be released 
>> every three weeks or so 😇?"
> To answer your question, I’ll need to explain to you what “Repair 
> Permissions” using Disk Utility in OS X prior to El Capitan repaired. 
> Hopefully below will help answer your previous questions.
> Repair Permissions in Disk Utility - Reset Home Folder Permissions in 
> Terminal  
> Part A of my Reply:
> Repair Permissions in Disk Utility in OS X prior to El Capitan 
> In OS X, each file contains information specifying which users (or parts of 
> the system) can read it, modify it, or execute it. 
> This information is collectively known as permissions. If a file has 
> incorrect permissions, it can cause apps to misbehave in various ways, such 
> as crashing or failing to launch.
> Ordinarily, installers set the correct permissions for the files they 
> install, and the permissions stay that way permanently. However, a poorly 
> written installer can mess up permissions — even for files it did not install 
> — and if you use Unix commands such as chown and chmod, you can accidentally 
> set files’ permissions incorrectly. 
> These sorts of problems occur infrequently, but they do occur.
> The Repair Permissions feature looks for certain software installed using 
> Apple’s installer, which saves files called receipts that list the locations 
> and initial permissions of all the files in a given package. Repair 
> Permissions compares the current permissions to those in the receipts and, if 
> it finds any differences, changes the files back. 
> The command ignores software installed in other ways (using a different 
> installer or drag-and-drop installation, for instance) and knows nothing 
> about permission changes you may have made deliberately.
> Permissions don’t go out of whack all by themselves; you (or software you 
> install) must do something to change them. 
> Are all files affected by Repair Disk Permissions?
> No. As you may have inferred from the above description, only those files 
> installed using OS X’s Installer utility and whose installation packages 
> leave behind a proper receipt in /Library/Receipts are affected by the Repair 
> Disk Permissions function. 
> This means that most of the files affected by the Repair Disk Permissions 
> function are system-level files, application files, or system add-ons—not 
> applications installed by drag-and-drop, and not your documents or other 
> user-level files.
> Repairing permissions is mainly a tool for fixing 'permissions-related' 
> problems with OS-level Apple software .
> But beyond that, only certain receipts are referenced, all of them associated 
> with OS-X-related software.
> Although some might argue that restricting the Repair Disk Permissions 
> function to Apple-installed software is a limitation, it’s also good 
> security. If third-party receipts were used as references when repairing 
> permissions, a piece of malware could leave behind a receipt designed to 
> maliciously change permissions on system-level files—for example, to assign 
> more-accessible permissions on normally secure files and directories. This 
> could be a major security risk.
> But starting in OS X 10.11 El Capitan, the Repair Permissions feature is gone 
> from Disk Utility entirely.
> Beginning with OS X El Capitan, system file permissions are automatically 
> protected. 
> It's no longer necessary to verify or repair permissions with Disk Utility.
>  Instead, permissions are repaired automatically when you install software 
> using Apple’s installer.
> —
> Part B of my Reply:
> Does repairing permissions affect third-party application files?
> Apple’s description of the Repair Disk Permissions function seems to imply 
> that any software, including third-party software, installed using Installer 
> and accompanied by a receipt in /Library/Receipts is affected by repairing 
> permissions. 
> However, we know from my previous reply above that this isn’t the case. The 
> only third-party software affected by repairing permissions is software 
> included with Mac OS X and installed by the Mac OS X Installer.
> Reset Home Folder Permissions in Terminal
> Disk Utility only checks a limited subset of files, and it won’t repair 
> anything within your Home folder. There is a slightly more convoluted way to 
> fix permissions issues there.
> Why might you want to do this, you ask? The most common scenario is that 
> something’s gone wonky with files or folders in your Home folder; you try to 
> save something to your Desktop, say, and your Mac tells you that you don’t 
> have permission to do so.
> Reset ‘Home Folder Permissions’ in Mountain Lion & Mavericks & Yosemite
> You can reset your Home Folder Permissions from the Recovery HD using the 
> Reset Password application.
> This utility was primarily designed to reset user passwords; nonetheless, 
> this tool also has the ability to Reset a User’s home folder permissions and 
> ACL’s. Keep in mind that this process resets ALL home folder permissions, 
> including intentionally changed permissions that may have benefited the user.
> Again, the Reset Password application is ONLY available from an OS X Recovery 
> system.
> Once running from OS X Recovery, you must open Terminal application (via the 
> Utilities menu), type   resetpassword  and press Return.
> Once Reset Password opens, simply select the system volume and the user 
> account you want to reset and click ‘Reset’.
> NOTE: You do NOT have to enter a New Password
> 1. Shut Down your computer
> 2. Boot to the Recovery HD: Start the computer and after the chime press and 
> hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. 
> Alternatively, start the computer and after the chime press and hold down the 
> OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. 
> Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
> 3. OpenTerminal application (via the Utilities menu).
> 4. type resetpassword and press return
> 5. Once Reset Password opens
>     Select your Hard Disk volume
>     Select your user account (the account you want to Reset)
>     Click the button to ‘Reset Home folder permissions and ACLs’
> 6. And Click ‘Reset’
> NOTE: DO NOT enter a New user password - leave all that blank
> The reset process takes just a couple of minutes. 
> When it’s done, exit the programs you’ve opened and restart your Mac.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
> 512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
> OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
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