Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Dr. Gina Puspina: Poligami Enak dan Perlu?

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
1. Kan ada tugas2nya : ada istri yg cari duit, ada istri yg urus anak, ada 
istri yg urusan dapur, nyuci, nyapu, nyetrika.
Nanti itu di gilir. Tapi kalo nyari duit kayaknya sih enggak.
Pembantu kan gak ada, ya istri2 itulah jadi pembantu :-)

2. Hidayatullah mungkin gak tau. Banyak sekte/aliran/faham dalam islam yg tidak 
sama dengan ajaran Islam 'pada umumnya'
di Indonesia bisa tumbuh subur.
Yg penting adalah gimana mereka beradaptasi, membaur jangan eksklusif.
Ahmadiyah sekarang juga ndak apa2 lagi., di Tulungagung tempo hari 
ribut/ketauan ada aliran Baha'i; ribut sebentar lantas nggak 
ada apa2 lagi
Padahal kalo lihat-baca buku tentang aliran sesat di Indonesia justru Darul 
Arqam/Rufaqa/GI paling banyak daftar 'dosa'nya
dibandingkan misalnya dengan NII/Al Zaytun, Ahmadiyah, Lia Eden.
Jadi ya sebenarnya apapun sekte/fahamnya bisa tumbuh di Indonesia asal bisa 
menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya.
Tempo waktu Ahmadiyah di serbu di Parungkuda kan lantaran masyarakat cemburu; 
masjid Ahmadiyah bagus :-)
Sedangkan masjid masyarakat sekitar butut bin kumuh.
GI kan melempar isu tentang poligami, ya gak ada masalah.
Kita adalah bangsa yg pemaaf dan mudah lupa.

3. Jadi kalo mau lebih jelas mustinya Hidayatullah juga melihat gimana gitu 
mereka menjalankan syariat Islam; 
lha wong syahadatnya saja beda. Tempo hari di Malang ada yg bacaan solat pake 
bahasa Indonesaia , ribut, diadili.
Itu karena salahnya sendiri pake ngomong2 :-))

4. Tentang Klub Poligami : Kan ada juga tandingannya Klub laki2 anti poligami. 
= Kolim [??]
Kayaknya mereka sirik, iri gitu loh :-)
Ibaratnya ada " klub Pemilik 4 Mobil Mewah" . Gimana coba reaksinya, pasti kan 
juga di hujat.
Gimana gitu rasanya yg cuma punya mobil 1, nggak mewah pula.
Jadi kalo punya mobil mewah, rumah magrong2, bagusnya ya diam2 saja nggak usah 


  - Original Message - 
  From: total 
  Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 12:15 PM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Dr. Gina Puspina: Poligami Enak dan Perlu?

  Dr. Gina itu ahli pesawat terbang yg sudah menghabiskan uang rakyat untuk 
membiayai pendidikannya sampai S3 tapi hanya dipake untuk mengurusi suami yg 
doyan itu :(

  --- In, Ari Condro  wrote:
  > aliran rufaqa alias darul arqam alias global ikhwan (klub poligami)
  > kan dinyatakan sebagai aliran sesat di Malaysia bukan. begitu juga
  > oleh beberapa kantor departemen agama di indonesia.
  > kok hidayatullah tumben tumbennya mendukung aliran sesat :))
  > On 11/5/09, cak lis  wrote:
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > Dr. Gina Puspita mencarikan sendiri madu (istri kedua sampai
  > > keempat) untuk sang suami. Tapi tak mengaku tertindas. "Poligami itu
  > > enak dan perlu, " katanya
  > >
  > > kok bisa ya? klik:
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > >
  > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  > >
  > >
  > -- 
  > salam,
  > Ari


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2009-11-05 Terurut Topik L.Meilany
Tentang qanun jinayat yg sudah disetujui DPRD masih belum di laksanakan.
Kan menunggu persetujuan dari Depdagri. Kayaknya juga Gubernur NAD, masih 
Kalo di Ambon tempo hari juga dipermasalahkan.

  - Original Message - 
  From: sunny 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 5:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] HUKUM CAMBUK ITU COCOKNYA UTK BINATNG LIAR 

  Hukuman cambuk beralaku Indonesia, di Aceh dengan persetujuan MUI. Di Iran 
diberlakukan hukuman lempar batu sampai terhukum mati. Di Ambon juga pernah 
diberlakukan hukuman rajam oleh Laskar Jihad Sunnah Wal Jamaah. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
  Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 10:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] HUKUM CAMBUK ITU COCOKNYA UTK BINATNG LIAR 

  - Original Message - 
  From: "sunny" 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 05:06
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] HUKUM CAMBUK ITU COCOKNYA UTK BINATNG LIAR 

  Apakah negeri-negeri berpenguasa agama semit yang telah menghapuskan hukuman 
potong tangan, lempar batu sampai mati, hukuman cambuk telah melangar perintah 
Allah melalui nabi-nabi? 
  Iya-iyalah ! Why not ? Bukan terkhusus negeri-negeri berpenguasa agama semit 
melulu, juga negeri-negeri sekuler pada umumnya. Lihat saja akibatnya. Overspel 
(keliwat main, perselingkuhan) meraja lela, mabuk-mabukan berkecamuk, korupsi / 
money politics meraja-lela di mana-mana. Ta' gendong kemana-mana !

  - Original Message - 
  From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman 
  Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 6:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] HUKUM CAMBUK ITU COCOKNYA UTK BINATNG LIAR 

  - Original Message - 
  From: "sunny" 
  Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 22:17
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] HUKUM CAMBUK ITU COCOKNYA UTK BINATNG LIAR 

  Saya kurang tak tahu apa dasar falsafah dari hukuman cambuk, lempar batu 
sampai mati, potong tangan, 
  Islam (juga Yahudi dan Nashrani) bukan atas dasar fissafat, tetapi atas dasar 
perintah Allah melalui para Nabi-Nabi: Musa AS, 'Isa AS dan Muhammad SAW. Dalam 
Tawrah ada perintah rajam, dalam Injil? Bacalah:
  Yesus memerintahkan potong tangan dan kaki bagi pencuri (MATIUS 5:30; 18:8 
dan MARKUS 9:43,45)
  Mat 5:30 Dan jika tanganmu yang kanan menyesatkan engkau, penggallah dan 
buanglah itu, karena lebih baik bagimu jika satu dari anggota tubuhmu binasa 
dari pada tubuhmu dengan utuh masuk neraka. 
  Mat 18:8 Jika tanganmu atau kakimu menyesatkan engkau, penggallah dan 
buanglah itu, karena lebih baik bagimu masuk ke dalam hidup dengan tangan 
kudung atau timpang dari pada dengan utuh kedua tangan dan kedua kakimu 
dicampakkan ke dalam api kekal. 
  Mar 9:43 Dan jika tanganmu menyesatkan engkau, penggallah, karena lebih baik 
engkau masuk ke dalam hidup dengan tangan kudung dari pada dengan utuh kedua 
tanganmu dibuang ke dalam neraka, ke dalam api yang tak terpadamkan; 
  Mar 9:45 Dan jika kakimu menyesatkan engkau, penggallah, karena lebih baik 
engkau masuk ke dalam hidup dengan timpang, dari pada dengan utuh kedua kakimu 
dicampakkan ke dalam neraka; 

  Dalam Islam, tidak dibicarakan filsafat melainkan hikmah. Apa hikmah pemabuk 
dihukum cambuk? Untuk memelihara akal manusia. Apa hikmah pezina dirajam, untuk 
memelihara kejelasan keturunan manusia, apa hikamahnya pencuri dipotong 
tangannya, untuk memelihara harta milik manusia.

  Oh, ya mengapa cuma usil sanksi dalam agama Islam, Nashrani, Yahudi saja? 
Mengapa tidak usil itu lho di Singapura, sanksi cambuk bagi pemabuk.


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[wanita-muslimah] Pementasan "Kereta Kencana" (Rendra) Mulai Malam Ini di Salihara (Gratis)

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik MGR
Jadwal acara "Mengenang Rendra" di Komunitas Salihara:

Jumat, 06 November 2009, 20:00 WIB
Pementasan teater "Kereta Kencana"
Sutradara: Putu Wijaya
Aktor: Ikranegara & Niniek L Karim

Sabtu, 07 November 2009
16:00 WIB Pembahasan puisi Rendra "Sihir Rendra"
Pembicara: Sapardi Djoko Damono

19:00 WIB Pembacaan puisi Rendra
Oleh: Ine Febrianti, N Riantiarno, Slamet Rahardjo

20:00 WIB Pementasan teater "Kereta Kencana"

Sebagai penghormatan kepada almarhum Rendra (lahir 7 November 1935 dan
wafat 6 Agustus 2009), Komunitas Salihara akan menyelenggarakan
serangkaian acara di sekitar hari ulang tahun sang penyair dan
dramawan. Selain dua malam pementasan Kereta Kencana (saduran Rendra
atas lakon Les Chaises karya Eugene Ionesco) yang menampilkan aktor
Ikranegara dan Niniek L Karim dengan sutradara Putu Wijaya. Akan
diadakan pula pembacaan sejumlah puisi Rendra oleh Slamet Rahardjo, N
Riantiarno, dan Ine Febriyanti (7 November, 19:00 WIB). Sementara itu,
Sapardi Djoko Damono akan mengulas perpuisian Rendra dengan sorotan
khusus terhadap sejumlah puisi yang ia anggap sebagai karya-karya
terkuat sang penyair.

rangkaian acara diselenggarakan di Teater Salihara. Terbuka untuk umum
dan GRATIS. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Melan di atau Dita di, atau kunjungi

Sampai jumpa di Komunitas Salihara!

  Selalu bisa chat di profil jaringan, blog, atau situs web pribadi! Yahoo! 
memungkinkan Anda selalu bisa chat melalui Pingbox. Coba!

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[wanita-muslimah] Zinah dan Perkosaan

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik aishayasmina2002
Dulu, bbrp tahun yang lalu ada berita di WM, kalau tidak salah satu kasus di 
Pakistan. Seorang gadis yang ikut kakak perempuannya, diperkosa kakak iparnya 
(suami kakaknya), hamil, lalu dihukum cambuk karena dianggap berzinah. Si gadis 
itu tidak bisa mengelak karena dia terbukti berzinah karena bukti perutnya yang 
berubah bentuk, kakak iparnya sih tidak terbukti apa-apa karena memang tidak 
ada bukti fisik. 

Dan tidak ada usaha untuk menelusuri ayah kandung si bayi, eh sebenarnya test 
DNA itu bisa dilakukan selagi bayi di perut ibunya atau hanya setelah bayinya 
lahir ya?

Nah kalau begitu kasusnya bagaimana? Apakah cambuk itu diberlakukan untuk yang 
berzinah suka sama suka + yang diperkosa juga alias yang suka hanya 1 pihak 

--- In, istiaji sutopo  wrote:
> Mbak Lina ikut gabung ya, Benar mbak Lina  kalau hukum cambuk itu 
> cocoknya untuk binatang liar.
> Terus yang berzinah itu juga cocoknya binatang liar bukan ?
> Jadi adil don antara hukuman dan yang dihukum. 
> Sayangnya berzinah sekarang sudah canggih, karena bisa ngumpet di hotel2 
> mewah, apartemen dan vila. Apalagi dijaga sama satpam /security ..apa tumon ?

[wanita-muslimah] Palestinian negotiator mulls 1-state solution

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Palestinian negotiator mulls 1-state solution
Published Date: November 05, 2009 

RAMALLAH: The Palestinian chief negotiator in Mideast peace talks says his 
people should give up seeking an independent Palestinian state and pursue a 
single country for Palestinians and Israelis. Saeb Erekat says growing Jewish 
settlements are eating away at lands Palestinians want for their hoped-for 

Palestinians may have to abandon the goal of an independent state if Israel 
continues to expand Jewish settlements and the United States does not stop it 
Erekat," said yesterday. It may be time for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 
to "tell his people the truth, that with the continuation of settlement 
activities, the two-state solution is no longer an option", Erekat told a news 

Israel has rejected the idea of a de facto annexation of the occupied West 
Bank, incorporating the Palestinians as citizens, as "demographic timebomb" 
that would make Jews the minority. Citing a 2003 peace "road map", Abbas has 
made a cessation of Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank a precondition 
for resuming statehood talks with Israel. The road map also required that 
Palestinians dismantle armed groups like Islamist Hamas, which opposes peace 
talks. That did not happen, and Hamas now controls t
he Gaza Strip-half the Palestinian polity-in a running challenge to Abbas's 

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who met Israeli and Palestinian leaders 
on Saturday, unsuccessfully urged Abbas to negotiate with Israel and resolve 
the settlement issue within the framework of the talks.

