Hi WAMUGgers

For those interested in Skype for Mac, have a look at this:

The Fly.1 hands free phone is to be announced Jan 5-8 http:// www.ipevo.com/ces/. Read here http://www.ipevo.com/news01.jsp It could be worth waiting for. ipevo has a mac driver at http:// www.ipevo.com/downloads.jsp

It will be announced at the International CES Conference http:// www.cesweb.org/default_flash.asp in Las Vegas starting Jan 5th US time!
This would be a very interesting conference to attend. May be next year?

I found about this at http://news.zdnet.com/ 2100-1035_22-6016239.html?tag=nl.e589 as apparently I checked a newsletter box at the ZDNet website last week when researching VoIP!

We're at the cutting edge of knowledge here :-)
