[wanita-muslimah] Hamas reasserts control in Gaza, rounds up 'collaborators'

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti
From: Sunny am...@tele2.se
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:22:02 AM

Refleksi: Bila keadaan di Gaza seperti apa yang tercantum dalam artikel ini, 
maka mungkin sekali timbul pertanyaan pro Palestina di Indonesia mendukung 
Hamas atau Fatah?

http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1057499. html

Last update - 17:17 21/01/2009 

Hamas reasserts control in Gaza, rounds up 'collaborators' 

By Reuters 

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Fatah 

The Islamist Palestinian group Hamas said on Wednesday it had begun reasserting 
control in the Gaza Strip and rounding up suspected collaborators with Israel, 
drawing accusations from the rival Fatah group that its members were being 

"The internal security service was instructed to track collaborators and hit 
them hard," said Ehab al-Ghsain, spokesman of the Hamas Interior Ministry, 
without singling out Fatah members by name. 

"They arrested dozens of collaborators who attempted to strike the resistance 
by giving information to the occupation about the fighters," he said, using a 
Hamas term for Israel, whose 22-day offensive devastated the Gaza Strip. 
Earlier this month, Haaretz correspondent Amira Hass first reported the secret 
executions of dozens of Gazans consider by Hamas to be "collaborators" with the 

Hamas and Fatah supporters have traded accusations in Arab media that Fatah 
collaborated with Israel in the hope it could return to power in the Gaza Strip 
and that Hamas provoked the Israeli invasion by firing rockets into southern 

Hamas, an Islamist group that won the 2006 Palestinian election, violently 
seized the coastal enclave from Fatah, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud 
Abbas, in 2007. 

A statement issued by Fatah in Gaza said that since fighting between Israel and 
Gaza militants ended - Hamas and Israel put separate ceasefires into effect on 
Sunday - Hamas militias had carried out a number of attacks against Fatah 

These attacks, according to the statement, included "shooting at the feet of 
Fatah members, brutal crimes of execution and throwing the bodies in the rubble 
of destruction. " Fatah appealed to Abbas' Palestinian Authority to intervene. 

Ghsain denied the allegations but said authorities had begun tracking down 
suspected "collaborators" with Israel. 

"These are familiar lies and false allegations from Fatah and the forces of 
sedition," he said. 

"It is also an attempt to steal the light of victory and cover up how they bet 
on the enemy and their disappointment that the enemy could do nothing to return 
them [to power]." 

Residents said several suspected collaborators were killed by unknown 
assailants during the Gaza war. No Hamas-related groups have claimed 
responsibility and relatives of militants killed by Israel are thought to be 
behind some of the attacks. 

Some prisoners escaped from the Israeli-bombed security complex housing Gaza's 
main prison early in the conflict. At least two were subsequently shot in a 
settling of scores with people suspected of collaboration with Israel. 

The offensive Israel launched on Dec. 27 with the declared aim of ending rocket 
attacks from the Gaza Strip killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians and made thousands 
homeless. Gaza medical officials said the Palestinian dead included at least 
700 civilians. 

Israel, which put its own losses at 10 soldiers and three civilians, says 
hundreds of militants died. It completed a Gaza troop pullout on Wednesday. 

The Hamas government said many employees were back at work on Wednesday in 
buildings such as the Ministry of Education that survived the Israeli attack 
intact. Employees of destroyed ministries would be relocated to other 

Armed police in official uniforms were on the streets, organizing traffic and 
guarding government buildings. Hamas says 230 policemen were killed during the 
fighting. An Israeli attack also killed Hamas' security chief, Said Sayyam. 

Related articles: 

a.. Hamas executes collaborators and restricts Fatah movement 

a.. Hamas vows revenge after IDF kills Gaza Interior Minister Said Sayyam

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Habib Rizieq Minta Dibebaskan

2008-10-20 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti
Kalau memang benar di bawah perkataan Habib Rizieq Shihab, 

> Dia beralasan kedua TV swasta itu telah bersepakat tidak menyebut Habib dalam 
> setiap 
> pemberitaan, namun hanya menyebut Rizieq Shihab. 
> "Karena dengan mencantumkan nama Habib, berarti sebuah penghormatan, " ujar 
> Ketua Front 
> Pembela Islam (FPI) itu. 

Kasihan, orang yg mengatakan dirinya terhormat (keturunan Nabi), ternyata masih 
memerlukan penghormatan/pujian manusia.