Erekat said Clinton-who praised as unprecedented Netanyahu's offer to 
temporarily limit construction in West Bank settlements to 3,000 additional 
housing units-was only opening the door to more settlements in the next two 
years. The alternative left for Palestinians is to "refocus their attention on 
the one-state solution where Muslims, Christians and Jews can live as equals", 
Erekat said. "It is very serious. This is the moment of truth for us.


Erekat said Netanyahu's concept of a separate Palestinian state alongside 
Israel with limited powers of sovereignty and his uncompromising position on 
the future of Jerusalem were tantamount to dictating the terms of peace 
negotiations. Netanyahu, Erekat said, told Abbas "that Jerusalem will be the 
eternal and united capital of Israel, that refugees won't be discussed, that 
our state will be demilitarized, that we have to recognize the Jewish state, 
that it's not going to be the 1967 borders, that the skie
s will be under his control".

This is dictation and not negotiations," he said. Netanyahu and Abbas last met 
in New York in September in a handshake meeting arranged by US President Barack 
Obama. Palestinians seek to establish their future state on all of the West 
Bank and Gaza, lands captured from Jordan and Egypt in a 1967 war, with East 
Jerusalem as its capital. "Anything short of that is a non-option for us," 
Erekat said. "If the Israelis believe they want to partition the West Bank with 
us, this is a no-go. This is a non-starter,
Erekat said, in reference to Israeli control of West Bank settlements, adjacent 
land, and the territory's eastern Jordan Valley border.

Clinton reaffirmed in Cairo yesterday that Washington does not accept the 
legitimacy of the Israeli settlements. But she added, in another nudge to 
Palestinians to talk with Israel: "Getting into final status negotiations will 
allow us to bring an end to settlement activity." Erekat said Palestinians 
"made a mistake" in the past by agreeing to negotiate with Israel without 
insisting on a settlement halt, and they were not about to repeat that error.

In a statement, Netanyahu said Israel's aim remained the quick resumption of 
peace talks. But he also deplored the split between Hamas and Abbas's secular 
Fatah faction, which has widened over the president's disputed call for a Jan 
24 ballot. "The possibility that Palestinian election might be held soon is 
causing a polarization of Palestinian Authority positions regarding Israel and 
is hindering the opening of negotiations," Netanyahu's office quoted him as 
saying. - Agencies 

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[wanita-muslimah] Violent clashes rock Tehran

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Violent clashes rock Tehran

Published Date: November 05, 2009 

TEHRAN: Riot police waded in with batons and teargas to break up opposition 
protests in Tehran yesterday, as huge crowds staged a noisy anti-US rally 
nearby to mark the storming of the American embassy by students 30 years ago. 
Witnesses said the clashes occurred at Haft-e-Tir Square in the heart of the 
capital, where several hundred opposition supporters had gathered mid-morning 
to stage a demonstration.

Marchers also called on US President Barack Obama to pick a side, as his 
administration pursues talks with the government. "Obama, Obama, you are either 
with them or with us," they chanted in Farsi in an amateur video clip widely 
circulated on the Internet. Riot police roared in on motorcycles and fired 
teargas at the protesters, who were chanting "Death to the dictator." When they 
refused to disperse, police moved in with batons, beating and arresting dozens 
of people as groups of pro-government hardliner
s stood by chanting "Death to America.

Opposition website reported that opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi 
was among the protesters at the square but left quickly after he and his 
supporters came under attack by the hardliners. The White House said the United 
States hoped "violence will not spread" and that it was following the events 
"clearly and closely." French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said he was 
"worried" and the developments were "not a good omen, a government that 
represses at home and refuses dialogue outside.

AFP reporter Farhad Pouladi was detained by security force members in the 
centre of Tehran, witnesses said. He was detained after being stopped by three 
security personnel, two in uniform and one in plainclothes. On many street 
corners and side roads away from Haft-e-Tir Square, opposition supporters 
numbering several thousand in all gathered in small groups, witnesses said.

Staging brief demonstrations during which they chanted "Death to the dictator," 
and "Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein" - in praise of main opposition leader Mir Hossein 
Moussavi - the mainly young protesters quickly moved on to new sites when 
police tried to disperse them. Witnesses said the entire city centre had become 
a stage for "cat and mouse games" between police on motorbikes and youthful 
protesters. State news agency IRNA said protesters set fire to rubbish bins and 
attacked a bus, smashing its windows. It said two policemen were injured in the 
clashes and hospitalised.

Meanwhile, state-owned English-language Press TV showed footage of the crowds 
of protesters as well as police on motorcycles but not of the clashes. Since 
June, opposition supporters have been staging protests at every opportunity in 
Tehran against the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a presidential vote 
they claim was massively rigged.

About a kilometer away, outside the former US embassy complex dubbed the "Den 
of Spies," thousands of people joined a rally, chanting slogans such as "Death 
to America" and "Death to Israel." They also smashed up posters they had 
brought with them of the American "Uncle Sam" symbol and chanted "The blood in 
our veins is a gift to our leader" - a reference to Iranian supreme leader 
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

By mid-afternoon the streets of Tehran were calm again as people who took part 
in the various rallies and protests went home, witnesses said. However, a large 
security force presence remained on standby in the city centre. Yesterday's 
anniversary, which has turned into a cornerstone of the Islamic regime, marks 
the capture by radical Islamist students of the US embassy compound on Nov 4, 
1979 - just months after the Islamic revolution toppled the US-backed shah.

The students, who took 52 American diplomats hostage and held them for 444 
days, said they were responding to Washington's refusal to hand over the 
deposed shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The two countries broke diplomatic ties 
after the event, which have yet to be restored. Obama, in a statement marking 
the anniversary of the event that sparked decades of hostility between America 
and Iran, urged Tehran to look to the future rather than the past. "We have 
heard for 30 years what the Iranian government is against; the question, now, 
is what kind of future it is for," he said. - Agencies

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[wanita-muslimah] Sila download dan sebarkan laman web e-book hafiz firdaus

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik aznan hamat
Sila download dan sebarkan laman web e-book hafiz firdaus

e-Buku yang Ditulis oleh Pengendali Laman (Hafiz Firdaus)
Thursday, 01 January 2009  

Anda boleh membaca buku secara online ataupun 
pindah turun untuk membaca ketika offline.
Anda juga boleh meggunakan Laman Carian E-Book untuk capaian ayat khusus.
(Download kini mula beroperasi)
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makluman para pembaca, sebahagian bahan bacaan dalam bentuk eBuku dapat
dilayari dengan lebih baik menggunapakai pelayar IE. Jika anda
menghadapi kesulitan dengan pelayar Mozilla, sila layari dengan pelayar
1.  20 Persoalan Asas Tentang Hadis   Baca   Download 
2. 20 Hujah Asas Golongan Anti Hadis dan Jawapannya.   Baca   Download 
3. Sunni Yang Sunni  Baca  Download 
4. Mencari Rahmat Allah Di Sebalik Perbezaan Pendapat   Baca   Download 
5. Bid'ah Hasanah: Istilah yang Disalahfahami  Baca   Download 
6. Buku Berkaitan Syiah

*   Pengenalan Kepada Syiah Rafidhah - Buku 1   Baca  
*   Pengenalan Kepada Syiah Rafidhah - Buku 2   Baca  
*   Jawapan Ahl al-Sunnah kepada Syi‘ah al-Rafidhah dalam Persoalan 
Khalifah - (Syiah) Buku 3   Baca 
*   Jawapan Ahl Al-Sunnah Kepada Syi'ah Rafidhah - (Syiah) Buku 4   
7. Christianity Through The Lens Of Christian And Muslim Scholars 
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* 2   Baca   Download 
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11. Himpunan Risalah Dalam Beberapa Persoalan Ummah  
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* Buku 4   Baca   Download 
* Buku 5   Baca   Download 
* Buku 6   BacaDownload 
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13. Musafir Penerbangan dan Beberapa Permasalahannya   Baca   Download 
14. Pedoman-pedoman Bermazhab Dalam Islam   Baca   Download 
15. Menelan Air Liur Tidak Membatalkan Puasa   Baca   Download 
16. Siapakah Ahli Sunnah Yang Sebenar?  Baca   Download 
17. Sembahyang Jamak Dan Qasar Adalah Sedekah Allah   Baca   Download 
18. Wahai Ayah Wahai Ibu   Baca   Download 
19. Let’s Get Acquainted With Al-Qur’an   Baca   Download 
20. 13 Perkara Yang Mencemari Kemurnian TauhidBacaDownload
21. Beberapa Persoalan Solat   Baca   Download
22. Berdakwah Melalui Penulisan Efektif   Baca   Download
23. 7 Tipudaya Syaitan ke Atas Umat Islam   BacaDownload 
24. Marilah Berkenalan Dengan Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaah   Baca
25. Fiqh Harta: Satu PengenalanBaca   Download
26. Membongkar Aliran Islam Liberal  Baca  Download 
27. Pengenalan Ringkas Kepada Ilmu Ushul al-Tafsir  Baca  Download  
28. Pengenalan Ringkas Kepada Ilmu Ushul al-Fiqh  Baca  Download   
29. Menjawab 17 Fitnah Terhadap Syaikh al-Imam Ibn Taimiyah  Baca  
30. Apakah Jihad Di Jalan Allah: Definisi, Kepentingan dan Kemuliaan 
Jihad  Baca   Download   
31. Apakah Jihad Di Jalan Allah: Hukum dan Syarat-Syarat Jihad   Baca   
32. The Approach to Resolve Contradictory Prophetic Traditions   Baca   
Download   BARU 
33. Pembongkaran Jenayah Ilmiah Buku Salafiyah Wahabiyah - 73 Penilaian 
Semula ke atas Penilaian Zamihan Mat Zin al-Ghari  BacaDownloadBARU
34. Beberapa Persoalan Lazim Tentang Thaharah  Baca   Download  BARU
35. Membersihkan Salah Faham Terhadap Dakwah Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul 
36. * Buku 1 
* Buku 2 
* Buku 3 
* Buku 4 
* Buku 5  


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[wanita-muslimah] Fw: save our planet

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik I W A Antarayasa

YOGYAKARTA, - World Watch Institute, dalam
laporan yang dirintis Watch Magazine Edisi November/Desember 2009
menyebut bahwa peternakan bertanggung jawab atas sedikitnya 51 persen
penyebab gas rumah kaca global. Ini bukan lagi lampu kuning melainkan
sudah lampu merah

lebih detail kunjungi :


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Bls: [wanita-muslimah] Hidupkan Karnaval Genderuwo

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik hilyah awlya
Bagus nih! Biar Indonesia tidak meniru-niru kebudayaan asing Halloween! Hidup 


--- Pada Sel, 3/11/09, sunny  menulis:

Dari: sunny 
Judul: [wanita-muslimah] Hidupkan Karnaval Genderuwo
Tanggal: Selasa, 3 November, 2009, 5:37 AM


  Refleksi: Untuk menghidupkan dibutuhkan bantuan kaum 
pedagang, tanpa komersialisasi sulit untuk karnaval Genderuwo dihidupkan. 
Setuju dihidupkan biar ramai gembira ria, iblis bin seythan juga membutuhkan 
hari perayaan penuh keramaian.


