Re: [wanita-muslimah] MATI SYAHID VS BOM => Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina dan Afghanistan

2007-06-02 Thread jano ko
Membunuhi orang lain dengan bom sekaligus membunuh diri sendiri 
 adalah BUNUH DIRI.

Jani - ki :

Apa hukumnya umat islam yang "digenocide / dimusnahkan" dengan bom oleh oknum 
manusia - manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawab ?

Selamat siang


ma_suryawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
 Membunuhi orang lain dengan bom sekaligus membunuh diri sendiri 
 adalah BUNUH DIRI.
 Bunuh diri adalah perbuatan TERLARANG menurut ajaran Islam. Dalam al-
 Qur'an Karim dinyatakan:
 "...Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu,sesungguhnya Allah Maha 
 Penyayang kepadamu." (4:29) "Dan barangsiapa berbuat demikian dengan 
 melanggar hak dan aniaya, maka Kami kelak akan memasukkannya ke 
 dalam neraka ... (4:30)
 Larangan bunuh diri ini yang dinyatakan dalam al-Qur'an adalah 
 berlaku untuk selama-lamanya, tapi tampak jelas di sini bahwa 
 kyai/mullah/ulama Islam mainstream (HMNA, misalnya) malah sibuk 
 mempropagandakan ajaran kreasi mereka bahwa bunuh diri dengan bom 
 adalah syahid. Kenapa dikatakan oleh para kyai/mullah/ulama itu 
 sebagai bom syahid? karena mati syahid itu tidak ditempatkan di 
 neraka, tetapi di surga.
 Sekarang mari kita lihat, apakah kriteria mati syahid itu termasuk 
 mati karena (bom) BUNUH DIRI? Ternyata TIDAK! Mati karena bunuh diri 
 bukanlah mati syahid. 
 Hadhrat Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
 "Sebelum kamu, pernah ada seorang laki-laki luka, kemudian marah 
 sambil mengambil sebilah pisau dan di potongnya tangannya, darahnya 
 terus mengalir sehingga dia mati. Maka berkatalah Allah: hambaku ini 
 mau mendahulukan dirinya dari (takdir) Ku. Oleh karena itu 
 Kuharamkan sorga atasnya." (Riwayat Bukhari, dan Muslim)
 "Barangsiapa menjatuhkan diri dari atas gunung kemudian bunuh diri, 
 maka dia berada di neraka, dia akan menjatuhkan diri ke dalam neraka 
 untuk selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa minum racun kemudian bunuh 
 diri, maka racunnya itu berada di tangannya kemudian minum di neraka 
 jahanam untuk selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa bunuh diri dengan alat 
 tajam, maka alat tajamnya itu di tangannya akan menusuk dia di 
 neraka jahanam untuk selama-lamanya." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
 Jelas, dalam ajaran Islam (Al-Qur'an dan Hz. Rasulullah s.a.w.) 
 melarang orang melakukan bunuh diri, namun sekarang sungguh ironis 
 dan mengerikan karena para kyai/ulama/mullah malah sibuk 
 mempropagandakan dan mengajarkan ajaran mereka yang di klaim sebagai 
 ajaran slam, yaitu aksi bunuh diri dengan bom dikatakan sebagai aksi 
 bom syahid.
 --- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
 > Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina
 > Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, 
 > Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
 Barat yang
 > kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. 
 Berikutnya Daren
 > Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya di 
 > kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, 
 akibatnya tiga
 > aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras 
 dari kamp
 > pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
 Barat yang
 > menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat adalah 
 Elham el
 > Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek 
 rumahnya di
 > kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel tewas 
 > melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel Teqaqah 
 > menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan 
 bom yang
 > dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi 
 terbesar di
 > Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih 
 dari 95
 > Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud 
 Olmaret dari
 > Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
 > Sun 12 Oct 2003
 > Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
 > HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant in 
 > Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and 
 pressed the 
 > detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as 
 they enjoyed 
 > a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last 
 weekend. But 
 > what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own 
 life and 
 > that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and 
 friends of 
 > suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American 
 > Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of 
 mind of the 
 > attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that 
 > attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well 
 > This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for 
 > behaviour is usually that they have seen the 

[wanita-muslimah] Maaf ya Mbak Mia - Re: Nurul Fikri

2007-06-02 Thread radityo djadjoeri
Oh, maaf ya Mbak Mia. Soalnya dulu pernah ada yang cerita kalau Nurul Fikri itu 
dirintis oleh ortunya Mbak Mia. Dan salah satu pengajarnya adalah  Mas Satriyo 
yang PKS. Kebetulan keduanya ada di WM..:))

  Pak Radityo, kalo ente bingung jangan ngajak orang lain bingung ya?
Gimana ceritanya Nurul Fikri gw yang punya?


--- In, radityo djadjoeri
> Ada yang minat?
> Btw, Nurul Fikri punya Mbak Mia ya?
> abu yazid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ustadzah juga manusia ...:) => Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina dan Afghanistan

2007-06-02 Thread jano ko
 Ma s :

Di sebelah mana dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa BUNUH DIRI adalah mati 


Jani ki :

PERTANYAAN, pertanyaan, pertanyaan.

