[wanita-muslimah] Apa hubungannya? - Re: Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa, Islam di America

2006-02-17 Terurut Topik reporter_jalanan
Kang Janoko bin Pak Gub..

Apa hubungan Islam di Amerika dan Darma Ghandul?

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Peranan dan sumbangan Islam di Amerka,

   Muslims in the United States

   Islam is especially growing in the United States. However, it is 
difficult to generalize about American Muslims. They are converts, 
immigrants, factory workers and doctors. This varied community is 
unified by a common faith, underpinned by a nationwide network of a 
large number of masjids (mosques).  Muslims arrived early in North 
America, the first mosque being built in North Dakota in the 1920's.  
By the eighteenth century there were many Muslims in North America. 
Great numbers of born Americans have entered the fold of Islam. They 
are from different classes; the rich, the poor, the educated and the 
illiterate. Today, there are over five and a half million Muslims in 
the United States1 and some accounts have Islam as the second largest 
religion in the United States, surpassing even Judaism in its 
   Further, it may be appropriate to point out an important 
indication of the truth of Islam. It is well known that in the United 
States Islam is the fastest-growing religion.  The following are some 
observations on this phenomenon: 
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and 
pillar of stability for many of our people... (Hillary Rodham 
Clinton, Los Angeles Times).3 
Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group... (The 
Population Reference Bureau, USA Today).4 
...Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country. 
(Geraldine Baum; Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday).5 
Islam, the fastest-growing religion in the United States... 
(Ari L. Goldman, New York Times).6 
 This phenomenon indicates that Islam is truly a religion from God 
(Allah).  It is unreasonable to think that so many American converted 
to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation before 
concluding that Islam is true.  These Americans came from different 
classes, races and walks of life.  They include scientists, 
professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, 
artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of person 
 Source:   1. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996, 
Famighetti, p. 664 
 2. Ted Kopel, Nightline, April, 1998. 
 3. Larry B. Stammer, Times Religion Writer, First Lady Breaks 
Ground With Muslims, Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Metro Section, 
Part B, May 31, 1996, p.3. 
 4. Timothy Kenny, Elsewhere in the World, USA Today, Final 
Edition, News Section, February 17, 1989, p.4A. 
 5. Geraldine Baum, For Love of Allah, Newsday, Nassau and Suffolk 
Edition, Part II, March 7, 1989, p.4. 
 6. Ari L. Goldman, Mainstream Islam Rapidly Embraced By Black 
Americans, New York Times, Late City Final Edition, February 21, 
1929, p.1

 reporter jalanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa

   Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:20:48 +0700
 From: Rudyanto Arief [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: 6. Sama dengan Darmogandul dan Gatoloco dalam Menolak 

   Bung Rudyanto Arief 'Winaku' (nama asli atau samaran?),

   Perkenalkan namaku ReJa...alias Reporter Jalanan. Tentang Serat 
Darma Gandhul yang Anda kutip kok tidak sama ya dengan naskah 
aslinya? Sepertinya tak ada dialog-dialog macam Anda kutip. 
   Kebetulan saya menyimpan naskah yang sudah disarikan dalam Bahasa 
 Ngoko (kasar). Mungkin ada Darma Gandhul versi yang lain?
   Tetapi pada intinya serat yang ditulis Ki Kalamwadi (nama samaran 
dari pujangga Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito) adalah kekecewaan orang-
orang Jawa saat masuknya Islam. Serat ini juga sekaligus mengoreksi 
sejarah masuknya Islam di Jawa (dan Indonesia) yang digembar-
gemborkan sebagai cinta damai, tapi dalam kenyataannya berdarah-darah 
dan penuh intrik. Hal serupa juga terjadi di wilayah lain dengan pola 
yang mirip: merebut kekuasaan yang sah. Mereka juga tak rela  
tindakan para wali yang suka mengutuk dan memusnahkan patung-patung 
peninggalan nenek moyang, karena
 dianggap sebagai berhala yang tak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. 
 Islam selalu mengincar kekuasaan. Tanpa itu, keislamannya kurang 
komplet - seperti makan rujak tanpa cabe.

   Betapa sakit hatinya seorang ayah (Prabu Brawijaya) yang 
dihianati oleh anaknya sendiri (Raden Patah) akibat dipengaruhi oleh 
para wali untuk merebut kekuasaan. Kala mendengar anaknya akan 
menyerang Majalengka, ia sungguh masygul. Awalnya mereka minta izin 
baik-baik ingin menyebarkan agama Islam di Jawa, tapi akhirnya 
menikam dari belakang.
   Tak puas jadi ulama saja, mereka lalu meminta-minta jabatan.  
Kritikan lainnya terhadap Islam dengan perlambang tikus, tawon, dan 
dhemit diwadhahi


   Tikus iku watake ikras-ikris, suwe-suwe yen diumbar 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Apa hubungannya? - Re: Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa, Islam di America

2006-02-17 Terurut Topik jano ko
Jano-ko ingin bertanya , apa hubungannya Islam dan Darmogandul ? apa  
hubungannya antara  reporter jalanan dengan Islam dan Darmogandul ?
  semoga tuhan beserta dengan mu. 