Jawa Pos

[ Senin, 02 November 2009 ] 

Hidupkan Karnaval Genderuwo 

JOGJA - Di kalangan masyarakat Jawa, dikenal bangsa jin yang disebut genderuwo. 
Gambarannya mengerihkan dengan tubuh besar hitam, bergigi runcing, dan rupa 
menyeramkan. Minggu 1 November kemarin, masyarakat Kampung Bumen Purbayan 
Kotagede, Jogjakarta mengadakan Karnaval Genderuwo. Karnavak itu untuk pertama 
kalinya diadakan lagi sejak tenggelam 1950-an. 

"Karnaval ini berawal dari usaha mengusir genderuwo yang lantas bisa dikuasai. 
Mereka akhinyr amengikuti setiap ada hajatan, termasuk mengiringi pengantin," 
terang Wardoyo sesepuh Kampung Bumen.

Namun, kini tradisi itu dihidupkan lagi dalam suasana berbeda. Genderuwo itu 
disamarkan dalam berbagai bentuk agar bisa dijadikan asset budaya. Maka, 
jadilah gendruwo-gendruwo itu bukan sesuatu yang menakutkan. 

Tapi justru menjadi tontonan khalayak ramai. Karena diarak keliling kampung 
diiringi tetabuhan dan lucu-lucuan yang menghibur.

Dalam karnval kemarin, genderuwo mengiringi sepasang "pengantin" yang 
diperankan seorang pemuda setempat dan Marissa Reichest seorang mahasiswi asal 
Jerman yang sedang studi di Jogja. Dan di belakang mereka, puluhan peserta 
dengan berbagai atribut. Mulai pakaian daerah, para Punakawan, serta ibu-ibu 
berbusana lucu-lucuan dengan bedak dan coretan di wajahnya masing-masing. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Waspada Kesyirikan Di Balik Ramalan Mama Lauren

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik Ir. BD.
Hati-hati terhadap ramalan Pra-normal Indonesia, yakni Mama Lauren yang
barusan meramalkan bahwa kota-kota besar di Jawa seperti Jakarta,
Bandung, Semarang & Surabaya dalam waktu dekat ini akan mengalami
bencana yang menyedihkan. Bahkan dia bersama para dukun lainnya seperti
Ki Joko Bodoh cs berkumpul di suatu tempat untuk menangkal bencana yang
katanya akan terjadi tersebut. Dan bukan itu saja, dia beberapa waktu
lalu juga meramalkan bahwa kiamat akan terjadi pada tahun 2012...!!!

Wahai saudaraku seiman dan seaqidah,
Mari kita waspada. Waspada terhadap ramalan tersebut yang mustahil untuk
dipercayai yang akan menjerumuskan kita ke lembah kesyirikan.
Mari kita berhati-hati. Berhati-hati terhadap runtuhnya aqidah dan iman
kita bila mempercayainya.

Kenapa ramalan ini wajib untuk TIDAK dipercayai?
Karena suatu ramalan sifatnya ghoibiyah dan tidak ada satu makhluk pun
(baik manusia, malaikat maupun bangsa jin) yang bisa mengetahui sesuatu
yang ghoib kecuali Allah Subhanahuwata'ala. Bahkan para malaikat yang
berada di bawah "Arash" (singgasana) Allah Subhanahuwata'ala saja
sebagai malaikat yang paling dekat jaraknya dengan Allah saja tidak bisa
mengetahui sesuatu hal yang ghoib yang akan Allah perbuat dan
rencanakan. Apalagi kita sebagai hamba-Nya yang hina ini yang seringkali
berbuat dosa dan melupakan-Nya di waktu pagi dan sore di sepanjang hidup
kita sampai detik ini, tentu lebih sangat mustahil DIA beritahu sesuatu
yang ghoib.

Rasulullah Shalallahu'alaihi wasallam saja selaku "kholilullah" (orang
yang paling dikasihi Allah bersama Nabi Ibrahim 'alaihissalam) dan Nabi
kita yang kita bersahadat atasnya di dalam setiap sholat kita, beliau
sendiri tidak bisa menjawab dengan pasti sewaktu para Sahabat bertanya
tentang kapan terjadinya hari kiamat, beliau hanya menjawab "hanya Allah
yang tahu.."  Allah hanya mewahyukan kepadanya sekedar tanda-tandanya
saja, seperti terbitnya matahari dari barat, munculnya dajjal, turunnya
Nabi Isa dan datangnya Imam Mahdi alaihissalam, banyaknya jumlah
perempuan daripada laki-laki, dsb. tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. Dan
Allah hanya mewahyukan sesuatu yang ghoib hanya kepada para Nabi dan
Rasul. Itupun seizin-Nya melalui jibril as. selaku pembawa wahyu.

Namun baru-baru ini tiba-tiba datang seorang perempuan Bukanlah
seorang nabi Bukan pula seorang rasul Tepatnya seorang dukun
(yang saat ini dirubah penyebutannya untuk menyamarkan ummat dari
kefasikannya menjadi "Pra-normal"), seorang yang tidak jelas
asal-usulnya, seorang yang tidak seiman dan seaqidah dengan kita,
tiba-tiba datang dengan berita ramalan ini apakah layak untuk kita
percayai dan diimani...?

Wahai saudaraku seiman dan seaqidah,
Mari kita kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan hadits selaku pedoman hidup kita.
Allah Subhanahuwata'ala di dalam Al-Qur'an banyak mewahyukan kepada Nabi
Muhammad SAW untuk disampaikan kepada kita ummatnya agar berhati-hati
terhadap masalah yang ghoib dan mengharamkan kita untuk mempercayainya.

Allah azzawajalla berfirman dalam surat An-Nahl ayat 65:
"Katakanlah, "Tidak akan mengetahui seorangpun (makhluk) yang di langit
dan yang di bumi itu tentang (hal) ghaib kecuali Allah." (an-Nahl:65)

Allah juga berfirman dalam surat Al-Jin:
"Dialah yang mengetahui yang ghaib dan tidak seseorangpun yang
diberitahu tentang keghoiban itu kecuali orang yang dikehendaki-Nya
daripada para rasul." (Jin: 26-27)

Dan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda dalam salah satu
"Tidak ada yang mengetahui perkara yang ghaib kecuali Allah."
(HR.Thabrani: derajat hadits "Hasan")

Apa hubungannya ramalan ini terhadap aqidah dan iman kita?
Wahai saudaraku seiman dan seaqidah, mari kita berlepas diri terhadap
perbuatan orang-orang yang memusuhi Allah ini, yaitu para dukun alias
pra-normal. Sangat besar ancaman Allah terhadap orang-orang yang percaya
terhadap ramalan para dukun, apalagi sampai mendatanginya. Bahkan orang
yang mendatangi dukun dan mempercayainya maka dia telah keluar dari dien
Islam alias kafir, walaupun dia tetap menyatakan diri sebagai seorang
muslim dan tetap melaksanakan sholat, namun di mata Allah dia telah
kafir terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad SAW yakni Islam.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
مَنْ أَتَى كَاهِناً
أَوْ عَرَافًا
فَصَدَّقَهُ بِمَا
يَقُولُ فَقَدْ كَفَرَ
بِمَا أُنْزِلَ عَلَى
“Barangsiapa yang mendatangi ahli nujum dan dukun dan mempercayai
ucapannya maka dia telah kafir terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada
Muhammad” (HR. Ahmad. Derajat hadits "Shohih") Yaitu dia telah kafir
terhadap Al Qur’an, dan orang yang kufur terhadap Al Qur’an
batal keislamannya.

Pada hadits ini sudah jelas bagi kita bahwa mendatangi para dukun
terlebih lagi mempercayai setiap ramalannya adalah perbuatan syirik. Dan
perbuatan syirik adalah puncaknya segala kemaksiatan dan dosa dimana
orang yang melakukan perbuatan syirik akan keluar dengan sendirinya dari
dien Islam. Mung

Bls: [wanita-muslimah] saudi memasuki islam berpaham liberal...dan sain.

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik hilyah awlya
zaman memang sudah edan, kwalak-kwalik! yg benar dibilang gelap yg salah 
dibilang terang! 


--- Pada Sen, 2/11/09, abdul latif  menulis:

Dari: abdul latif 
Judul: [wanita-muslimah] saudi memasuki islam berpaham liberal...dan sain.
Tanggal: Senin, 2 November, 2009, 8:41 AM


v=axQe5ElwTxs& feature=related com/watch? v=VMpz043KtIg& feature=related


kita sayangi sekali sekiranya Aceh kembali kepada zaman gelap yg

terbelakang, mundur dgn mengatasnamakan; menjaga akhlaq islam yang

mulia di Aceh.

Saudi ketinggalan 100 tahun dari negara2 maju, yang telah klebih dahulu 
mengusai sain

dan menghabiskan perbudakan2. ..terutama perbudakan wanita2..


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




  Nikmati chatting lebih sering di blog dan situs web. Gunakan Wizard 
Pembuat Pingbox Online.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Tengil di FB, Evan Brimob Dilaporkan ke Kompolnas

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik Saut Situmorang

Kamis, 05/11/2009 13:14 WIB 

Tengil di FB, Evan Brimob Dilaporkan ke Kompolnas 

Arifin Asydhad - detikNews

Jakarta - Evan Brimob, salah satu akun di facebook (FB), membuat gempar. 
Pemilik akun ini menampilkan foto profil dengan foto seseorang mengenakan baret 
biru dan seragam Brimob. Dia menulis status yang menyeramkan! Dia pun 
dilaporkan ke Komisi Polisi Nasional (Kompolnas).

Entah apakah Evan Brimob memang anggota Brimob atau tidak. Yang jelas, di 
komentar-komentar FB, dia menantang para komentator. Komentar di FB Evan Brimob 
sangat ramai gara-gara dia menulis status: "Polri gak butuh masyarakat, tapi 
masyarakat yg butuh Polri. Maju terus kepolisian Indonesia, telan hidup2 cicak 

Si pelapor Evan Brimob ke Kompolnas adalah Wawan, warga Catur Tunggal, Sleman. 
Dia melapor ke Kompolnas dengan mengisi formulir yang disediakan Kompolnas 
tertanggal 5 November 2009. Wawan mengirimkan formulir pengaduan yang diisinya 
itu ke redaksi detikcom , Kamis (5/11/2009).

Saat menulis kesatuan yang dilaporkan ke Kompolnas, Wawan menulis: Sat Brimob 
Polda Sumsel. Apakah Evan Brimob adalah benar anggota polisi dari Brimob Polda 
Sumsel? Entahlah. Namun, di profilnya, Evan Brimob mengaku bertugas di Sat 
Brimob Polda Sumsel.

Yang jelas, Wawan menulis dalam kolon 'Bentuk Perbuatan', sebagai berikut: 
"Membuat pernyataan yang melecehkan masyarakat dan beropini negatif tentang 
masyarakat, secara tidak langsung membuat pernyataan yang provokatif dan bisa 
memperkeruh isu-isu tentang KPK dan Polri di situs jejaring social facebook." 
Dia juga memberikan link di sebuah situs forum yang meramaikan tentang hal itu.

Di FB, Evan Brimob mendapat banyak komentar yang sangat banyak oleh para 
pemilik akun FB yang menjadi 'friend'-nya. Mereka mengomentari status Evan 
Brimob yang bertuliskan: "Polri gak butuh masyarakat, tapi masyarakat yg butuh 
Polri. Maju terus kepolisian Indonesia, telan hidup2 cicak kecil..".

Salah seorang pengguna FB yang berkomentar adalah Yudhistira Lembang. Dia 
merespons dengan kalimat sebagai berikut: Lo digaji masyarakat lewat pajak, 
dodol. Jangan bilang polisi gak butuh masyarakat. Klo lo ga butuh masyarakat, 
lo tinggal di hutan saja sama monyet."

Pemilik akun lain, Maquin Spanish berkomentar: "Evan, katanya saya bisa 
melakukan pengaduan kalau ada tindakan polisi yang merugikan masyarakat. Oleh 
sebab itu, saya akan tulisan kamu ini di pengaduan saya di web kepolisian. "

Evan Brimob kemudian menimpali: "Maquis, kamu mengerti apa masalah hukum. kamu 
tuh gak lebih dari kumpulan orang2 yg gak berguna. Mungkin cinta kamu pernah 
ditolak oleh polisi ya. Ya iyalah mana mau polisi sama orang yg gak penting 
kayak lo.."