> "Haram hukumnya memilih caleg, dan capres, yang tidak berani bubarkan 
> Ahmadiyah," tegas Rizieq 
> dalam pembacaan pledoi. 

Apakah Habib Rizieq Shihab sudah menjadi Tuhan sehingga berhak mengeluarkan 
hukum Halal-Haram?  hmm... hmm...

- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:17:32 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Habib Rizieq Minta Dibebaskan

http://www.poskota. co.id/news_ baca.asp? id=46304& ik=3

Habib Rizieq Minta Dibebaskan 

Selasa 21 Oktober 2008, Jam: 6:03:00 
JAKARTA (Pos Kota)- "Dakwaan JPU tidak dapat dibuktikan secara sah dan 
meyakinkan. Oleh karenanya, saya harus dibebaskan dari segala dakwaan dan 
tuntutan," tegas Habib Rizieq dalam pledoinya. 

Sebanyak 59 halaman pembelaan dibacakan Rizieq di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta 
Pusat Senin (20/10) siang. Dalam pembelaan Habib Rizieq menuding tuntutan Jaksa 
Penuntut Umum (JPU) kepada dirinya dinilai berlebihan. Sebelumnya, JPU menuntut 
Rizieq dengan kurungan dua tahun penjara kerena keterlibatannya dalam kerusuhan 
Monas 1 Juni lalu. 

Dalam pledoi Habib Rizieq juga sempat menuding dua stasiun televisi swasta 
telah bersekongkol dengan Aliansi Kebangsaan dan Kerukunan Beragama dan 
Berkeyakinan (AKKBB) melalui programnya. Rizieq juga mengimbau untuk tidak 
menonton kedua stasiun TV swasta tersebut. 

Dia beralasan kedua TV swasta itu telah bersepakat tidak menyebut Habib dalam 
setiap pemberitaan, namun hanya menyebut Rizieq Shihab. 

"Karena dengan mencantumkan nama Habib, berarti sebuah penghormatan, " ujar 
Ketua Front Pembela Islam (FPI) itu. 

Habib Rizieq Shihab juga mengimbau kepada seluruh umat Islam agar tidak 
mendukung calon pemimpin yang tidak berani membubarkan Ahmadiyah. "Haram 
hukumnya memilih caleg, dan capres, yang tidak berani bubarkan Ahmadiyah," 
tegas Rizieq dalam pembacaan pledoi. Senin (20/10) sidang berlangsung tertib. 
Namun seperti biasa Jalan Gajah Mada depan PN Jakpus tersendat karena penduduk 
terdakwa memenuhi sampai luar ruangan sidang bahkan sampai ke jalan. 


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[wanita-muslimah] Interview with a new Muslim Ahmadi Brother part 1 - 3

2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti

just another sharing info...

Interview with a new Muslim Ahmadi Brother part 1

Interview with a new Muslim Ahmadi Brother part 2

Interview with a new Muslim Ahmadi Brother part 3


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[wanita-muslimah] Why I became a Muslim - Abdul Huq, Abdullah, & Muhammad

2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti

just another sharing guys...

Why I became a Muslim - Abdul Huq


Why I became a Mulim - Abdullah part 1/3


Why I became a Muslim - Muhammad



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[wanita-muslimah] Tomb of Jesus as

2008-10-07 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti

Allah Ta'ala berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an:
Artinya: "Kami tidak memperkenankan seorang manusia pun sebelum engkau
(Muhammad) untuk hidup kekal. Maka jika engkau mati, lalu apakah mereka akan
hidup untuk selama-lamanya?" (Al-Anbiya 21:34)

[Al-Anbiya' 21:35] "We granted not everlasting life to any mortal before thee. 
If they shouldst die, shall they live here for ever?"

Allah Ta'ala berfirman di dalam Al Qur'an:
Artinya: "Dan Muhammad tiada lain seorang rasul, sesungguhnya telah 
berlalu rasul-rasul sebelumnya." (Ali Imran 3:144)

[Aal-e-`Imran 3:145] "And Muhammad is but a messenger. Verily all Messengers 
have passed away before him."

Tomb of Jesus

Jesus in India

Christianity: A Journey from Facts to Fiction 
Did Jesus Redeem Mankind? 


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[wanita-muslimah] Why I became a Muslim

2008-10-07 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti

I just want to share with you guys, some stories from some converts.

