Having just sent this via "yahoogroup" I 've just read the presidents 
reminder re change of address, hopefully you wont get this twice ! sorry 
about that won't happen again.
Hi, on 2/11/02 I posted regarding having lost my photo's in iphoto's, 
I'd like to thank Shay Telfer & Glauert Familia, in particular Glauert 
who gave a step by step account of what I should do,I've now recovered 
them all, being on the wrong side of 66 any technical stuff would 
probably have been wasted on me, this goes to show what a great group 
this is where the " Guru's " have time and patience for us "oldies"
Thank you very much
The hardest question is simple when you know the answer
The simplest question is difficult when you don't know

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]