Berbalas komentar antara Evan Brimob dengan pemilik akun FB lainnya kemudian 
dipindahkan ke forum dan didistribusikan ke banyak mailing list. Dan kasus Evan 
Brimob ini seakan meledak. Dia pun menerima banyak hujatan.

Di FB sendiri sudah muncul fan: Arogansi Evan Brimob Indonesia. Saat ini sudah 
lebih 300 orang yang bergabung. Juga ada akun FB tandingan bernama 'Evan Brimob 
Asu' dengan foto profil Evan Brimob yang diplesetkan.

Terhadap para lawannya, di salah komentarnya, Evan Brimob menulis sebagai 
berikut: "oh silakan2, satu jengkal pun saya tidak akan mundur. Jangan tidak 
ya... saya tunggu. Kalau tidak, berarti Anda yg perkarakan dengan hukum." 

Saut Situmorang 

-During times of universal deceit, 
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act 
(George Orwell)


[wanita-muslimah] 7 Common Prayer Mistakes Reminded..

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik moin khan

7 Common mistakes usually made in prayers...(a reminder to all, espacially our 
siblings must be guided)- 
Listed below are the 7 Common mistakes usually we make in prayers:

Mistake 1: Reciting Surat al-Faatihah fast without pausing after each verse.

The Prophet (SAW) used to pause after each verse of this surah. (Abu Dawood) 

Mistake 2: Sticking the arms to the sides of the body, in rukoo' or sujoods, 
and sticking the belly to the thighs in sujood. 

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: 'Let not one of you support himself on his 
forearms (in sujoods) like the dog. Let him rest on his palms and keep his 
elbows away from his body.' (Sahih Muslim) . The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used 
to keep his arms away from his body during rukoo' and sujoods that the 
whiteness of his armpits could be seen (Sahih Muslim). 

Mistake 3: Gazing upward during prayer. 

This may cause loss of concentration. We are commanded to lower our gaze, and 
look at the point at which the head rests during sujoods. The Prophet (SAW) 
warned: 'Let those who raise their gaze up during prayer stop doing so, or else 
their sights would not return to them. i.e. lose their eyesight].' (Muslim)

Mistake 4 : Resting only the tip of the head on the floor during sujoods. 

The Prophet (SAW) said: 'I am commanded to prostrate on seven bones the 
forehead and the nose, the two hands [palms], the two knees, and the two feet.' 
(Sahih Muslim) Applying the above command necessitates resting the forehead and 
the nose on the ground during sujoods. 

Mistake 5 : Hasty performance of prayer which does not allow repose and 
calmness in rukoo' or sujood. 

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) saw a man who did not complete his rukoo' 
[bowing], and made a very short sujood [prostration] ; he (SAW) said: 'If this 
man dies while praying in this manner, he would die upholding a religion other 
than the religion of Muhammad.' Abu Hurairah (RA) said: 
'My beloved friend, Muhammad (SAW) forbade me to perform postures of prayer 
copying the picking of a rooster; (signifying fast performance of prayer), 
moving eyes around like a fox and the sitting like monkeys ( i.e. to sit on 
thighs).' (Imam Ahmad & at-Tayalisi) The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: ' The 
worst thief is the one who steals from his own prayer.' People asked, 
'Messenger of Allah! How could one steal from his own prayer?' He (SAW) said: 
'By not completing its rukoo' and sujoods.' (At Tabaraani & al-Hakim). 
To complete rukoo' is to stay in that posture long enough to recite 'Subhana 
rabbiyal Adheem' three times, SLOWLY, and 'Subhana rabbiyal-a'ala' three times, 
SLOWLY, in sujoods. He (SAW) also announced: 'He who does not complete his 
rukoo' and sujoods, his prayer is void.' (Abu Dawood & others) 

Mistake 6 : Counting tasbeeh with the left hand 
The Prophet (SAW) used to count tasbeeh on the fingers of his right hand after 
salah. Ibn Qudamah (RA) said: ' The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used his right 
hand for tasbeeh.' (Abu Dawood). The above hadeeth indicates clearly that the 
Prophet (SAW) used only one hand for counting tasbeeh. No Muslim with sound 
mind would imagine that the Prophet (SAW) used his left hand for counting 
tasbeeh. Aa’isha (RA) said that the Prophet (SAW) used his left hand only for 
Istinjaa', or cleaning himself after responding to the call of nature. He never 
used it for tasbeeh. Yasirah (RA) reported: The Prophet (SAW) commanded women 
to count tasbeeh on their fingers. 
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: 'They (the fingers) will be made to speak, 
and will be questioned (on the Day of Resurrection. )' (At-Tirmidhi) .. The 
above Hadeeth indicates that it is preferable to count tasbeeh on the fingers 
of the right hand than to do so on masbah (rosary). 

Mistake 7 : Crossing in front of a praying person. 

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) warned: 'Were the one who crosses in front of a 
praying person to know the consequences of doing so, he would have waited for 
*forty better than to cross in front of him.' (Sahih Bukhaari and Muslim). *The 
forty in the tradition may be days months or even years. Allah knows best.
Common Errors in Prayer That MUST Be Avoided - Please inform your near and dear 
ones to take care of the above. 
Remember Muslim Ummah in your supplications
Jazakum Allah Khairan!

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Pro.Alexander,Abbas,Lina HMNUwanita-muslimah] KARENA TIDAK PERNAH

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik Alexander
Hahaha., sdr itu ilmunya seberapa tinggi bila dibandingkan dgn para khalifah 
dan ulama besar? Dgn mbak Lina aja, ilmu sdr sdh sgt jauh dibawahnya.
4 khalifah dan imam 4 mahzab yg sgt hebat itu tdk ada yg jahil dan picik spt 
sdr, itu kalau sdr seorang muslim.

Nyatanya, sdr adalah seorang pengikut Paulus, yg mengaku sbg seorang muslim.
Mengapa sdr mengaku sbg orang Islam dan lalu bicara mslh syariat agama Islam??  
Harap sdr sadari, bahwa tidak ada tauziyah dan diskusi di dalam agama Islam yg 
menggunakan Alkitab Perjanjian Lama sbg salah satu landasan ucapannya! Itu hny 
salah satu bukti bhw sdr adalah seorg Kristiani. Hal2 lain tdk akan saya 
ungkap, agar bila sdr menggunakan nama lain, identitas sdr bs sgr terdeteksi.
Seharusnya sdr lebih cerdas jika ingin menyusup dan merusak Islam dr dalam. 

Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee... (Amsal  9: 8)‬

Tp, kalimat "but foolish one hates you.." adalah tambahan dr sdr sndr, bukan 
"Firman ALLAH kpd Nabi Daud" spt yg sdr bilang. Dan itulah ciri khas umat 
Kristiani yg gemar menambah2i firman ALLAH utk kepentingannya sndr. 
Disgusting., yuckss...!!

Bila sdr bilang bhw cara shalatnya umat Islam hny mengikuti nenek moyang saja, 
maka sdr telah salah besar. 
Dan, seharusnya sdr bilang hal semacam itu kpd para pdt atau romo sdr. Bukankah 
agama sdr (Kristen atau Katolik?) itu hny mengekor apa yg dikatakan para 
petinggi gereja saja?

Get lost coward n freak..!!!

--Original Message--
From: abdul latif
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Pro.Alexander,Abbas,Lina HMNUwanita-muslimah] KARENA 
Sent: Nov 3, 2009 5:22 AM

  Firman ALLAH kpd Nabi Daud; Rebuke a wise man, he will love you. but foolish 
one hates you... Orang2 yang berilmu dan bijak kalau di koreksi dia sangat 
senang dgn kamu.. tapi orang2 bodoh malah membenci kamu... Bpk dalam hal ini 
ingin mengoreksi pemahaman islam dan shalat yg dilakukan oleh kita semua 
sebagai seorang MUSLIM Pada umumnya kita  tidak pernah memeriksa apa yg di 
ajarkan oleh guru2 agama kita inilah kesalahan utama dari kita semua. Bacaan 
Shahadat. waktu kita membacaShahadat. .telunjuk kita di naikan pertanda ALLAH 
itu ESA (Tauhid) Sayangnya waktu yang sama kita menyebutkan Nama Rasulullah saw 
adalah pesuruh ALLAH...INI yang JANGGALMENGKULT USKAN Nabi Muhammad saw... 
Bagi ALLAH semua Rasul2 itu adalah sama..tidak dibedakan bedakan.. Pada umumnya 
kita shalat itu hanya mengikuti nenek2 kita, tanpa ada koreksi sama sekali.Ini 
peringatan ALLAH kepada kita yang suka IKUT2AN dgn nenek2 kita; Apabila 
dikatakan kepada mereka, “Marilah ikuti apa yang Allah telah terangkan dan 
ikutilah rasul,” mereka berkata, “Apa yang kami dapati ibu bapa ibu bapa kami 
amalkan itu cukuplah bagi kami.” Apa akan jadi sekiranya ibu bapa ibu bapa 
mereka tidak mengetahuisuatu apapun dan tidak mendapat petunjuk? QS 5:104. --- 
On Mon, 11/2/09, Alexander  wrote: From: 
Alexander  Subject: Re: Pertanyaan untuk dul 
Latif <= Re: [wanita-muslimah] KARENA TIDAK PERNAH To: wanita-muslimah@ 
yahoogroups. com Date: Monday, November 2, 2009, 1:08 AM Benar mbak Lina, saya 
sependapat. Banyak kosa kata yg digunakan oleh dul latif itu adalah kosa kata 
khas dr umat Kristiani. Bahkan JIL-pun gak akan menggunakan kosa kota yg 
digunakan oleh dul latif ini. Dan saya sgt setuju, sekaligus menghimbau kpd 
sdr2 sesama musim, utk mengabaikan saja email2 dr dul latif ini. Wasting time. 
Sincerely, AEC Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT 
-Original Message- From: "Lina"  Date: Mon, 02 
Nov 2009 02:37:07 To:  Subje
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

[wanita-muslimah] There Was No Sex in USSR Indeed

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

There Was No Sex in USSR Indeed


The first years of Perestroika were marked with the growing epidemic of AIDS in 
the West and the rising popularity of TV call-in shows featuring Soviet and 
American citizens in Russia. 

I watched all these shows but one. I know about the one I missed from my 
grandmother who gave me an enthusiastic recap: "Some American woman asked a 
question about sex, and a Russian woman got up and said "There is no sex in the 
USSR!"" Later, this phrase became proverbial. The poor woman became a laughing 
stock. However, there was some truth to her words as there was no sex in the 
USSR, indeed. The key, nonetheless, is the understanding of what the word "sex" 
meant in the USSR. 

In the 1970s, Literaturnaya Gazeta (Literary Newspaper), a newspaper popular 
among intelligentsia, used to publish various reports from the USA. To this 
day, I remember an article about 42nd Street in New York, rife with words like 
striptease, sadism, masochism, sexual perversions, prostitution, and 

After reading these reports, we were convinced that Western countries, 
especially the US, were hubs of debauchery. 
The word "sex" was used in the articles about the vices of capitalistic society 
and, at times, in translated literature. It was not typical for conversational 

The Soviet government was concerned with preserving family values, mainly, 
because it could benefit from it. A family was a minimum unit the government 
could control, hence the name "social unit." Everything that happened outside 
of family life was hard to control, and therefore, was deemed suspicious and 

Sexual freedom was considered destructive for family values. The government 
designed various administrative barriers to prevent sex outside of wedlock. 
People who were not officially married could not share a room in a hotel, or 
stay overnight in a students' dorm. 

Sexual education in schools was nonexistent as it could lead to debauchery. 
People were given no information about contraception since it was believed that 
the lack of knowledge would contribute to abstinence. Interestingly enough, the 
phenomenal number of abortions performed on Soviet women was completely 

The only form of sexual education available was boring lectures describing STDs 
read in vacation retreats. 
I remember the Russian media trashing the Western sexual revolution. 
Interestingly, anti-bourgeois trends, typical for young people in the West in 
the end of the 1960s, were perceived by Russians as bourgeois decadence. 
Hippies received their fair share of criticism as well. Although they protested 
against bourgeois society, they also protested against order. The USSR 
government's biggest fear was uncontrollable, chaotic and spontaneous events 
associated with destruction. 