Mau bertanya kepada Ma-s, disebelah mana dalam ajaran semua agama didunia dan 
HAM yang memerintahkan "memusnahkan" umat Islam ? adakah perintah untuk 
memusnahkan umat Islam ?

PERTANYAAN, pertanyaan, pertanyaan.

Selamat siang


ma_suryawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
 Mengapa orang yang melakukan bom bunuh diri dikatakan syahid? 
 Di sebelah mana dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa BUNUH DIRI adalah mati 
 Mengapa bom bunuh diri yang membunuhi rakyat jelata di tempat-tempat 
 umum itu 
 Sungguh mengerikan ajaran kreasi para kyai/mullah/ulama ini yang 
 diklaimnya sebagai ajaran Islam yg terus sibuk 
 mempropagandakan "kemuliaan bom bunuh diri" - sesuatu yang tidak 
 pernah diajarkan dalam al-Qur'an dan diajarkan/dianjurkan oleh 
 Rasulullah s.a.w.
 Inilah wajah ajaran buatan para kyai/mullah/ulama yang katanya mau 
 menegakkan Syari'at.
 --- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
 > Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina
 > Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, 
 > Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
 Barat yang
 > kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. 
 Berikutnya Daren
 > Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya di 
 > kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, 
 akibatnya tiga
 > aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras 
 dari kamp
 > pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
 Barat yang
 > menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat adalah 
 Elham el
 > Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek 
 rumahnya di
 > kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel tewas 
 > melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel Teqaqah 
 > menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan 
 bom yang
 > dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi 
 terbesar di
 > Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih 
 dari 95
 > Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud 
 Olmaret dari
 > Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
 > Sun 12 Oct 2003
 > Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
 > HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant in 
 > Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and 
 pressed the 
 > detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as 
 they enjoyed 
 > a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last 
 weekend. But 
 > what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own 
 life and 
 > that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and 
 friends of 
 > suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American 
 > Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of 
 mind of the 
 > attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that 
 > attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well 
 > This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for 
 > behaviour is usually that they have seen the death of a sibling, 
 often their 
 > eldest brother, for the cause. In Jaradat's case, her brother and 
 > were killed by Israeli soldiers in June.
 > Pelaku bom syahid laki-laki selalu dikemukakan dalam berita kerena
 > iming-iming 72 bidadari di surga. Itu hanya untuk "mengejek" para 
 pelaku bom
 > syahid saja. Padahal terdapat juga pelaku bom syahid perempuan. 
 > pelaku bom syahid perempuan itu tidak pernah kedengaran diexpose?
 > Selanjutnya silakan dibaca Pelaku Bom Syahid Perempuan di 
 Afghanistan di
 > bawah
 > Wassalam
 > Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom Operation
 > 05 December 2001 : Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom 
 > SO.
 > The following information has been provided by Mujahid Sheikh Abu 
 > Abdullah Al-Waleed as a challenge for the Pentagon to refute it. 
 He said
 > that the Mujahideen possess all the necessary proof and evidence 
 for the
 > information given here, which will be publicised if Allah makes it 
 > It is one of th

[wanita-muslimah] Maaf - Re: lowongan mengajar

2007-06-02 Thread indonebia indonebia
Oh, maaf Pak Dwi, tidak baca postingan Mbak Mia sebelumnya ...:))

Lelah menerima spam? Surat Yahoo! mempunyai perlindungan terbaik terhadap spam.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Ustadzah juga manusia ...:) => Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina dan Afghanistan

2007-06-02 Thread ma_suryawan

Mengapa orang yang melakukan bom bunuh diri dikatakan syahid? 

Di sebelah mana dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa BUNUH DIRI adalah mati 

Mengapa bom bunuh diri yang membunuhi rakyat jelata di tempat-tempat 
umum itu 

Sungguh mengerikan ajaran kreasi para kyai/mullah/ulama ini yang 
diklaimnya sebagai ajaran Islam yg terus sibuk 
mempropagandakan "kemuliaan bom bunuh diri" - sesuatu yang tidak 
pernah diajarkan dalam al-Qur'an dan diajarkan/dianjurkan oleh 
Rasulullah s.a.w.

Inilah wajah ajaran buatan para kyai/mullah/ulama yang katanya mau 
menegakkan Syari'at.