Why I became a Muslim - Volker


Why I became a Muslim - Ibrahim



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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Mengapa di Bulan tidak ada makhluk yang berevolusi?

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti
lley's comet in 1986. ("Pada
masa-masa dini tatasurya,
terdapat sejumlah besar perbenturan antara komet-komet dan
planet-planet. Bumi panas dan kering pada mulanya, dan
perbenturan-perbenturan dengan komet telah menyuplai kita
dengan sebagian besar samudera dan atmosfer. Semua ini
baru sekarang dapat kita kemukakan sebagai hasil dari
studi jarak dekat terhadap komet Halley pada tahun 1986").

Dr. Molly Bloomfield, dalam bukunya Chemistry and the Living
Organism (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996, hal. 270),
menerangkan: Over 100,000 comets had collided with the
Earth during its first billion years, brought water to the
Earth's surface. ("Lebih dari 100.000 komet telah
berbenturan dengan Bumi selama semiliar tahun pertamanya,
membawa air ke permukaan Bumi").

Dr. Timothy Ferris, dalam bukunya The Whole Shebang: A
State-of-the-Universe Report (Simon and Schuster, New
York, 1997, hal.176), menegaskan: We owe our existence to
Earth's bombardment by the icy comets abounded in the infant
solar system. Primordial comets have formed the oceans and
rained down the amino acids from which life originated here.
Evidence for cometary cornucopias of life-brewing water and
amino acids may be found in the spectra of modern comets
 Had comets not ferried ice to Earth, we might have had no oceans.
And without organic molecules contributed by the comets,
Earth might have remained devoid of life. ("Kita berhutang
eksistensi kita kepada
pembombardiran Bumi oleh komet-komet es yang berlimpah ketika
tatasurya masih dalam usia muda. Komet-komet purba telah
membentuk samudera-samudera dan mencurahkan asam-asam
amino yang mengawali kehidupan di sini. Bukti bahwa air
dan asam-asam amino pembuat kehidupan bersumber pada komet
dapat ditemukan pada berbagai spektrum komet-komet modern ..
Seandainya komet-komet tidak mengangkut es ke Bumi, mungkin
kita tidak mempunyai samudera. Dan tanpa molekul-molekul
organik yang disumbangkan komet-komet, Bumi mungkin tetap
kosong dari kehidupan").

Sungguh Maha Benar Allah yang berulangkali menegaskan dalam
Al-Qur'an nazzalnaa mina s-samaa'i maa' ("Kami telah
menurunkan air dari langit"), sebab air di bumi ini
memang berasal dari langit, yaitu sumbangan dari komet
(thaariq) yang merupakan "benda langit yang melubangi"
(an-najmu ts-tsaaqib).

Shadaqa l-Laahu l-`azhiim.***

- Original Message 
From: Lina Dahlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 10:39:15 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Mengapa di Bulan tidak ada makhluk yang 

Hmm..betul2 membangkitkan untuk berfikir...: -)

Dulu di Mars ada air, berarti pernah ada kehidupan. Knapa bisa punah. 
Mungkin karena airnya habis.

Gimana di planet bumi? Apakah akan terjadi disuatu saat air akan 
punah dari planet bumi?

--- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, "syafei2002"  
> --- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, Masayu Fitriyanti
>  wrote:
> >
> > Ronces wrote:
> > > Maka, dari 3 point itu saja akan muncul pertanyaan yang
> membangkitkan minat para pemikir, 
> > > mengapa di bulan atau di planet-planet lain tidak mungkin 
> evolusi dari ketiadaan atau dari 
> > > benda mati menjadi beragam spesies mahluk hidup?
> >  
> > It is mentioned in the Qur'an:
> > 
> > "And We made from water every living things." (Ch. Al Anbiyaa' 
21: v.30)
> > 
> > Creation of EVERY living things berasal dari air.
> > 
> > Kalau di Bulan atau di planet2 lain ada air, niscaya akan ada
> makhluk hidup (living things) berdasarkan ayat Qur'an Al Anbiyaa' 
> > 
> > 
> Itu kan yang baru diselidiki .. Mars misalnya ..
> - Apa benar di Mars (pernah) ada air?
> - Jika ada air, berarti pernah ada kehidupan.
> - Kalau pernah ada kehidupan tapi sekarang dah gak ada, berarti udah
> punah.
> - Kenapa sampai punah?
> dst .. dst ..
> Sekarang kan yg pertama aja belum terjawab secara meyakinkan tuh ..
> Salam
> > - Original Message 
> > From: mediacare 
> > To: zamanku <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .com>;
> wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com; [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com;
> kampung-ugm@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:21:47 AM
> > Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Mengapa di Bulan tidak ada makhluk yang
> berevolusi?
> > 
> > 
> > Pertanyaan dari Ronces, Kristen penganut kreasionism
> > 
> > Saya ingin bertanya kepada para member di milis ini.
> > 
> > Anda semua tentu menyadari bhw konsep dasar dari teori evolusi 
> dijabarkan secara singkat adalah sbb:
> > 
> > 1. Seluruh mahluk hidup tidak diciptakan, proses evolusi terjadi
> secara kebetulan dan tanpa trigger dari