Free market was criticized for being unordered and anarchical. Everything that 
had an element of change in it was considered bad, including job-hopping, 
one-night stands, and promiscuous sexual relations. 
In the late 1970s, certain shifts occurred in youth culture. It was immediately 
reflected in the Russian language where such words as oversexed and polyamory 
came to use. 

The first mention of AIDS in the West appeared at the same time Perestroika 
began in the USSR. Russian society became more open and could not ignore the 
threat. The struggle against the virus was unthinkable without sex education. 
As strange as it may seem, during the struggle prostitution was short of being 
legalized, and pornography and sexual freedom flourished. 
While the appearance of AIDS was the end of the sexual revolution in the West, 
in Russia it was just the beginning. 
Many years have passed. No one will dare say that there is no sex in Russia. 
Hotels are happy to offer their rooms to anyone on a "per hour" basis. Erotic 
videos can be purchased in stores, online, or downloaded from the web. Dating 
sites and swingers' clubs are gaining in popularity. Life is getting better. 

However, Russian society still considers sex as something negative. While it is 
readily available and obvious, sex remains a symbol of sin and vice. Russians 
still have conservative values. Opinion polls targeting young people reveal 
that they are even more traditional than the older generation. These values, 
however, are not necessarily observed. Bigotry is another issue. Those who 
openly discuss their desires are criticized more than anyone. You are better 
off keeping your dreams to yourself.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Atasi Krisis Listrik dengan Hujan Buatan

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman

- Original Message - 
From: "sunny" 
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 23:13
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Atasi Krisis Listrik dengan Hujan Buatan

Refleksi: Mengapa harus bikin hujan buatan untuk atasi krisis listrik dari pada 
pergunakan sinar matahari dengan solar panel? Bikin hujan buatan nanti bisa 
dicap bahwa manusia mau melebihi Sang Mahaberkuasa atas bumi dan langit,  
tambah repot, masalahnya dan habis gelap hanya terbit gelap pula, bukan habis 
gelap terbit terang.

Ini saya postingkan ttg "hujan buatan", tulisan dari yang dul Latif tuduhkan 
sebagai golongan Islam fundamentalis fanatik Taliban.



[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
038. Menabur Awan Suatu Serendipitas

Menabur awan adalah terjemahan dari seeding the clouds ataupun het enten van 
woken. Kedua ungkapan asing itu biasanya diterjemahakan dalam bahasa Indonesia 
dengan ungkapan  membuat hujan. Terjemahan ini dapat menyesatkan, lebih-lebih 
bagi mereka yang begitu kagum bercampur fanatik, yang hampir-hampir 
mengkultuskan iptek. Bagi yang tidak begitu mengetahui seluk-beluk hujan buatan 
itu dikiranya seenaknya saja hujan itu dapat dibuat. 

Hujan itu merupakan bagian dari apa yang disebut dalam dunia ilmiyah dengan 
ungkapan  daur hidrologik. Daur adalah suatu yang melingkar. Hidrologi adalah 
ilmu tentang seluk beluk tabiat air. Secara gampangnya, daur hidrologik itu 
dapat dijelaskan seperti berikut. Air hujan turun ke bumi, ada air yang 
langsung mengalir di atas permukaan bumi, yang disebut sungai. Ada yang masuk 
meresap dalam tanah, disebut air tanah. Di mana mungkin air dalam tanah 
mengalir membentuk sungai dalam tanah, dan yang sempat muncul di permukaan 
tanah disebut mata air, yang menjadi hulu sungai. Sungai-sungai di atas tanah 
bersama-sama dengan sungai-sungai di bawah tanah mengalirkan air ke laut. Di 
tengah jalan aliran air itu di beberapa tempat berhenti mengalir, untuk 
beristirahat sejenak di danau-danau. Air di laut di danau dan di sungai-sungai 
menguap ke udara, karena dipukul oleh radiasi matahari. Di udara air itu 
berwujud awan. Dari awan ini turunlah 
hujan. Demikianlah daur hidrologik itu melingkar terus. 
Bagaimana proses terbentuknya hujan dari awan merupakan masalah yang musykil, 
memusingkan para pakar. Pasalnya ialah walaupun suhu awan sudah jauh di bawah 
titik beku, air masih berbentuk uap. Seharusnya dalam suhu yang rendah itu 
sudah terbentuk butir-butir kristal es  dari awan itu. Seorang pakar bernama 
John Aitken berteori bahwa kristal es baru dapat terbentuk apabila ada zat yang 
halus sekali apakah debu atau materi lain, yang menjadi inti butir-butir 
kristal itu. Tanpa zat halus itu tak mungkin terbentuk titik-titik kristal itu. 
Bermodalkan teori ini sejumlah pakar mengadakan penelitian dari tahun ke tahun 
tanpa hasil. Macam-macamlah zat yang dicoba untuk ditaburkan di atas awan. 
Tentu saja menaburnya dari atas kapal terbang.

Vincent Joseph Schaever mengadakan penelitian tidak pakai kapal terbang dan 
tidak berurusan dengan awan di alam bebas, karena biayanya mahal. Ia membuat 
simulasi, yaitu membuat contoh dengan meniru keadaan yang sebenarnya. Schaever 
mengambil ruang dalam lemari es sebagai simulasi angkasa di atas sana yang 
dingin. Sebagai simulasi awan ia mempergunakan hembusan napasnya ke dalam 
lemari es.  Sudah banyak zat yang dicobanya, sampai-sampai kepada mentega. 
Tidak ada yang berhasil. Rupanya semua usahanya seperti sia-sia.

Lalu pada suatu hari sedang asyik-asyiknya Schaever meneliti didepan lemari es 
simulasinya itu, seorang kawan datang mengajaknya makan siang. "Tinggalkan dulu 
pekerjaanmu yang melelahkan itu, lebih baik kita pergi mengisi perut." Schaever 
menurut, dan sebelum pergi ia meninggalkan lemari esnya dalam keadaan terbuka, 
karena suhu cuaca sedang menurun. Dengan demikian suhu dalam ruang simulasi 
turut turun suhunya. Setelah kembali ke laboratoriumnya sehabis makan, dengan 
kecewa ia mendapati suhu udara bebas sedang naik. Suhu ruang simulasinya juga 
ikut naik tentunya, sehingga penelitian tidak dapat dengan segera dimulainya. 
Harus menunggu dahulu mesin refrigerator bekerja menurunkan suhu ruangan 
simulasi. Schaever berpikir cepat, teringat bahwa di lemari es yang lain 
tersimpan es kering. 

Ingat jangan dikacaukan dengan es krim. Es kering adalah CO2 yang padat, jauh 
lebih dingin dari es biasa. CO2 ini zat istimewa, tidak pernah dalam phase 
cair, dari padat langsung jadi phase gas. Itulah sebabnya disebut dry ice, es 
kering, karena tak pernah basah. Schaever memasukkan es kering ke dalamnya. 
Dengan demikian ia dapat menghemat waktu. Secara kebetulan bersamaan dengan 
masuknya es kering itu ia mengeluarkan napas. Ia segera membelalak. Segala 
jerih payahnya selama ini terbayar. Ia m

[wanita-muslimah] No Mr. President, They Are Not Apostates!

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

No Mr. President, They Are Not Apostates!

By Mshari Al-Zaydi

There was no need for the Yemeni President to liken southern separatists in 
Yemen to apostates from Islam. It would have been enough, and his right, to 
praise the achievement of uniting Yemen and establishing the republic and to 
have said some sentimental and effective words about the history of Yemen and 
how it had fell under the yoke of colonialism, a foreign mandate, backward 
sheikhdoms and the ruthlessness of the Imamate. It would have been enough had 
he spoken about all the sacrifices that had been made and all those who had 
laid down their lives to bring the two parts of Yemen together, as it has 
become a key state in the southern western corner of the Arabian Peninsula 
overlooking the southern part of the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. 

All of this and more should have sprung to President Ali Abdullah Saleh's mind 
in his most recent speech addressed to Yemeni expatriates. He described, for 
them, the current critical situation in their homeland, from the Houthi 
sectarian rebellion in the north to the regional separatist movement in the 
south along with the Al Qaeda serpent that is doing its best to choke its 

The president could have spoken frankly to the public admitting that mistakes 
have been made by the governing party in the past. He could have informed 
Yemeni migrants of his plans to rescue Yemen and call to account the corrupt 
and the failures in order to protect the unity of the country and its 
republican structure. Being a strong man in the face of confrontations and an 
expert on the current status and the history of Yemen, President Ali Abdullah 
Saleh could have done that. However, he resorted to provoking the religious 
aspect and making a miscalculated comparison between the southern separatist 
movement on the one hand and apostasy on the other. That was a grave error and 
will be held against him. He will be accused of brazenly branding the people of 
the south as apostates, though the Yemeni president spoke elaborately in his 
speech about this point and said that the majority of southerners and members 
of the Socialist Party are for the concept of unity heart and soul. He also 
spoke very touchingly about the fusion between the revolution of the south 
against colonialism and sultanate rule and the revolution of the north against 
the Imamate. But it is only natural that his opponents will forget about this 
and focus on the "apostasy" part of the speech. They will try and convince the 
neutral or hesitant southern masses that their president is accusing them of 
apostasy, which is the last thing the president meant. 

Actually, this problem, which is related to political discourse, is not 
confined to the aforementioned incident. It is a prevalent problem in Arab 
political discourse as a whole. We are talking about the excessive use of 
religion and the attempt to monopolize it, which leads to a conflict over who 
is the most worthy representative of this religion. This conflict becomes more 
volatile with increasing religious fervour in our region and the reliance upon 
religious references in all matters of political dispute. There are numerous 
examples of this. 

There is a strong competition between Arab governments and authorities on the 
one hand and those who oppose them on the other to wave the flag of religion 
and to be the most worthy of representing religion. It is quite a perilous and 
thrilling competition because it is one that has no end and because of its 
dangerous impact on calm, rational thinking and because it distracts from real 
problematic issues such as poverty, corruption, education and injustice. These 
are the issues of real contention. They are issues of this world; not arguments 
or affairs of the afterlife. 

The Arab political powers, whether or not they are in authority, derive their 
strength from one main source, i.e. the idea that the entire Arab population is 
only concerned with religion and religious discourse and can only understand 
matters after they have been presented under the cloak of religion, and also 
the idea that the monster within the masses cannot be pressed to act unless the 
card of religious fervour is waved at it first. 

Will anybody ask whether the Arab masses are really deaf to everything except 
the voice of religious mobilization? If that is the case then who made the Arab 
masses so mentally poor? Aren't the majority of Arab political powers, whether 
in authority or not, responsible for injecting the Arab masses with this 
religious passion? Of course we are talking about the Arab political powers 
from the outbreak of the Second Gulf War onwards until the eruption of 
sectarian and religious impulses following the 9/11 attacks and its 
repercussions (the Afghan war, the fall of Saddam Hussein, the wars of Lebanon 
and Hezbollah, Al Qaeda in Yemen, 

[wanita-muslimah] Outcry in Bahrain over Female Muezzins

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Outcry in Bahrain over Female Muezzins

By Salman Dossari

Abu Dhabi, Asharq Al-Awsat- Bahrain was shocked to learn last week that 
Bahraini female citizens were now working as "muezzin" [person who calls for 
prayers]. This was revealed by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, 
through official documents, to the effect that there are three female muezzins 
who are working in two different mosques in Bahrain. This has led a deputy in 
Bahrain's Parliament to threaten to question the Minister of Justice and 
Islamic Affairs, because he considers a woman working as a muezzin "a 
reprehensible innovation [bidah] that no Muslim has ever dared introduce 
before; so, how come that this is allowed to happen here in Bahrain by the 

In this respect, responding to a question asked in Parliament by the Salafi 
Deputy Sheikh Jasim al-Saidi, Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs Sheikh 
Khalid Bin-Ali Al Khalifa, revealed the names of three women working as 
muezzins in mosques belonging to the Jafariyah [Twelvers; Shiite group] 
Religious Endowment Administration. According to the minister's response, the 
first female "muezzin" is Mariam Hasan Ali. She works at the Sheikh Muhammad 
Mumin Mosque, which is one of the large mosques of the capital, Manama. The 
other two "muezzin" are Fawziyah Ali Hasan Rustum and Salwa Ahmad Sultan. They 
work at the Sheikh Darwish Mosque, in the area of Al-Diyah, near Al-Badi 
district, also in the capital Manama. 