--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
> Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina
> Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, 
> Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
Barat yang
> kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. 
Berikutnya Daren
> Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya di 
> kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, 
akibatnya tiga
> aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras 
dari kamp
> pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
Barat yang
> menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat adalah 
Elham el
> Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek 
rumahnya di
> kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel tewas 
> melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel Teqaqah 
> menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan 
bom yang
> dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi 
terbesar di
> Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih 
dari 95
> Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud 
Olmaret dari
> Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
> Sun 12 Oct 2003
> Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
> HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant in 
> Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and 
pressed the 
> detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as 
they enjoyed 
> a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last 
weekend. But 
> what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own 
life and 
> that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and 
friends of 
> suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American 
> Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of 
mind of the 
> attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that 
> attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well 
> This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for 
> behaviour is usually that they have seen the death of a sibling, 
often their 
> eldest brother, for the cause. In Jaradat's case, her brother and 
> were killed by Israeli soldiers in June.
> Pelaku bom syahid laki-laki selalu dikemukakan dalam berita kerena
> iming-iming 72 bidadari di surga. Itu hanya untuk "mengejek" para 
pelaku bom
> syahid saja. Padahal terdapat juga pelaku bom syahid perempuan. 
> pelaku bom syahid perempuan itu tidak pernah kedengaran diexpose?
> Selanjutnya silakan dibaca Pelaku Bom Syahid Perempuan di 
Afghanistan di
> bawah
> Wassalam
> Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom Operation
> 05 December 2001 : Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom 
> SO.
> The following information has been provided by Mujahid Sheikh Abu 
> Abdullah Al-Waleed as a challenge for the Pentagon to refute it. 
He said
> that the Mujahideen possess all the necessary proof and evidence 
for the
> information given here, which will be publicised if Allah makes it 
> It is one of the series of authentic news reports from Afghanistan 
that have
> been related over the Internet to heal the hearts of the Muslims 
and boost
> their morale.
> On Monday 26 November 2001 (10 Ramadan 1422), Sheikh Abu Khalid 
Abdullah Al-
> Waleed conducted an interview with the husband of the martyred 
sister, after
> the Isha Prayer. There was a convoy that was getting ready to 
depart areas
> surrounding Kunduz, so the brother of the martyred sister 
suggested that
> they wait until the Americans arrived. The brother and sister had 
in their
> possessions passports whose names

[wanita-muslimah] MATI SYAHID VS BOM => Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina dan Afghanistan

2007-06-02 Thread ma_suryawan

Membunuhi orang lain dengan bom sekaligus membunuh diri sendiri 
adalah BUNUH DIRI.

Bunuh diri adalah perbuatan TERLARANG menurut ajaran Islam. Dalam al-
Qur'an Karim dinyatakan:

"...Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu,sesungguhnya Allah Maha 
Penyayang kepadamu." (4:29) "Dan barangsiapa berbuat demikian dengan 
melanggar hak dan aniaya, maka Kami kelak akan memasukkannya ke 
dalam neraka ... (4:30)

Larangan bunuh diri ini yang dinyatakan dalam al-Qur'an adalah 
berlaku untuk selama-lamanya, tapi tampak jelas di sini bahwa 
kyai/mullah/ulama Islam mainstream (HMNA, misalnya) malah sibuk 
mempropagandakan ajaran kreasi mereka bahwa bunuh diri dengan bom 
adalah syahid. Kenapa dikatakan oleh para kyai/mullah/ulama itu 
sebagai bom syahid? karena mati syahid itu tidak ditempatkan di 
neraka, tetapi di surga.

Sekarang mari kita lihat, apakah kriteria mati syahid itu termasuk 
mati karena (bom) BUNUH DIRI? Ternyata TIDAK! Mati karena bunuh diri 
bukanlah mati syahid. 

Hadhrat Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

"Sebelum kamu, pernah ada seorang laki-laki luka, kemudian marah 
sambil mengambil sebilah pisau dan di potongnya tangannya, darahnya 
terus mengalir sehingga dia mati. Maka berkatalah Allah: hambaku ini 
mau mendahulukan dirinya dari (takdir) Ku. Oleh karena itu 
Kuharamkan sorga atasnya." (Riwayat Bukhari, dan Muslim)

"Barangsiapa menjatuhkan diri dari atas gunung kemudian bunuh diri, 
maka dia berada di neraka, dia akan menjatuhkan diri ke dalam neraka 
untuk selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa minum racun kemudian bunuh 
diri, maka racunnya itu berada di tangannya kemudian minum di neraka 
jahanam untuk selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa bunuh diri dengan alat 
tajam, maka alat tajamnya itu di tangannya akan menusuk dia di 
neraka jahanam untuk selama-lamanya." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Jelas, dalam ajaran Islam (Al-Qur'an dan Hz. Rasulullah s.a.w.) 
melarang orang melakukan bunuh diri, namun sekarang sungguh ironis 
dan mengerikan karena para kyai/ulama/mullah malah sibuk 
mempropagandakan dan mengajarkan ajaran mereka yang di klaim sebagai 
ajaran slam, yaitu aksi bunuh diri dengan bom dikatakan sebagai aksi 
bom syahid.


--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
> Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina
> Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, 
> Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
Barat yang
> kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. 
Berikutnya Daren
> Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya di 
> kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, 
akibatnya tiga
> aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras 
dari kamp
> pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
Barat yang
> menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat adalah 
Elham el
> Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek 
rumahnya di
> kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel tewas 
> melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel Teqaqah 
> menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan 
bom yang
> dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi 
terbesar di
> Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih 
dari 95
> Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud 
Olmaret dari
> Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
> Sun 12 Oct 2003
> Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
> HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant in 
> Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and 
pressed the 
> detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as 
they enjoyed 
> a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last 
weekend. But 
> what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own 
life and 
> that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and 
friends of 
> suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American 
> Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of 
mind of the 
> attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that 
> attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well 
> This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for 
> behaviour is usually that they have seen the death of a sibling, 
often their 
> eldest brother, for the cause. In Jaradat's case, her brother and 
> were killed by Israeli soldiers in June.
> Pelaku bom syahid laki-laki selalu dikemukakan dalam berita kerena
> iming-iming 72 bidadari di surga. Itu hanya untuk "mengejek" para 
pelaku bom
> syahid saja. Padahal terdapat juga pelaku bom syahid perempuan. 
> pelaku bom syahid perempuan itu tidak pernah kedengaran diexpose?
> Selanjutnya silakan dibac

