Hi everyone

My mother-in-law has a G3 Wallstreet Powerbook for sale (14"/10Gb/266MHz/128RAM/OS9.2.1). Floppy and CD modules, 2 batteries, power cable etc. Good machine. She wants to upgrade to OSX but it needs the HD to be partitioned to do so, in order to get it into the first 8Gb, I don't mind doing it but I felt that she would be better trying to get a newer machine.
1. Does anyone have an early G4 Tibook for sale, like 550MHz or similar? my guess around $1000? 2. Is anyone interested in the G3 Wallstreet? not sure what this is worth really, $500.

Also, my G4 (550MHz) has a broken hinge and the screen is hanging on by one only, real pain. Does anyone have a busted G4 TiBook with an intact case I could salvage?


Eye in the Sky Productions
Image makers to the Aviation Industry
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• VR panoramas
• Book production
• Copywriting
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Based in Western Australia
T: 08 9380 6508
M: 0403 235938
W: <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au>