Contacted by Asharq Al-Awsat by telephone, Sheikh Jasim al-Saidi, who is a 
Salafi independent deputy in Parliament, said that he is surprised by the 
permission given by the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs "to subvert the 
Islamic religion and its tenets by appointing women to the post of "Muezzin." 
He considered that the admission by the ministry that female muezzin are part 
of its official staff is "a shame on all of us in Bahrain." 

Sheikh al-Saidi emphasized that "the issue has only one of two explanations: 
either the appointment to this job, which happens for the first time in the 
Arab and Islamic world, is merely formal and not genuine, or they were 
appointed as muezzin officially but without having to do this job, or they are 
indeed working as muezzin, and then this is a disaster, with the situation 
reaching such a level of laxity toward religion." Al-Saidi stated that he is 
awaiting clarification from the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs 
concerning the real function of the three women. 

Calls by Asharq Al-Awsat to Jafariyah Religious Endowments Council in Bahrain 
were not immediately returned. As for Sheikh Jasim al-Saidi, he has asked the 
Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs to dismiss the female muezzins working 
in the two mosques in question. He stressed that a woman working as a muezzin 
is "a reprehensible innovation that no Muslim has ever dared introduce in the 
past." He pointed out that a woman working as muezzin is not permissible, 
"dangerous, and badly affects the reputation of Bahrainis in Islamic circles." 

Al-Saidi threatened the minister of justice and Islamic affairs that he would 
question him in Parliament "if no rapid, immediate action is taken to correct 
this matter." He added that he was surprised by the answer given by the 
minister of justice and Islamic affairs to a question he had asked about a 
request for a full and detailed inventory of all the mosques, funeral sites, 
Husayniyat [Shiite mosques] and places of worship in Bahrain. Al-Saidi also 
said that he is shocked by the presence of official documents proving that 
there are female muezzins who are performing this function. He stated: "This is 
a dangerous, reprehensible innovation that no one in the world introduced 
before us. All the Islamic doctrines agree that it is impermissible for a woman 
to occupy this post, and therefore the question is: How dare the Jafariyah 
Religious Endowments Administration employ three women as muezzin? And, does 
the Imamate Shiite jurisprudence authorize women to perform the function of 
muezzin? How come that these women have continued to receive their salaries all 
throughout the previous period of time? This proves that there is clear 
administrative corruption at the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, and 
the minister is politically responsible for this." 

Moreover, the campaign conducted by the Bahraini opposition, led by the 
Islamist Al-Wifaq [accord] Association, against what it calls political 
naturalization in Bahrain, has raised a great deal of controversy amid Bahraini 
parliamentarians. This was after the independent deputy Abdullah Bin-Khalaf 
al-Dawsari had said that "the ongoing uproar and the recent statements made by 
the secretary general of the Al-Wifaq Association, Deputy Ali Salman, 
concomitantly with the timing of the systematic incitement of the so-called 
anti-naturalization campaign,

[wanita-muslimah] Unhealthy America

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Bagaimana  pelayanan kesehatan NKRI, termasuk pelayanan  terbaik  di 

Op-Ed Columnist 
Unhealthy America 

  a.. comments (138) 
Published: November 4, 2009 
The moment of truth for health care is at hand, and the distortion that perhaps 
gets the most traction is this:

We have the greatest health care system in the world. Sure, it has flaws, but 
it saves lives in ways that other countries can only dream of. Abroad, people 
sit on waiting lists for months, so why should we squander billions of dollars 
to mess with a system that is the envy of the world? As Senator Richard Shelby 
of Alabama puts it, President Obama's plans amount to "the first step in 
destroying the best health care system the world has ever known."

That self-aggrandizing delusion may be the single greatest myth in the health 
care debate. In fact, America's health care system is worse than Slov-er, oops, 
more on that later.

The United States ranks 31st in life expectancy (tied with Kuwait and Chile), 
according to the latest World Health Organization figures. We rank 37th in 
infant mortality (partly because of many premature births) and 34th in maternal 
mortality. A child in the United States is two-and-a-half times as likely to 
die by age 5 as in Singapore or Sweden, and an American woman is 11 times as 
likely to die in childbirth as a woman in Ireland.

Canadians live longer than Americans do after kidney transplants and after 
dialysis, and that may be typical of cross-border differences. One review 
examined 10 studies of how the American and Canadian systems dealt with various 
medical issues. The United States did better in two, Canada did better in five 
and in three they were similar or it was difficult to determine.

Yet another study, cited in a recent report by the Robert Wood Johnson 
Foundation and the Urban Institute, looked at how well 19 developed countries 
succeeded in avoiding "preventable deaths," such as those where a disease could 
be cured or forestalled. What Senator Shelby called "the best health care 
system" ranked in last place. 

The figures are even worse for members of minority groups. An African-American 
in New Orleans has a shorter life expectancy than the average person in Vietnam 
or Honduras. 

I regularly receive heartbreaking e-mails from readers simultaneously combating 
the predations of disease and insurers. One correspondent, Linda, told me how 
she had been diagnosed earlier this year with abdominal and bladder cancer - 
leading to battles with her insurance company.

"I will never forget standing outside the chemo treatment room knowing that the 
medication needed to save my life was only a few feet away, but that because I 
had private insurance it wasn't available to me," Linda wrote. "I read a 
comment from someone saying that they didn't want a faceless government 
bureaucrat deciding if they would or would not get treatment. Well, a faceless 
bureaucrat from my private insurance made the decision that I wouldn't get 
treatment and that I wasn't worth saving."

It's true that Americans have shorter waits to see medical specialists than in 
most countries, although waits in Germany are shorter than in the United 
States. But citizens of other countries get longer hospital stays and more 
medication than Americans do because our insurance companies evict people from 
hospitals as soon as they can stagger out of bed.

For example, in the United States, 90 percent of hernia surgery is performed on 
an outpatient basis. In Britain, only 40 percent is, according to a report by 
the McKinsey Global Institute.

Likewise, Americans take 10 percent fewer drugs than citizens in other 
countries - but pay 118 percent more per pill that they do take, McKinsey said.

Opponents of reform assert that the wretched statistics in the United States 
are simply a consequence of unhealthy lifestyles and a diverse population with 
pockets of poverty. It's true that America suffers more from obesity than other 
countries. But McKinsey found that over all, the disease burden in Europe is 
higher than in the United States, probably because Americans smoke less and 
because the American population is younger.

Moreover, there is one American health statistic that is strikingly above 
average: life expectancy for Americans who have already reached the age of 65. 
At that point, they can expect to live longer than the average in 
industrialized countries. That's because Americans above age 65 actually have 
universal health care coverage: Medicare. Suddenly, a diverse population with 
pockets of poverty is no longer such a drawback.

That brings me to an apology.

In several columns, I've noted indignantly that we have worse health statistics 
than Slovenia. For example, I noted that an American child is twice as likely 
to die in its first year as a Slovenian child. The tone - worse than Slovenia! 

[wanita-muslimah] Migrant workers: Have we done our part?

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Migrant workers: Have we done our part?
Silvester `Syl'Asa ,  Jakarta   |  Thu, 11/05/2009 11:53 AM  |  Opinion 

Another Indonesian migrant worker has died of torture at the hands of her 
Malaysian employer. The torture and mistreatment that led to the tragic death 
of Muni Binti Bani is yet another sorry tale that adorns the pages of history 
of Indonesian overseas workers. 

Lured by the dream of improving their lives and those of their loved ones, and 
driven by their own precarious poverty, our fellow Indonesians brave even such 
cruel tales to sweat and toil on Malaysian land. 

While condemning this inhuman act, committed by a certain Malaysian individual, 
and demanding Malaysian authorities take whatever measures possible to punish 
the culprit of such a heinous crime are absolutely important, we must not, 
however, lose sight of, or forget, our corporate responsibility. It is high 
time the government and the Indonesian people face up to our responsibilities 
and get our act together. 

The very existence of Indonesian overseas workers in Malaysia, whether they 
work legally or illegally, can be traced back to the socioeconomic conditions 
of what I would call "vocational pockets of overseas workers" i.e. regions that 
are socially and economically challenged such as East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) 

Just a few weeks ago, the Malaysian authorities sent back hundreds of illegal 
workers, of whom more than one fifth hail from the province of NTT. This sheer 
number alone and their province of origin reveal one salient reality: The lack 
of economic opportunities and/or high unemployment that ultimately results in 
the high number of illegal workers. 

In other words, the rampant poverty and high unemployment rate in the region 
contribute significantly to the rise in cases of illegal workers. After all, 
who, in his or her right mind, would bother to go all the way to Malaysia if 
that person was blissfully content and economically robust at home? 

Thus addressing the issue of economic opportunities and improving the 
socioeconomic conditions of such regions are of paramount importance and must 
become the priority of the government if we are to face the problem of migrant 
workers squarely. Furthermore, equally important is for the government and its 
partners - such as NGOs and other people of goodwill, to have constant 
education and proper training for the younger generation in the regions, most 
targeted by often aggressive recruiters. 

Poverty and high unemployment among the youth, coupled with their illiteracy 
often makes them an easy target for unscrupulous recruiters, who often 
aggressively sell the nobility of working in Malaysia. In most cases, young 
people will be lured with often unrealistic stories of people who are said to 
have been successful in Malaysia. 

Once the youths have been convinced by such tantalizing but unrealistic stories 
-no matter how false they are - they will soon pack their belongings and follow 
blindly wherever their recruiters tell them to go. Hence there were cases 
wherein a group of young people agreed to be shipped to Malaysia, even when 
they had no proper documents such as passports and entry visas. 

What is, therefore, crucial is for the government agencies to shed light on 
this innocence among youngsters and eradicate the unjust recruitment practices 
which are often carried out by no one else but our fellow Indonesians. The 
government should build partnership with NGOs, civic and religious leaders in 
this empowering process in order that it may effectively reach the people in 
far-flung areas of Indonesia. 

But what is also important is for these young fellows to know the right 
procedures or regulations and their fundamental rights as human beings and 
workers. Thus there is a need to educate our youngsters, particularly in these 
vocational pockets, about the rules and regulations pertaining to working 
abroad. This will ensure not only they understand the work and immigration 
regulations, but also equips them with the knowledge which will make them less 
vulnerable to unjust recruitment practices. 

Furthermore, there is a need for the government to introduce tough regulations 
that bind recruitment agencies vis-*-vis consistent follow-ups and performance 
evaluations. The recruitment agency must be made to agree on their 
responsibilities that include providing their potential recruits with the right 
information, transparency in their wage policy and practices, and the 
accountability of the agencies in ensuring the well-being of their recruits, 
i.e. the migrant workers. This prerequisite in the establishment of a 
recruitment agency will provide the government with the necessary control of 
recruitment agencies, for the benefit of the migrant workers. 

There have been many cases - in fact, too many already - where our fellow 
Indonesians h

[wanita-muslimah] An Acehnese view on the new government

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

An Acehnese view on the new government
M. N. Djuli ,  Banda Aceh   |  Thu, 11/05/2009 11:53 AM  |  Opinion 

The re-election of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and his decision to 
drop Jusuf Kalla (JK) as his vice president and pick Boediono instead makes 
Indonesian power politics, to use the superpower analogy, unipolar. Whether 
this will be a negative or positive development for Aceh will be measured by 
the commitment of the new government in realizing its promises as stipulated in 
the Helsinki Agreement. 

Although it doesn't seem to be too relevant now to debate who was responsible 
for achieving peace in Aceh, in fact, its true champion was the people of Aceh. 