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Pengadilan Malaysia Tetap Tak Berpihak pada Lina Joy

2007-06-02 Thread Dwi W. Soegardi
On 5/31/07, Muhkito Afiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jika seandainya kelak RI menjadi negara agama, apakah penanganan
> kasus riddah semacam ini juga akan seperti yang terjadi di Malaysia
> ini?
> 30/05/2007 13:04 WIB
> Pengadilan Malaysia Tetap Tak Berpihak pada Lina Joy

Sementara ini saya belum pernah dengar ada Perda yang akan mengatur
"pindah agama." Begitu pula tidak jelas posisi partai-partai politik
mengenai hal ini. Paling santer, adalah soal pendirian rumah ibadah.
Selama ini di Indonesia sepertinya tidak ada masalah hukum soal pindah
agama, walaupun ada masalah administrasi (KTP, surat nikah, dll), dan
tentu saja masalah sosial.

Membandingkan dengan Malaysia ternyata tidak sederhana, walaupun bakal
banyak yang bisa dipelajari dan diantisipasi. Untuk lebih jelasnya
mengenai duduk perkaranya, ada satu situs blog yang bisa dijadikan
referensi Berikut ini salah satu cuplikannya
yang memuat keterangan dari Majlis Agama Islam Malaysia tentang Lina

Intinya, di Malaysia, pindah agama (keluar dari Islam) harus
mendapatkan persetujuan dari Mahkamah Syariah (FYI, tidak ada
keharusan serupa kalau ada orang keluar dari agama lain dan ingin
masuk Islam). "Calon murtad" harus mengemukakan alasannya di depan
Mahkamah, dan bisa diputuskan disetujui, ditolak, atau dipending.
Selain itu, warga Melayu yang murtad tidak dianggap lagi sebagai
Melayu (dalam Konstitusi Malaysia, ras Melayu = beragama Islam) dan
akan kehilangan status bumiputranya. Namun demikian, kasus riddah
adalah perkara perdata, bukan pidana.


Islam has been the law of the Malay Peninsula since 1136, ever since
the Hindu Sultan of Kedah, Merong Maha Wangsa converted to Islam and
assumed the Muslim name of Sultan Muzaffar Shah. Before Merdeka in
1957, Islam was the official religion of all the Malay states. What
the Constitution did was to state that Islam becomes "the religion of
the Federation", by virtue of Article 3 (1) of the Federal

The British in their treaties with the Malay rulers had never
interfered with the Rulers' sovereignty over Muslim matters and Malay
custom. The British came to the Malay Peninsula via Penang in 1786 and
had gradually introduced their laws - mostly commercial laws. But they
have not encroached upon Islamic laws. (In fact, when a British
Resident (James Birch) in the 19th century tried to interfere with the
powers of the Sultan over Muslim matters in Perak, the Resident was

Please understand that in the Lina Joy case the Federal Court does not
say that Lina Joy cannot leave Islam. The Court merely says: Lina will
have to go to a Syariah court if she wants to leave the Religion of
Islam - this is a requirement of Article 121 (1A) of the Constitution.
She can do this in her place of domicile - i.e. the state where she
permanently resides. If she resides in Wilayah Persekutuan, then she
has to go the Syariah High Court in Kuala Lumpur to make her

The right to profess and practise one's religion in Article 11 (1) of
the Constitution is interpreted differently for Muslims and
non-Muslims for the simple reason that Islam is not only a faith but
also a law. The Muslims have their own family laws (personal laws).

The right of equality in Article 8 of the Constitution is subject to
personal law. When Lina wanted the word "Islam" to be deleted, she was
to all intents and purposes asking the National Registration
Department (NRD) to accept her statement on her legal (religious)
status. This the NRD could not do. That is why they wanted her to
acquire a declaration from the Syariah court. On the other hand if a
non-Muslim wants to change his name to reflect his new religion (a
non-Islamic religion) in the NRD records (not in the IC) the NRD
cannot refuse; that would be illegal under the law.

The only communities that have their own personal laws in Malaysia are
the Muslims of Peninsula Malaysia, and Bumiputras of Sabah & Sarawak
(this expression includes Muslims). Other non-Muslims in Malaysia have
no personal laws; they share the civil laws on family matters - these
laws are based on English law. Examples are the Law Reform (Marriage
and Divorce) Act, the Wills Act, the Distribution Act, the
Guardianship of Infants Act. For Muslims, they have their own body of
laws, even if some are still uncodified in Malaysia.