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Mengapa di Bulan tidak ada makhluk yang berevolusi?

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti
Ronces wrote:
> Maka, dari 3 point itu saja akan muncul pertanyaan yang membangkitkan minat 
> para pemikir, 
> mengapa di bulan atau di planet-planet lain tidak mungkin terjadi evolusi 
> dari ketiadaan atau dari 
> benda mati menjadi beragam spesies mahluk hidup?
It is mentioned in the Qur'an:

"And We made from water every living things." (Ch. Al Anbiyaa' 21: v.30)

Creation of EVERY living things berasal dari air.

Kalau di Bulan atau di planet2 lain ada air, niscaya akan ada makhluk hidup 
(living things) berdasarkan ayat Qur'an Al Anbiyaa' 21:30.

- Original Message 
From: mediacare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: zamanku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:21:47 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Mengapa di Bulan tidak ada makhluk yang berevolusi?

Pertanyaan dari Ronces, Kristen penganut kreasionism

Saya ingin bertanya kepada para member di milis ini.

Anda semua tentu menyadari bhw konsep dasar dari teori evolusi jika dijabarkan 
secara singkat adalah sbb:

1. Seluruh mahluk hidup tidak diciptakan, proses evolusi terjadi secara 
kebetulan dan tanpa trigger dari suatu proses penciptaan.

2. Mahluk hidup dapat muncul dari benda mati dan bahkan dari ketiadaan.

3. Dari ketiadaan menjadi suatu benda lalu kemudian menjadi suatu sel lalu 
kemudian sel tersebut ber-evolusi menjadi beragam spesies mahluk hidup 
(meskipun masih belum terjawab, dari mana energi hayat dapat masuk ke dalam sel 
mati tsb).

Maka, dari 3 point itu saja akan muncul pertanyaan yang membangkitkan minat 
para pemikir, mengapa di bulan atau di planet-planet lain tidak mungkin terjadi 
evolusi dari ketiadaan atau dari benda mati menjadi beragam spesies mahluk 
hidup? karena toh tidak perlu trigger apapun dari pencipta, segala hal dapat 
muncul dengan sendirinya secara kebetulan menurut teori evolusi. 

Mengapa anda semua yakin bahwa mahluk hidup HANYA ADA DI BUMI SAJA ! jika teori 
evolusi memungkinkan terjadinya suatu kebetulan dari ketiadaan menjadi 
keberadaan dan bahkan menjadi mahluk hidup, lalu mengapa di planet-planet lain 
mustahil muncul mahluk hidup?.

Mohon pencerahan, saya menunggu jawaban dari anda para member milis ini, 


 - - - - --



Kamu ini sudah berbulan-bulan nongkrong disini, tapi ya masih gak 
becus baca pesan tersirat dari banyak tulisan ttg apa yg disebut 
teori evolusi.

Cikal-bakal kehidupan (origin of life), sebenarnya BUKAN bagian dari 
teori evousi. Teori evolusi cuma bicara ttg bagaimana makhluk hidup 
itu berubah dan menjadi beragam spesies dari nenek moyang yg sama 
dimasa lampau.

Teori evolusi tidak pernah merambah bagaimana makhluk hidup pertama 
di bumi berasal dan tercipta.

Jadi pertanyaan no.1 , no.2 dan separuh pertanyaan no.3 itu adalah 
pertanyaan yg salah kaprah, dan menunjukkan secara gamblang bahwa 
sipenanya gak becus dan gak teu ttg apa yg disebut dg teori evolusi 
didalam biologi.

Sampai hari ini TIDAK ADA satupun teori yg kuat ttg bagaimana makhluk 
hidup pertama itu tercipta atau eksis di Bumi. Ada banyak hipotesa yg 
menarik dan secara keilmiahan bisa diperhitungkan sebagai kandidat 
penjelasan, tapi tidak ada satupun yg sudah mencapai tataran TEORI. 