Both SBY and JK as a team did, of course, hold the key, without which the peace 
in Aceh that we all are enjoying today would not have been possible. Now that 
their dream team is no more, what next for the Acehnese? 

JK has openly expressed his disappointment in the Acehnese for giving over 90 
percent of their votes to SBY, prompting him to decry the Acehnese as 
"ungrateful", forgetting maybe that in politics there is no such thing as 
gratitude, there being only calculated advantages and disadvantages. 

Besides, why should the Acehnese be grateful to any of the national leaders, 
who were the source of their misery in the first place? It is the duty of these 
leaders to rectify the wrongs committed either by them or by their predecessors 
that caused unparalleled suffering to the people of Aceh. 

In overwhelmingly placing their trust in SBY, the Acehnese are in fact showing 
their political maturity, knowing how to calculate advantages and 
disadvantages; in other words, in "playing smart". Their votes were too few in 
number to have any real effect on the result of the election. SBY would have 
won even without the Acehnese votes. 

But the votes do have a tremendous effect on SBY's personal prestige as a man 
of peace, a reformed general. 

The Acehnese endorsement gave SBY an additional feather in his cap, an 
acknowledgement by those on whom he had once unleashed 50,000 troops to subdue. 

Will they be proved right? A handful of representatives in the House of 
Representatives (not all from the President's Democratic Party), and one 
Acehnese as a Cabinet member who is in charge of state-owned companies will not 
have much weight in policy making. Demanding "payback" from SBY for their 
overwhelming support in the election will not make sense either. 

In the final analysis, the Acehnese can only base their bet on their belief 
that SBY is smart enough to realize that maintaining and developing peace in 
Aceh is in the interest of the Republic itself. 

SBY, and thus the central government, should realize that the signing of the 
Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was a great victory for the 

The peace agreement was signed after long and hard negotiations, between 
equals, on international soil, openly witnessed by the world community. 

For the first time in history, the Acehnese have stated in clear and 
unequivocal terms that Aceh is part of the NKRI. The Free Aceh Movement (GAM), 
even if not officially disbanded, is fading away, its armed wing dismantled, 
its weapons destroyed, its members dispersed willingly into civil society as 
ordinary citizens of the Republic, its leaders becoming government officials, 
politicians and businessmen. 

Indeed, one side of the opposing parties in the Helsinki peace negotiations has 
voluntarily lowered itself to be part of the other upon the signing of the MoU. 
The GAM, as officially certified by the AMM, has fulfilled all its obligations 
stipulated in the MoU. 

Although there is no longer any possible threat whatsoever coming from the GAM, 
and thus any real pressure it could exert on the central government, it is now 
the turn of the government of the Republic to fulfill its part of the bargain. 

The central government needs to make sure that the future generation will not 
regret the current Aceh population's decision to sign a peace agreement with 
the central government, as my generation questioned the legitimacy of the 
agreement made by my father's generation that ended the DI/TII rebellion. 

Today, four years after its signing, out of the 13 laws required to implement 
the clauses of the Helsinki MoU, only two, i.e. on the holding of the elections 
and the formation of local parties, have been realized. Many other crucial 
issues are still pending, such as the formation of the Human Rights Court 
(Article 2.2), the Joint Claims Settlement Commission (Article 3.2.6), and the 
enactment of the law to govern economic matters (the entire Article 1.3). 

The law on the national TRC, which was passed by the House (DPR) in 2006, was 
declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court (MK), and has still not 
been reintroduced to parliament, resulting in the postpone

[wanita-muslimah] Lagi, kabar dari Nabire ...

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau listerik sering mati, maka mungkin sekali pertanyaannya, 
kemana saja hasil kekayaan alam rakyat Papua yang dikeruk selama ini?

Lagi, kabar dari Nabire ... 
Kamis, 05 November 2009 13:07:40Masih ada kisah dari Nabire, sebuah kota di 
pesisir utara tengkuk kepala burung daratan Papua, tentang anak-anak yang 
antusias mau menulis. Meski didera listrik mati seperti sore-sore sebelumnya, 
berbekal lampu darurat sekedar menyaput kegelapan, ada pertanyaan yang menarik 
dari Paul, "Pak guru, saya sudah mencoba menulis, tetapi sering tersendat atau 
berhenti, bagaimana usaha mengatasi itu?". Paul yang tinggal di asrama nun jauh 
dari pedalaman tempat asalnya, yang harus ditempuh tujuh hari berjalan kaki, 
antusias mengungkapkan pengalaman sekaligus minta peneguhan.

Paul, menulis tersendat itu terjadi karena bahan di kepala kita habis. Bisa 
juga pikiran tidak mampu mengaitkan masalah yang kita bahas dengan lentur. 
Kiranya tidak berlebihan jika Romo Baker menyebut menulis sebagai tindakan 
membongkar tabungan yang berupa bacaan di kepala. Entah kepala kita ditumbuhi 
rambut kriting seperti rambut Paul, atau lurus seperti rambut teman sebelahmu 
yang bukan asli Papua, harus diisi dengan bekal bacaan. Sedangkan pakar yang 
lain menyebut menulis sebagai saudara kembar membaca. Intinya, membaca adalah 
syarat  penting untuk bekal menulis.

Dengan antusias harus saya sampaikan kepada Paul dan kawan-kawannya di ruang 
remang-remang itu bahwa sekolah yang menjadi bagian asramanya telah memiliki 
perpustakaan dengan buku-buku mutakhir. "Paul, sempatkan setiap sore singgah di 
perpustakaan untuk membaca, kalau perlu meminjam buku untuk dibaca. Lebih baik 
buku-buku itu kumal atau rusak karena dibaca, daripada kotor berdebu karena 
tidak pernah dimanfaatkan". Tentu saja, wajah hitam legam itu tampak sumringah 
mendengar provokasi yang penuh semangat.

Pengalaman bersama Paul berbeda dengan pengalaman bersama sejumlah guru di 
Kulonprogo. Salah seorang guru bertanya, "Pak, bagaimana mengatasi kemacetan 
ketika  menulis? Tapi jangan disarankan agar saya membaca, lho!" Artinya, bapak 
guru yang seprofesi dengan saya itu tahu, bahwa membaca adalah cara utama 
menemukan ide dan menimba berbagai inspirasi penting. Untuk Paul dan anak-anak 
sebayanya di Nabire ketika memulai membaca akan menghadapi hambatan yang tidak 
mampu mereka atasi. Hambatan membaca pada malam hari adalah listrik mati!

Listrik mati
Betapa saya mengalami situasi yang dihadapi Paul selama sepekan di sana. Hampir 
saban sore hingga tengah malam, banyak wilayah mengalami listrik mati dengan 
alasan giliran. Namun, ironisnya rumah bupati terang benderang bermandikan 
lampu, sementara persis di seberang jalan gelap gulita. Rumah-rumah penduduk, 
asrama pelajar atau mahasiswa yang seharusnya memperoleh pasokan listrik untuk 
membaca dan belajar malam hari justru sering terkena giliran pemadaman. Mereka 
yang sedikit di pedalaman tentu situasinya lebih berat. Pagi-pagi anak-anak 
berjalan kaki menuju sekolah, dengan jalan kaki pula pada sore hari baru tiba 
di rumah, sementara pada malam hari mau membaca atau belajar apa daya gelap 
gulita. Lengkap sudah ketertinggalan pendidikan mereka.

Anak-anak kita membutuhkan listrik cukup untuk membaca dan belajar. Kalau tidak 
hati-hati kita pun mengalami hambatan karena cara berpikir yang perlu 
dikoreksi.  Lazim perusahaan listrik negara (PLN) mengampanyekan hemat listrik, 
setiap rumah mengurangi lampu sejak sore hingga tengah malam. Namun, ironisnya 
PLN tidak mengendalikan pasokan listrik di jalanan untuk lampu-lampu iklan, 
yang tentu saja menelan daya berlebihan. Rumah-rumah yang mestinya leluasa 
terang benderang untuk memberikan kesempatan anak-anak nyaman membaca malahan 
dibatasi. Dalih giliran karena kelebihan beban pada sore hingga malam mestinya 
tidak ditimpakan ke rumah-rumah pada saat anak-anak belajar. Pangkas 
lampu-lampu iklan di jalanan yang justru tidak ada kaiatannya dengan 
pencerdasan anak-anak kita.

Akhirnya, membaca tidak menjadi kebiasaan baik, apalagi dilakukan pada malam 
hari, karena kekurangan cahaya mudah mengantuk. Saatnya untuk mencukupkan 
penerangan di rumah demi menumbuhkan antusiasme belajar anak-anak kita. Paul 
dan kawan-kawan sebayanya di Nabire masih harus berjuang untuk memperpanjang 
waktu membaca dan belajar, sambil berharap tidak mengalami pemadaman listrik 
pada jam belajar!

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[wanita-muslimah] info :

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Sering terjadi kelaparan, ini sedikit berita tambahan :

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[wanita-muslimah] info

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Barangkali ini ada baiknya  dilihat bagi yang mau menulis berita , silahkan 
lihat :

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[wanita-muslimah] Indonesia Officials Resign in Graft Scandal

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia Officials Resign in Graft Scandal 
Published: November 5, 2009 

JAKARTA, Indonesia - After mounting pressure from the public and the news 
media, two senior law enforcement officials suspected of trying to undermine 
the country's respected anti-corruption agency were forced to resign Thursday.

The resignations of top officials in the national police and attorney general's 
office, two of Indonesia's most powerful, though corrupt, institutions, 
amounted to a positive step in the country's fight against graft, advocates of 
government accountability said.

They were the culmination of a very public, four-months-long battle that pitted 
the police and attorney general's office against the Corruption Eradication 
Commission, the nation's chief investigator into corruption, and was also a 
test of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's commitment to stamp out corruption.

Despite praise for his anticorruption drive during his first term, Mr. 
Yudhoyono was criticized by watchdog groups for distancing himself from the 
recent dispute. Mr. Yudhoyono was forced to intervene Thursday after wiretapped 
conversations were revealed in court this week, exposing an apparent plot by 
police officials and prosecutors to fabricate a case against two senior 
anticorruption officials.

In a cabinet meeting, Mr. Yudhoyono said he "advised the police chief and the 
attorney general to suspend those whose names were mentioned in the tape 
recordings and discharge them from their duties." But he stopped short of 
demanding stronger punitive action against the two officials.

Anticorruption advocates said that, given the president's response, it was 
unlikely that he would push more far-reaching reforms inside the national 
police and attorney general's office during his second term.

"The K.P.K. received a lot of support from the public but not from the 
government," Danang Widojoko, a coordinator at Indonesia Corruption Watch, a 
private organization, said, referring to the anticorruption agency by the 
initials of its name in Indonesian. "It was the failure of the president to 
handle this situation in the beginning that led to the current problems."

The officials, Abdul Hakim Ritonga, a deputy attorney general, and Gen. Susno 
Duadji, a high-ranking police official, resigned Thursday after being named in 
wiretaps whose contents were submitted during a hearing at the Constitutional 
Court on Tuesday and broadcast live on television.

Mr. Susno had become the central figure in the police's fight with the 
anticorruption agency after being caught in a wiretap asking for a $1 million 
bribe in a case. Mr. Susno denied he had been serious about the bribe and, 
referring to the anticorruption agency's investigation of the police, likened 
it to "a gecko challenging a crocodile."

Though comparatively small, the anticorruption agency, armed with tools like 
warrantless wiretaps, has led the nation's charge against corruption since it 
was established in 2003. It has investigated, prosecuted and convicted 
businessmen, politicians, bankers, as well as prosecutors and police officials.

Watchdog groups have long warned that politicians, prosecutors and the police 
have been trying to cripple the agency. And so the arrests last week of two 
deputies at the anticorruption agency, Chandra Hamzah and Bibit Samad Riyanto, 
on charges of graft and abuse of power set off a series of events leading to 
Thursday's resignations.

The initial arrests sparked outrage among anticorruption advocates, as well as 
on the Internet and in Indonesia's free-wheeling news media.

Mr. Yudhoyono tried to quiet the outcry by appointing a fact-finding team of 
legal experts to look into the arrests. The two anticorruption deputies were 
freed after the release Tuesday of wiretapped conversations in which police 
officials, prosecutors and businessmen were recorded discussing plans to 
undermine the anticorruption agency.