Whether a person such as Lina will succeed or not in the Syariah court
will depend on the grounds that she gives to the Court i.e. she will
have to state why she is leaving the religion. Although Wilayah
Persekutuan does not have specific provisions in the Islamic
Administration Act on how to leave the religion, it does not mean that
the Court cannot go through the body of Muslim jurisprudence in order
resolve her problem.

In the state of Negeri Sem

[wanita-muslimah] Iranian Women Lambaste Temporary Marriage Idea

2007-06-02 Thread Sunny§ion=0&article=97015&d=3&m=6&y=2007&pix=world.jpg&category=World

Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

  Iranian Women Lambaste Temporary Marriage Idea

  TEHRAN, 3 June 2007 - Iran's interior minister faced criticism from women 
activists yesterday after advocating the practice of temporary marriage as a 
way to meet the needs of young people in the Islamic state, which bans 
extramarital sex.

  "Is it possible that Islam is indifferent to a 15-year-old youth into 
whom God has put lust?" newspapers quoted Interior Minister Mostafa 
Pourmohammadi, who is also a cleric, as telling a religious seminar this week.

  The minister said Iran should seek to promote the practice with 
"boldness" and urged seminary scholars to study the matter and come up with 
ways to "execute God's command in society."

  Temporary marriage, or sigha, is an agreement between a man and a women 
to get married for a specified time, even for just a few hours or days. It has 
long been practiced by Shiites, who are dominant in Iran, even though it is 
unclear how common it is.

  Sunnis say it is illegal and akin to prostitution, but some Shiites 
scholars say it reflects the reality of human nature and provides for the 
rights and responsibilities of both the man and the woman.

  "Although temporary marriage has always existed in our law, it is 
considered improper by Iranian culture," Shadi Sadr, an Iranian activist for 
women rights, told the ISNA news agency.

  Pourmohammadi spoke on Thursday in Qom, Iran's religious center, and his 
comments were carried mainly by reformist dailies yesterday. They also 
published reaction, mostly from opponents of the practice but also from some 
clerical backers.

  "Islam is a comprehensive and complete religion and has a solution for 
every behavior and need and temporary marriage is one of its solutions for the 
needs of the youth," Pourmohammadi said according to the Sharq daily.

  "For fulfilling the sexual desires of the youth who do not have the 
possibility to get married a decision should be taken." 

  "We should expect violations and repercussions if we do not practically 
respond to young people's sexual needs," the centrist Kargozaran daily quoted 
the minister as saying.

  A temporary marriage is easy to arrange. A couple will agree on how long 
they will get married - it's usually anywhere from a day to months - and on 
financial matters.

  Couples often go to a Shiite cleric for approval of the contract. "A 
great number of women who agree to have temporary marriage do it because of 
their problems and financial need," another women activist, Fatemeh Sadeghi, 
told ISNA.

  The Ham Mihan daily quoted a receptionist at a hotel in Tehran as saying 
it accepted couples with documents showing they were temporarily married and 
that it had about 100 such guests per week. "Our clients are young men with 
older women," he said.

  "In this kind of marriage there is no force, therefore we cannot say it 
is violating women's rights," one Iranian cleric, Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Ghabel, 
told Sharq.

  But a women former parliamentary deputy, Fatemeh Rakei, suggested that 
entering into a temporary marriage made it difficult for young women to later 
find permanent husbands and also expressed concern about the future of children 
from such marriages.

  "Have those who discuss such issues thought about the children of these 
marriages and their fate?" she asked

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Forcing Maids to Wear Veil

2007-06-02 Thread Sunny§ion=0&article=96980&d=3&m=6&y=2007&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom

Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

  Forcing Maids to Wear Veil
  Najah Alosaimi, Arab News

Some women feel that a maid walking outside without a veil attracts 
the attention of men. (AN photo)

  RIYADH, 3 June 2007 - The scene of a veiled maid walking with a Saudi 
family in public is a familiar one. It is also a normal scene when we consider 
how the veil and religion are closely associated with most Saudis.

  Veils constitute an important component of dress for many women in the 
Kingdom, where it is considered a sign of feminine modesty. Interestingly, 
non-Muslim maids that work for conservative Muslim families are also obliged by 
their sponsors to wear veils in public. However, these women are not required 
to do so when at home and among the family's menfolk.

  The reasons why some housewives tend to require their maids to wear veils 
vary according to the family. Some feel that a maid walking outside without a 
veil attracts the attention of men. They feel that veiling their maids protects 
them from annoying flirters.

  Laila Al-Hilali, a Saudi researcher, referred to a contradiction in the 
way that some families oblige their maids to wear veils in public and ignore 
other "priorities." "A maid's appearance in public attracts the attention of 
the families they work for, who tend to ignore other serious issues such as how 
committed the maid is to her work, or how she treats the kids when the parents 
are away," said Al-Hilali.

  Some housewives also force their maids to wear the veil. At a kid's 
funfair, an Asian maid who was taking care of some children could not stop 
asking other maids if her refusal to wear a veil would lead her to being sent 
to jail. She said that her employer gave her an abaya as soon as she arrived at 
the airport and told her she was not allowed to take it off in public.

