Re: [wanita-muslimah] Abbas(Liberal) ingin Berdamai, tapi Hamas(radikal) ingin Mengsir Isreal ke Laut

2010-09-06 Terurut Topik Wikan Danar Sunindyo
ya sudah, dua2-nya dibuang ke laut saja atau dua2-nya disebut teroris
adil kan?


2010/9/6 sunny 
> Kedua-duanya tidak berdamai.

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Abbas(Liberal) ingin Berdamai, tapi Hamas(radikal) ingin Mengsir Isreal ke Laut

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik sunny
Kedua-duanya tidak berdamai.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo 
  Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 7:02 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Abbas(Liberal) ingin Berdamai, tapi 
Hamas(radikal) ingin Mengsir Isreal ke Laut

  kenapa gak Israelnya saja yang disebut golongan teroris Pak?
  kan Israel pengin membuang Hamas ke laut dan Israel tidak ingin
  berdamai dengan Hamas?


  On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 4:54 PM, abdul  wrote:
  > Bismilahirrahm,anirahiim
  > Kenapa HAMAS dituduh golongan TERORIS?
  > karena mereka berniat utk membuang Israel kelaut
  > Hamas tdk akan berdamai dgn Israel


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Abbas(Liberal) ingin Berdamai, tapi Hamas(radikal) ingin Mengsir Isreal ke Laut

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik Wikan Danar Sunindyo
kenapa gak Israelnya saja yang disebut golongan teroris Pak?
kan Israel pengin membuang Hamas ke laut dan Israel tidak ingin
berdamai dengan Hamas?


On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 4:54 PM, abdul  wrote:
> Bismilahirrahm,anirahiim
> Kenapa HAMAS dituduh golongan TERORIS?
> karena mereka berniat utk membuang Israel kelaut
> Hamas tdk akan berdamai dgn Israel

[wanita-muslimah] Abbas(Liberal) ingin Berdamai, tapi Hamas(radikal) ingin Mengsir Isreal ke Laut

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik abdul

Kenapa HAMAS dituduh golongan TERORIS?
karena mereka berniat utk membuang Israel kelaut
Hamas tdk akan berdamai dgn Israel

Abbas ingin mencari perdamaian dgn Isreal--win--win solution
Hamas tetap menghalang halangi perdamaian..
Yang menderita adalah rakyatnya sendiri..

Pemimpin yang mempunyai RASA BENCI kpd suatu bangsa, maka
dia akan menipu rakyatnya dan akan membawa malapetaka...
dan penderitaan2 demikian ALLAH berfirman kpd Nabi Daud.

(Manusia setan menipu teman2nya dan mengajak masuk lobang pende
ritaan )

Seperti; Ulama2 Taliban,Al Qaida,Hamas,FPI, Abu Bakar Basyir,(JAT),
DDII, FUI, Jemaah Islamiyah,

Semua perbuatan2nya membawa malapetaka kpd pengikut2nya atau rakyatnya.


Two Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air raids in the Gaza Strip, 
medics and security sources say. Another person has been critically injured.

The Israeli army launched three raids in the south of Gaza on Saturday after 
Palestinian fighters fired a rocket over the border.

The flare-up of violence on the Israel-Gaza border came just two days after the 
relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the US.

Israeli aircraft reportedly struck targets including smuggling tunnels running 
under the border with Egypt at Rafah.

The two Palestinians were killed when one of the tunnels collapsed. Three 
others were wounded.

A raid also struck a former base of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the 
armed wing of Hamas.

An Israeli military spokesman confirmed the three raids, saying one was aimed 
at "a tunnel dug in the direction of Israeli territory" for attacks across the 

Early on Saturday, Palestinian fighters fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip into 
southern Israel, causing no injuries, the Israeli military said.

Gaza is under the control of Hamas, the Palestinian faction which is strongly 
opposed to negotiations with Israel.

Hamas pledge

Hamas has vowed to carry out attacks against Israeli targets in the coming 

Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades carried out two shooting attacks against Israeli 
settlers in the occupied West Bank last week, killing four people in one 
incident, and wounding two in the other.

Yitzhak Aharonovitz, the Israeli internal security minister, said on Saturday 
he expected the "imminent" arrests of the perpetrators of those attacks.

He said the attacks were not the only attempts by Palestinian fighters to cast 
a pall over the relaunch of peace talks.

"This week there have been dozens of alerts about attempts to carry out attack 
in Israel and in Judaea and Samaria [the occupied West Bank]," Aharonovitz said 
in comments broadcast by Israel's military radio station.

Peace talks

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli 
prime minister, met in Washington on Thursday to resume direct talks after a 
20-month suspension.

Netanyahu and Abbas agreed to keep talking and produce a framework for a 
permanent peace deal.

After returning from Washington, Netanyahu addressed ministers in the weekly 
cabinet meeting on Sunday.

"He talked about this being a historic moment for peace," AL Jazeera's Sherine 
Tadros, reporting from Jerusalem, said.

"He said Israel needs to start to find creative solutions to the complex 
questions and issues facing them, none more prominent of course than the 
question of settlements and whether the partial settlement freeze in the 
occupied West Bank will be extended past its end of September deadline."

But Hamas, whose fighters routed forces loyal to Abbas to take over the Gaza 
Strip in 2007, rejects Abbas's negotiations.

The US, which is brokering the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, did not invite 
Hamas to the talks, because it recognises it as a "terrorist organisation." But 
political observers say that is a misguided approach.

"Sidelining Hamas in any process to craft genuine peace between Israelis and 
Palestinian is a glaring omission  tantamount to having an elephant in the 
living room," says Larbi Sadiki, a lecturer at the University of Exeter. 
"Whether it is Obama's or the UN's negotiating room, pretending something of 
that size absent is an exercise in futility."

Sadiki says that, if invited to the negotiations, elements of Hamas would 
"readily speak directly with Israel,"because they believe that "it is better to 
get it directly from the horse's mouth."

Abbas, however, has repeatedly said he will present any peace deal to a 
national referendum, which would include the people of Gaza and the West Bank.

A vote in favour of any peace agreement would then put heavy pressure on Hamas 
to accept the will of the Palestinian people.

Abbas broke off the last round of direct talks when Israel launched a military 
assault on the Gaza Strip in December 2008.