On Thursday, several members of the fact-finding team increased pressure on Mr. 
Yudhoyono to intervene in the dispute. They threatened to resign from the team 
if police officials and prosecutors named in the wiretaps were allowed to 
continue performing their duties. 

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[wanita-muslimah] Designers shrug off militant violence for Pakistan's fashion week

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Designers shrug off militant violence for Pakistan's fashion week

November 6, 2009 
Defiance...models wait their turn on the catwalk in Karachi on Wednesday. The 
event had been postponed by three weeks because of terrorist attacks. Photo: 

KARACHI: Pakistan's fashion week started with an opulent opening ceremony, 
against a backdrop of militant violence and security fears that delayed the 
event and kept away foreign glitterati.

Models will sashay down catwalks, flaunting the latest creations by local 
designers in a country where most women cover up and observe varying degrees of 
Islamic dress.

The event's chief organiser, Ayesha Tammy Haq, said: ''We, the members of 
Fashion Pakistan, feel great to host this colourful event at difficult times of 
our history when the entire nation is waging a battle against militancy.''

A spokeswoman for Fashion Pakistan, Tehmina Khaled, said it would continue 
until Saturday.

''The situation was so painful in the country that we postponed it for three 
weeks,'' she said, referring to a spate of deadly attacks blamed on Taliban 
militants in which more than 340 people died.

''We have 32 designers from across the country who will participate in the 

Sonya Battla, the first designer to show, presented a collection that she said 
celebrated strong women.

She dismissed the fact that, in more conservative parts of the country, her 
designs might get women driven out of town or stoned to death.

''I'm a very brave woman,'' the 38-year-old designer said.

''I'm not going to be scared and no one's going to judge me.''

Agence France-Presse; Telegraph, London

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[wanita-muslimah] Join Muslim Asia or perish: Taliban

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Join Muslim Asia or perish: Taliban 
  a.. Abraham Rabinovich 
  b.. From: The Australian 
  c.. November 06, 2009 1:54AM 
AN official Taliban publication warns Australia that it will have to assimilate 
into a dominant Asia or face the prospect of being overpowered and forced to 
take population overspill from Asia. 

The choice is spelled out in the latest issue of the online Taliban monthly 
magazine, Al Sumud (Steadfastness), whose lead article offers a sweeping view 
of a post-war order in which a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan becomes a moral pivot 
for a pan-Asian renaissance that will coincide with the decline of Western 

"The end of European leadership in the world will place the white settler 
diaspora in Australia before two choices," writes the author, Mustafa Hamid, a 
former senior al-Qa'ida member who in 2001 married Australian Rabiah 
Hutchinson, a Sydney mother with links to Islamic extremists.

"It can either return to its motherland in Europe or reconcile with its Asian 
surroundings and assimilate into it as a wealthy and active member."

Otherwise, he warns, a lengthy conflict will ensue in which Australia will be 
overpowered "by Asian waves that are better armed and more numerous".

"There is no doubt that the huge growth in the population of Asia, together 
with its economic and military development, will make Australia into lebensraum 
-- to use the European term," writes Mr Hamid. Lebensraum, meaning living 
space, was a term used by Nazi Germany as a motivation for territorial conquest.

Asia, Mr Hamid writes, is facing a population explosion "while Australia is 
nearly empty of people, apart from scattered groups of white residents".

Residents of "the Israeli outpost" at the other end of Asia are likewise warned 
to return to their countries of origin or face an "unequal conflict".

These warnings, however, are marginal to the central vision offered in the 
article -- the emergence of a vibrant pan-Asian identity in which Islam, and 
the Taliban in particular, constitutes a powerful moral and cultural force but 
not an exclusive one. Its emphasis on pan-Asian political identity rather than 
pan-Islamic sets it apart from al-Qa'ida ideology. The Taliban article does not 
call for jihad, although it hints at the possibility of "peaceful Islamic 
expansion" and the linchpin role in the "Asian Age", as the author terms it, is 
ceded to non-Islamic China.

Western power is fading fast, he writes, "to the benefit of Asian giants, and 
first and foremost among them the colossal economic and human power of China".

Even Russia, whose invasion of Afghanistan 30 years ago would prove a milestone 
in the emergence of militant Islam, is depicted as an ally arraigned with Asia 
against the "arrogance" of the West.

"Today, Russia is taking a defensive position against the Western advance which 
aims to break (Russia) up into statelets and to cross it on the way to China to 
break it up as well. Russia desires a coalition with China, with India, with 
Iran if possible, and even more so with Afghanistan, and even more so with the 
Taliban movement (which) is a serious, realistic and victorious leadership in 
that vital country (Afghanistan)."

In the article, "The Return of the Islamic Emirate: A vision of Afghanistan's 
role in the coming international order", Mr Hamid depicts a Taliban-ruled 
Afghanistan having a fundamental leadership role in the new Asian order -- "not 
in the field of finance, industry and interest-bearing banks" but as a moral 

"This was demonstrated by the ability of Islam to inspire a small, poor people 
to resist and defeat five military campaigns of the largest armies on earth."

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[wanita-muslimah] Saudi jets bomb Yemeni Houthis

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Thursday, November 05, 2009 
18:11 Mecca time, 15:11 GMT 

  Saudi jets bomb Yemeni Houthis  
  A Saudi soldier was killed in a border 
  skirmish with the Houthi fighters [AFP] 
  The Saudi air force has bombed strongholds of Houthi fighters in northern 
Yemen,  officials have said.

  The attack on Thursday came a day after Saudi authorities accused the 
fighters, who want autonomy from Sana'a, of killing at least one of their 
soldiers on the countries' border.

  The Reuters news agency reported Saudi officials as saying that the air 
force had attacked fighters who had seized a border area, killing about 40 

  The border area was also recaptured.

  But a Yemeni defence ministry official denied that Saudi forces had 
struck targets inside Yemen.

  "Saudi Arabia did not hit targets in Yemen," the official said.

  Rocket barrage

  Six locations were said to have been hit in Yemen, including one that 
received about 100 missiles in one hour.

In depth 


 Video: Interview with Yemen's president 

 Foreign states blamed in Yemen war  
Profile: Yemen's Houthi fighters 
Inside story: Yemen's future 


  The Houthis, who are primarily from the Zaidi Shia sect of Islam, earlier 
posted pictures on the internet of their fighters in the Mount Dokhan area 
inside Saudi Arabia, although they could not be independently verified.

  A five-year-old conflict between the Houthis and Sana'a has intensified 
since August, with both sides increasing attacks.

  The conflict has raised potential regional tensions, with the government 
accusing Iran of supporting the Houthis, while the opposition group has said 
that Sann'a is too close to Saudi Arabia.

  The Houthis want a return to autonomous rule that was ended by a 1962 

  The Houthis say they have been politically, economically and religiously 
marginalised by the government, which they see as corrupt, while in recent 
months Sana'a has vowed to crush the rebellion.

  Thousands of people have died and tens of thousands have been displaced 
due to the conflict, according to the Red Cross and the UN.

   untuk lihat video, click :


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[wanita-muslimah] Yemeni rebels attack border post in Jazan

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny§ion=0&article=128078&d=5&m=11&y=2009

  Thursday 5 November 2009 (18 Dhul Qa`dah 1430)

Yemeni rebels attack border post in Jazan
Muhammad Humaidan I Arab News

  Saudi soldiers carry the body of Turki Al-Qahtani 
during his funeral in Jazan on Wednesday. (AFP)
JAZAN: A Saudi border guard was killed and 11 others 
were injured when armed infiltrators from across the Yemeni border fired on 
Saudi border guards. The incident took place at Dukhan Mountain close to the 
Khald border post in Al-Khoba sector of Jazan province on Tuesday, a Saudi 
official source said on Wednesday.

"The Kingdom affirms that it will preserve the 
homeland's security, protect its borders and deter infiltrators and others from 
any side. The infiltrators used various weapons to fire at border guards," the 
official source added.

After leading the funeral prayers for Turki Al-Qahtani, 
the border guard killed in the incident, Jazan Gov. Prince Muhammad bin Nasser 
said, "Al-Qahtani has been martyred fighting for his country and religion. A 
rebel group (in Yemen) has stretched its evil hand into Saudi territory. We 
wish the Yemeni government and its citizens lasting security and stability on 
its northern and southern borders. You all know that the Kingdom has been 
striving to preserve the stability of Yemen."

The prince continued, "The Kingdom under no 
circumstances can allow anyone to cross the red line and interfere with the 
country's security and stability."

The governor also stated that the situation in Al-Khoba 
was under control and that the infiltrators would be dealt with firmly. "They 
should know that they would be punished for the hostile act they committed."

The governor also offered condolences to the family of 
Al-Qahtani on behalf of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, Crown 
Prince Sultan, Second Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Prince Naif and all 
the citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Evacuated villagers in the region told Arab News that 
the infiltrators were Al-Houthi rebels fighting against the Yemeni government. 
All villages south of Al-Khoba, including Al-Mujaa, Al-Rouqi, Al-Maqbas, 
Qamadah, Al-Arrah, Al-Batoul, Khamran, Al-Muarasah and Al-Ghawiyah have been 

"Tuesday was a black day for us because we were 
attacked without provocation by Al-Houthi rebels. All members of my family have 
been evacuated. But we will not allow anyone to harm our country. After sending 
our women and children to safe locations, our men will return to their villages 
to defend them," Isa Al-Hazazi of Al-Rouqi village told Arab News. Sheikh 
Muflih Al-Kaoubi, the chief of Al-Kaoub tribe, said "We will die for every inch 
of our land. Our villages are the theater of operations. We will stay with the 
soldiers and will not flee leaving the place for rebels."

The injured Border Guards include Ali Sharahli, Musa 
Al-Qanaei, Sultan Hamzi, Musaed Hakami, Sami Alwan, Ali Al-Qauzi, Ayman 
Al-Abdali, Abdullah Al-Ashmani, Musa Ali and Nabil Rayani.

Residents of villages living in the area told Arab News 
Saudi security and military forces had cleaned up the area by flushing out the 
remaining infiltrators. They also reported sounds of intensive airstrikes from 
the border areas. Some sources said Jazan airport was closed for passenger 
traffic with incoming flights being diverted to nearby airports.

- With input from Muhammad Al-Majid

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[wanita-muslimah] Presiden Paraguay Pecat Pemimpin Militer

2009-11-05 Terurut Topik sunny

Presiden Paraguay Pecat Pemimpin Militer
Kamis, 5 November 2009 14:34 WIB | Mancanegara | 
Asuncion, (ANTARA News) - Presiden Paraguay Fernando Lugo memecat tiga pemimpin 
militer negara itu Rabu, sehari setelah membantah rumor tentang kemungkinan 
kudeta di tengah meningkatnya kecaman oposisi terhadap pemerintahnya.

Lugo menggantikan para pemimpin angkatan darat, angkatan laut dan angkatan 
udara, kata pernyataan dari kantor pers Angkatan Bersenjata, sebagaimana 
dikutip dari Reuters.

Ini adalah kocokan ketiganya terhadap komando militer tertinggi negaranya, 
sejak Lugo mengambil alih pemerintahan setahun setengah yang lalu.

Dia tidak memberi komentar mengenai keputusan ini.

Mantan uskup Katolik Roma yang cenderung ke kiri, Lugo menang dalam pemilihan 
presiden tahun lalu, mengakhiri lebih dari 60 tahun pemerintahan konservatif 
dari Partai Colorado.

Pemerintahan koalisinya berjuang mendesak melalui satu agenda reformis dan 
menghadapi penentangan dari anggota parlemen Colorado yang menguasai Kongres.

Para pemimpin oposisi kian meningkatkan kecamannya kepada Lugo pada beberapa 
hari terakhir ini. Mereka menuduhnya gagal menghentikan meningkatnya kejahatan 
dan menyeru dilakukannya penyelidikan mengenai tuduhan-tuduhan tidak benar 
penjualan tanah, yang melibatkan seorang pembantu presiden.(*)

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