  Shariah expert Dr. Suhaila Zain Al-Abedin, told Arab News that the 
Kingdom's domestic work force make up a quarter of the expatriates living in 
the Kingdom. "This huge work force needs to be educated about our culture, 
society, religion and the whole point of hijab, which is a symbol of modesty 
and has been prescribed to protect women from molestation in public. Women have 
never been forced to wear it," she said.

  "A maid should be treated like a human being by her employers, not like a 
slave. She should be given the freedom to choose if she really wishes to wear 
the hijab without being obliged... Housewives must treat their maids with 
respect and not terrify them. This may lead them to hurt their employers," she 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Qur'an Is the Main Source of Inspiration'

2007-06-02 Thread Sunny§ion=0&article=96978&d=3&m=6&y=2007

Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

  Qur'an Is the Main Source of Inspiration'
  P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News 

Dr. Abdullah Basfar

  JEDDAH, 3 June 2007 - Throughout history, the Holy Qur'an has been the 
main source of inspiration for non-Muslims to embrace Islam, said Dr. Abdullah 
Basfar, secretary-general of the International Organization for the 
Memorization of the Holy Qur'an and professor of Islamic studies at the King 
Abdul Aziz University.

  Basfar, who was addressing a meeting of Qur'an Study Center students in 
Jeddah, emphasized the importance of practicing the teachings of the Qur'an. 
"The companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) had tried to practice 
whatever they learned from the Qur'an without delay," he said.

  Basfar, who is imam and khateeb of the Shuaibi Mosque in Jeddah, said 
many scientific factors mentioned in the Qur'an were only discovered by modern 
science very recently. Prof. Keith Moore, a former anatomist at the University 
of Toronto, had expressed his astonishment at the accuracy of statements in the 
Qur'an on the development of human embryo inside the womb 1,400 years before 
the science of embryology was established.

  "The Qur'an is the main reason for people embracing Islam," Basfar said. 
He further cited the growing demand for the translation of the meaning of the 
Qur'an in the West. "The second Caliph, Omar ibn Khattab was attracted to Islam 
after hearing the verses of the Qur'an. Most companions of the Prophet came to 
the fold of Islam after hearing its verses," he added.

  Dr. Basfar called upon Muslims to read the Qur'an and think about its 
meaning. "It is better to read the chapter Al-Baqara and to understand its 
meaning than reading the chapters of Al-Baqara and Al-Imran together without 
understanding their meaning," he said quoting a Hadith of the Prophet.

  Jamal Mohammed, a Qur'anic researcher, spoke about how Muslims should 
approach the Holy Book to gain maximum benefit. "We have to read the Qur'an as 
if Allah is talking to us," he said. "The Qur'an has challenged the world to 
bring a chapter similar to it but nobody has accepted this challenge and this 
proves that it's the word of Allah. One orientalist said that if the Qur'an is 
not the word of God we have to say that Mohammed himself is God."

  He added that the enemies had utterly failed to disprove its divinity and 
that using Qur'anic verses as a ring tone was disrespectful to the holy book.

  In his thought-provoking lecture, Jamal Muhiyuddin, supervisor of the 
center, spoke about the great social and cultural revolution brought about by 
the Qur'an. "The Qur'an is not a book to decorate our homes and libraries. It's 
a divine message to follow in all walks of our lives," he said. "We should know 
how the Qur'an transformed the people of Arabia into leaders world 
civilization. The empire of Islam expanded covering a large part of the world."

  The faith in the hereafter life was another important teaching of the 
Qur'an. "This belief made Muslims more active and inspired them to confront 
troubles, tribulations and challenges without fear." He added that the Qur'an 
encouraged Muslims to stop drinking alcohol with a single verse. "When Muslims 
in Madinah heard about the prohibition, they threw alcohol bottles the same day 
without waiting." Muslim women also proved their commitment by wearing hijab 
when the verses about Islamic dress were first revealed in the holy book. "If 
Muslims follow the Qur'an in the right manner it would definitely change their 
present pathetic situation and bring back their lost glory," Muhiyuddin said.

  K.K. Nissar, coordinator of the center, explained his organization's 
efforts to teach the Keralite Muslim community in Jeddah the meaning and 
message of the Qur'an and how to recite it properly. More than 300 men and 
women benefit from these classes. The meeting was held at WAMY auditorium.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Seri 781. Tragedi Berdarah Pasuruan, Empat Tewas

2007-06-02 Thread H. M. Nur Abdurrahman

[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
781. Tragedi Berdarah Pasuruan, Empat Tewas