Dilain sisi, Evolusi sudah jadi TEORI ilmiah. Bukan sekedar 
HIPOTESIS, lantaran sudah banyak verifikasinya dan bisa difalsifikasi 
kalau mau dibuktikan keliru (sayangnya belum keliru, tuh!).



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[wanita-muslimah] Ahmadiyya Khilafat Centenary Conference UK - June 11 2008

2008-06-24 Terurut Topik Masayu Fitriyanti

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful
International Press and Media Desk
22 Deer Park, London, SW19 3TL
Tel / Fax (44) 020 8544 7613 Mobile (44) 07795460318
Web: Alislam.org

11 June 2008


Ahmadiyya Centenary celebrations attended by Ministers, Members of Parliament 
many other dignitaries

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community yesterday continued its celebrations of 100 
years of
Khilafat, the system of spiritual leadership that unites the tens of millions 
of Ahmadi
Muslims throughout the world. The keynote address was delivered by the Khalifa 
His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad the World Head of the Community. The
event was also attended by a number of senior members of Government, Parliament 
various other organisations.

The President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, Mr Rafiq Hayat used his 
remarks to inform the audience of the importance of Khilafat. He said it was 
the task of
the Khalifa to continue the work of a prophet, bringing the whole of mankind 
closer to
God and thus establishing true peace on earth.

Following the opening address dignitaries including, Lord Eric Avebury, 
Jonathon Shaw
MP and Baroness Sayeeda Warsi took to the stage to congratulate the Ahmadiyya
Community for its social contribution throughout the world. Baroness Warsi urged
society to ¡®stand up and be counted¡¯ in responding to the continued 
persecution of the
Ahmadiyya Community in countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and most recently

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Jack Straw MP spoke of 
admiration for the Ahmadiyya Community. He said:

¡°I am delighted to be able to bring with me the best wishes of Her Majesty¡¯s
Government and the Prime Minister Gordon Brown. All of us hugely admire the 
work of
the Ahmadiyya Community both in the UK and worldwide... I am very happy to be 
to mark the great work you do in promoting peace and brotherhood throughout the

A long standing supporter of the Ahmadiyya Community, Baroness Emma Nicholson 
spoke of her continued efforts to end the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims. She 
said that
she had personally spoken to the President of Pakistan in relation to this 
issue and that it
was the duty of all free people to fight for the rights of those minorities who 
were the
victims of prejudice and hatred.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad took to the stage at 7.30pm and used his keynote 
to rebut the allegation that Islam was spread by the sword. He spoke of how 
continued to be misunderstood because of the acts of extremist and so called 
who abused the teachings of Islam.

His Holiness begun by introducing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community by stating it
comprised people who believed that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
was the final law bearing prophet. He had prophesised that a Messiah and 
would come to salvage and rejuvenate the religion of Islam at a time when it 
had been
greatly corrupted. His Holiness said that members of the Community believed 
that this
person had come in the person of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who founded the
Community in India in 1889.

His Holiness spoke about one of the greatest signs in favour of the truth of 
the Promised
Messiah. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had prophesised 1400 
previously that at the time of the Messiah and Reformer there would be an 
eclipse of the
moon on 13th night of the Islamic month of Ramadan, whilst during the same month
there would be a solar eclipse on 28th day of the very same month. In both 1894 
1895 this prophecy was fulfilled in support of the claim of Hadhrat Mirza 
Ghulam Ahmad.

His Holiness said that the Ahmadiyya Community was founded on two principles 
continued to be the basis of its teachings. They were love for God Almighty and 
love for
mankind. These were the true Islamic teachings and thus those who claimed that 
was a violent and barbaric religion were wholly mistaken.

His Holiness stated that in the time of the Holy Prophet, permission was 
granted to fight
only as a last resort and only as a means of defence. Never in the history of 
Islam had the
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) initiated a single battle. He in fact 
tolerance, respect and freedom of belief. This principle was being lost in 
light of the
terrorist attacks and suicide bombings that had occurred over the last few 
years. The
Ahmadiyya Community¡¯s purpose was to bring to the fore these true teachings of 
and service to mankind.

In light of these teachings the Ahmadiyya Community was committed to developing 
under©\developed, to helping the deprived and to educate the uneducated. He 
said that
the Community was