The end of the year doth fast approach - and the next WAMUG meeting even 
faster! Or so my iCal has just reminded me.

G'day again all WAMUGGERS.

Yep - it's nearly time for the last WAMUG meeting of the year, next Tuesday, 1 
December 2009.

Topics for discussion are; in no particular order:

1.      Parallels 5 (not to be confused with "Parallel Lines", that brilliant 
Blondie album!);
2.      Grapher (everyone has this, but did you know about it?);
3.      New Apple Mouse; and
4.      Mail will be revisited (we'll cover some things not covered last time).

Of course, don't forget the question and answer session at the beginning of 
every meeting and a cuppa and biscuits at the end.

Prospective members are also very welcome.

(Details are subject to change without notice)

Location: Geology building 312, Curtin University, Bentley.
Time:   7.30pm - 9.00pm
******** WAMUG meets in the large meeting room just inside the front door of 
the building ********

Vist <> to view a 
detailed map.
Download a PDF of the Curtin map from 
Streetsmart map ref: 403 E4 (When entering Curtin University from either the 
north or south entrance, at the roundabout, head east on Brand Drive. Bldg 312 
is near the bus terminal)

See you there.

(ALSO: Don't forget the "Annual WAMUG Christmas Barbecue" on Sunday 13 december 
2009. See the reminder notification also sent out earlier today.)

Pete Smith

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