Bentrokan Pasuruan, menurut versi yang dikemukakan Komandan Korps Marinir 
(Dankormar) Mayjen Safzen Nurdien dalam jumpa persnya di Markas Marinir I di 
Jalan Opak, Surabaya, Rabu (30/5), tembakan itu dilakukan untuk membela diri 
lantaran diserang warga tatkala melakukan patroli di desa tersebut. Tatkala 
melakukan penyerangan, warga terlihat membawa clurit, batu dan kayu. Anggotanya 
sudah berupaya menghalau dengan memberikan tembakan peringatan ke atas. Karena 
tak takut, akhirnya, pasukan melakukan tembakan ke tanah yang kemudian 
diperkirakan memantul dan mengenai para korban.
Keterangan Safzen Nurdien yang menyatakan: "anggotanya memberikan tembakan 
peringatan ke atas. kemudian tembakan ke tanah," itu merupakan kebohongan 
publik. Bagaimana bisa tembakan ke atas atau ke tanah, kalau kenyataan bicara 
lain. Di belakang rumah Misnatun yang pada hari Rabu dipasangi police line 
masih terlihat bercak isi kepala Khotijah yang menempel di daun pintu. "Ini isi 
kepala isteri saya yang belum dibersihkan," kata Misnatun dengan mata 
berkaca-kaca." Kepala Khotijah yang sedang hamil 4 bulan itu diterjang peluru 
tepat mengenai kepalanya hingga tembus ke belakang. Sutam diterjang peluru 
menembus tengkuk di belakang kepalanya. Dada Mistin diterjang peluru tembus ke 
punggungnya dan merobek dada anaknya Khairil Agung bocah yang masih berumur 3 
tahun. Peluru-peluru itu "menyanyi" bahwa itu berasal dari tembakan mendatar 
para Marinir, bukan tembakan peringatan ke atas, bukan tembakan ke tanah, 
seperti kebohongan publik yang dinyatakan Safzen Nurdien dalam jumpa persnya. 
Tidak masuk akal perempuan hamil 4 bulan dan perempuan yang mnggendong anaknya 
akan menyerang yang membahayakan para Marinir. 

Tindakan Marinir melakukan penembakan terhadap para petani menuai kecaman. 
Penyerangan dan penembakan itu melanggar hukum bahkan itu pelanggaran HAM 
berat. Seharusnya TNI AL menahan diri untuk tidak melakukan penembakan dan 
anarkis terhadap warga. Pencopotan Komandan Pusat Latihan tempur (Danpuslatpur) 
Marinir, Mayor Husni Sukarwo pasca tragedi berdarah Pasuruan dinilai belum 
cukup oleh Ali Mochtar Ngabalin yang anggota Komisi I DPR RI. Panglima TNI 
harus mencopot Dankormar Mayjen Safzen Nurdien. Menurut Ngabalin dalam UU TNI 
No.34/2004,selain perang, operasi militer hanya bisa dilakukan terhadap 
kelompok separatis dan teroris. "Tapi warga Alas Tlogo, Pasuruan bukan 
separatis maupun teroris. Di sana juga tidak ada urusan Marinir. Itu wewenang 
polisi. Marinir tidak seharusnya melakukan arakisme begitu, sebab senjata 
dibeli lewat APBN yang jelas-jelas dari rakyat," tegas Ali.  

Pada pihak lain, LBH Surabaya memberikan versi yang berbeda atas tragedi 
berdarah tersebut. Bentrokan antara warga dan marinir bermula dari upaya 
pembuldoseran tanaman warga di atas tanah yang masih berstatus sengketa oleh 
pekerja dari PT Rajawali, sebuah perusahaan hotikultura yang menjadi mitranya 
TNI AL. Untuk menjalankan aksinya itulah, para pekerja dikawal oleh para 
Marinir. Menurut Herlambang dari LBH Surabaya, menyusul reformasi, terjadi 
proses re-claiming oleh warga Alas Tlogo dan sekitarnya terhadap tanah-tanah 
mereka yang sebelumnya dikuasai pihak TNI AL. Ketika itu, kata dia, terjadi 
kesepakatan bahwa pemukiman TNI AL (Prokimal) tak akan diutak-utik, namun lahan 
pertanian dikembalikan kepada warga untuk digarap. 

Permasalahannya, sejak terjadi pergantian komandan tahun lalu, terjadi 
kebijakan yang berbeda. Aksi kekerasan terhadap petani kembali marak. Beberapa 
kali warga dilaporkan dibawa secara paksa ke markas Marinir. "Komandan yang 
baru sepertinya memang tidak mengerti tentang kasus tanah,"ujar Herlambang. 
Menurut Muhamad Faiq Asidiki, Kordinator Divisi Tanah dan Lingkungan LBH 
Surabaya, sebenarnya sebagian lahan pertanian yang diaku milik TNI ternyata 
dialihfungsikan sebagai lahan pertanian hotikultura oleh PT Rajawali. 
Perusahaan yang antara lain menanam tebu dan mangga ini mendapat konsesi 
pertanian dari pihak TNI AL. "Warga jelas bertanya-tanya, mengapa bukan mereka 
yang mendapatkan hak itu sebagai penduduk setempat dan juga pemilik awalnya 
sebelum diambil alih," tandas Faiq.
Bentrokan Pasuruan menambah panjang daftar kekerasan terhadap petani yang 
melibatkan aparat pertahanan. Sebelumnya, kasus serupa juga terjadi di desa 
Sukamulya, Rumpin, Bogor, 22 Januari lalu. Ketika itu, warga terlibat bentrok 
dengan TNI AU yang mengklaim tanah yang dikuasai warga sebagai milik mereka. 
Dalam kejadian itu, sekurang-kurangya 2 orang dilaporkan ditembak. Konflik 
antara tentara dan warga umumnya mencuat lantaran perbedaan pengakuan hak atas 
tanah. Dalam kasus sengketa tanah di Jatiwangi di Majalengka, Jawa Barat, 
umpamanya, pihak AU mengklaim hak tanah lantaran dulunya di lahan yang 
disengketakan tersebut merupakan pangkalan udara AU Jepang. Sebaliknya, 
masyarakat setemp

