Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-10 Thread Kelly Duffy

In looking for the USB coffee maker I only found this
coffee warmer:

But I also ran across a USB toothbrush:

and electric blanket:


maybe a coffee maker is just the next step...

By the way, if anyone can confirm if any of these are
actually real, please do, I can't read Japanese, or at
least I think they're in Japanese.

 --- John Currie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> >Note that Apple cooperated with the research.
> >
> >Have fun,
> >Shay
> >--
> Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?

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Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-10 Thread Peter Hinchliffe

On Thursday, October 9, 2003, at 09:36 PM, John Currie wrote:

Note that Apple cooperated with the research.

Have fun,

Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?

Only if it's a 64-bit coffee maker, presumably...

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer ServicesFileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Western Australia   Phone (618) 9332 6482Fax (618) 9332 0913

   Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-10 Thread Chris Burton
Yes, the 15" gets pretty hot, especially the 'bar' at the back of the 
keyboard. Would this be a heat sink perhaps? I think they could have 
put slightly bigger feet under the machine to lift it a bit higher off 
the desk...would allow more air to circulate

On Thursday, October 9, 2003, at 10:49  PM, Ryan Schotte wrote:

On 2003-10-09 at 21:36(GMT+0800) John Currie at 

mailed off into the ether:

Note that Apple cooperated with the research.

Have fun,

Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?

If the heat output of a 12" PB G4 is anything to go by, you could
connect it to a steam turbine and power the whole machine :) ...

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Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-09 Thread Susan Hastings
Mind you, in terms of being quiet, the ibook is mostly silent, but if 
you use it for a long time, the fan does kick in, and is very rowdy.

Perhaps its not very powerful, and so doesn't need a fan most of the 

On Thursday, October 9, 2003, at 09:36  PM, John Currie wrote:

Note that Apple cooperated with the research.

Have fun,

Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?

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Susan Hastings
Registered Psychologist
Bentley Family Therapy Centre
9 Mills Street
Bentley  WA  6102

Telelphone: 9458 1551
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Mobile: 0409 688 004

Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-09 Thread Ryan Schotte
On 2003-10-09 at 21:36(GMT+0800) John Currie at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailed off into the ether: 

> >
> >
> >Note that Apple cooperated with the research.
> >
> >Have fun,
> >Shay
> >--
> Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?

If the heat output of a 12" PB G4 is anything to go by, you could
connect it to a steam turbine and power the whole machine :) ...

Re: Water cooling for your G5 laptop

2003-10-09 Thread John Currie
>Note that Apple cooperated with the research.
>Have fun,
Could it be connected to a coffee maker ?