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: lowongan mengajar

2007-06-02 Thread Dwi W. Soegardi
Ini orang kok ngeyel sih :-(
kan mbak Mia sudah menanggapi yang sebelumnya.

lagian kalo pun iya,
kan sebaiknya lewat japri

untuk selanjutnya
IKLAN lowongan kerja seperti ini
dikurangi, atau tidak dikirimkan ke milis ini
kecuali yang relevan
seperti lowongan kerja
- moderator milis wm,
- web designer situs
- event organizer kopdar wm,

Harap maklum.


On 6/2/07, radityo djadjoeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo Mbak Mia...
>   Ada yang nanyain Nurul Fikri nih..
>   bisa dijawab?
> Iin Indriawati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb
>   Selamat pagi pak...
>   Nama saya Iin Indriawati, saya seorang mahasiswi yang ingin melamar menjadi 
> pengajar di Lembaga Nurul Fikri yang sedang di buka saat ini...
>   Sebelumnya, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada Bapak :

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ustadzah juga manusia ...:) => Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina dan Afghanistan

2007-06-02 Thread H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina

Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, Perempuan
Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem Barat yang
kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. Berikutnya Daren
Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya di pinggiran
kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, akibatnya tiga
aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras dari kamp
pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem Barat yang
menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat adalah Elham el
Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek rumahnya di
kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel tewas dan
melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel Teqaqah yang
menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan bom yang
dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi terbesar di
Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih dari 95
Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud Olmaret dari
Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
Sun 12 Oct 2003
Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant in the 
Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and pressed the 
detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as they enjoyed 
a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last weekend. But 
what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own life and 
that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and friends of 
suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American Psychological 
Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of mind of the 
attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that the 
attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well educated. 
This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for their 
behaviour is usually that they have seen the death of a sibling, often their 
eldest brother, for the cause. In Jaradat's case, her brother and cousin 
were killed by Israeli soldiers in June.

Pelaku bom syahid laki-laki selalu dikemukakan dalam berita kerena
iming-iming 72 bidadari di surga. Itu hanya untuk "mengejek" para pelaku bom
syahid saja. Padahal terdapat juga pelaku bom syahid perempuan. Mengapa
pelaku bom syahid perempuan itu tidak pernah kedengaran diexpose?
Selanjutnya silakan dibaca Pelaku Bom Syahid Perempuan di Afghanistan di


Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom Operation

05 December 2001 : Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom Operation

The following information has been provided by Mujahid Sheikh Abu Khalid
Abdullah Al-Waleed as a challenge for the Pentagon to refute it. He said
that the Mujahideen possess all the necessary proof and evidence for the
information given here, which will be publicised if Allah makes it possible.
It is one of the series of authentic news reports from Afghanistan that have
been related over the Internet to heal the hearts of the Muslims and boost
their morale.

On Monday 26 November 2001 (10 Ramadan 1422), Sheikh Abu Khalid Abdullah Al-
Waleed conducted an interview with the husband of the martyred sister, after
the Isha Prayer. There was a convoy that was getting ready to depart areas
surrounding Kunduz, so the brother of the martyred sister suggested that
they wait until the Americans arrived. The brother and sister had in their
possessions passports whose names suggested that they were Jews of British
nationality. They planned to inform the enemy troops that were not
Mujahideen, in order to save themselves from being killed or captured. When
they initially arrived in Mazar-i-Sharif, they were able to successfully
protect themselves by using this cover story. However, they were advised not
to leave without weapons with which they could defend themselves if the
situation demanded it. However, the husband suggested to his brother-in-law
that instead of carrying weapons, he should give some explosives to his wife
which she can detonate if they are captured, thus killing the enemy soldiers
along with them. Thus they did as they had planned and the sister strapped a
belt of explosives around her waist.

The brother and sister thus went to the positions of the General Dostum's
forces. Since they were on foot, the enemy fired upon them and the

[wanita-muslimah] Re: lowongan mengajar

2007-06-02 Thread radityo djadjoeri
Hallo Mbak Mia...
  Ada yang nanyain Nurul Fikri nih..
  bisa dijawab?

Iin Indriawati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb
  Selamat pagi pak...
  Nama saya Iin Indriawati, saya seorang mahasiswi yang ingin melamar menjadi 
pengajar di Lembaga Nurul Fikri yang sedang di buka saat ini...
  Sebelumnya, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan kepada Bapak :
  Adapun pertanyaan nya sebagai berikut :
 1.  Apakah Jenjang Diploma boleh mengajar di Lembaga Nurul Fikri ???
 2. Bolehkah saya mengirim surat lamaran via email ???
 3. Persyaratan apa saya yang harus saya kirim ???
  Demikianlah, pertanyaan yang dapat saya ajukan..
  atas perhatian Bapak saya ucapkan terima kasih..
  Iin Indriawati

  Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! Indonesia yang baru!


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]