reporter_jalanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kang Janoko bin Pak Gub..
  Apa hubungan Islam di Amerika dan Darma Ghandul?
  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Peranan dan sumbangan Islam di Amerka,
 Muslims in the United States
 Islam is especially growing in the United States. However, it is 
  difficult to generalize about American Muslims. They are converts, 
  immigrants, factory workers and doctors. This varied community is 
  unified by a common faith, underpinned by a nationwide network of a 
  large number of masjids (mosques).  Muslims arrived early in North 
  America, the first mosque being built in North Dakota in the 1920's.  
  By the eighteenth century there were many Muslims in North America. 
  Great numbers of born Americans have entered the fold of Islam. They 
  are from different classes; the rich, the poor, the educated and the 
  illiterate. Today, there are over five and a half million Muslims in 
  the United States1 and some accounts have Islam as the second largest 
  religion in the United States, surpassing even Judaism in its 
 Further, it may be appropriate to point out an important 
  indication of the truth of Islam. It is well known that in the United 
  States Islam is the fastest-growing religion.  The following are some 
  observations on this phenomenon: 
  Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and 
  pillar of stability for many of our people... (Hillary Rodham 
  Clinton, Los Angeles Times).3 
  Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group... (The 
  Population Reference Bureau, USA Today).4 
  ...Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country. 
  (Geraldine Baum; Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday).5 
  Islam, the fastest-growing religion in the United States... 
  (Ari L. Goldman, New York Times).6 
   This phenomenon indicates that Islam is truly a religion from God 
  (Allah).  It is unreasonable to think that so many American converted 
  to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation before 
  concluding that Islam is true.  These Americans came from different 
  classes, races and walks of life.  They include scientists, 
  professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, 
  artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of person 
   Source:   1. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996, 
  Famighetti, p. 664 
   2. Ted Kopel, Nightline, April, 1998. 
   3. Larry B. Stammer, Times Religion Writer, First Lady Breaks 
  Ground With Muslims, Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Metro Section, 
  Part B, May 31, 1996, p.3. 
   4. Timothy Kenny, Elsewhere in the World, USA Today, Final 
  Edition, News Section, February 17, 1989, p.4A. 
   5. Geraldine Baum, For Love of Allah, Newsday, Nassau and Suffolk 
  Edition, Part II, March 7, 1989, p.4. 
   6. Ari L. Goldman, Mainstream Islam Rapidly Embraced By Black 
  Americans, New York Times, Late City Final Edition, February 21, 
  1929, p.1
   reporter jalanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa
 Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:20:48 +0700
   From: Rudyanto Arief [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: 6. Sama dengan Darmogandul dan Gatoloco dalam Menolak 
 Bung Rudyanto Arief 'Winaku' (nama asli atau samaran?),
 Perkenalkan namaku ReJa...alias Reporter Jalanan. Tentang Serat 
  Darma Gandhul yang Anda kutip kok tidak sama ya dengan naskah 
  aslinya? Sepertinya tak ada dialog-dialog macam Anda kutip. 
 Kebetulan saya menyimpan naskah yang sudah disarikan dalam Bahasa 
   Ngoko (kasar). Mungkin ada Darma Gandhul versi yang lain?
 Tetapi pada intinya serat yang ditulis Ki Kalamwadi (nama samaran 
  dari pujangga Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito) adalah kekecewaan orang-
  orang Jawa saat masuknya Islam. Serat ini juga sekaligus mengoreksi 
  sejarah masuknya Islam di Jawa (dan Indonesia) yang digembar-
  gemborkan sebagai cinta damai, tapi dalam kenyataannya berdarah-darah 
  dan penuh intrik. Hal serupa juga terjadi di wilayah lain dengan pola 
  yang mirip: merebut kekuasaan yang sah. Mereka juga tak rela  
  tindakan para wali yang suka mengutuk dan memusnahkan patung-patung 
  peninggalan nenek moyang, karena
   dianggap sebagai berhala yang tak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. 
   Islam selalu mengincar kekuasaan. Tanpa itu, keislamannya kurang 
  komplet - seperti makan rujak tanpa cabe.
 Betapa sakit hatinya seorang ayah (Prabu Brawijaya) yang 
  dihianati oleh anaknya sendiri (Raden Patah) akibat dipengaruhi oleh 
  para wali untuk merebut kekuasaan. Kala 

[wanita-muslimah] Apa hubungannya? - Re: Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa, Islam di America

2006-02-17 Terurut Topik Radityo
Janoko Mangkanya dibaca biar tahu hubungannya apa

Janoko = jajan nongko bongko

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jano-ko ingin bertanya , apa hubungannya Islam dan Darmogandul ? 
apa  hubungannya antara  reporter jalanan dengan Islam dan 
Darmogandul ?
   semoga tuhan beserta dengan mu. 
 reporter_jalanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kang Janoko 
bin Pak Gub..
   Apa hubungan Islam di Amerika dan Darma Ghandul?
   --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko ko_jano@ wrote:
 Peranan dan sumbangan Islam di Amerka,
  Muslims in the United States
  Islam is especially growing in the United States. However, it 
   difficult to generalize about American Muslims. They are 
   immigrants, factory workers and doctors. This varied community is 
   unified by a common faith, underpinned by a nationwide network of 
   large number of masjids (mosques).  Muslims arrived early in 
   America, the first mosque being built in North Dakota in the 
   By the eighteenth century there were many Muslims in North 
   Great numbers of born Americans have entered the fold of Islam. 
   are from different classes; the rich, the poor, the educated and 
   illiterate. Today, there are over five and a half million Muslims 
   the United States1 and some accounts have Islam as the second 
   religion in the United States, surpassing even Judaism in its 
  Further, it may be appropriate to point out an important 
   indication of the truth of Islam. It is well known that in the 
   States Islam is the fastest-growing religion.  The following are 
   observations on this phenomenon: 
   Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide 
   pillar of stability for many of our people... (Hillary Rodham 
   Clinton, Los Angeles Times).3 

   Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group... (The 
   Population Reference Bureau, USA Today).4 

   ...Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country. 
   (Geraldine Baum; Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday).5 

   Islam, the fastest-growing religion in the United 
   (Ari L. Goldman, New York Times).6 
This phenomenon indicates that Islam is truly a religion from 
   (Allah).  It is unreasonable to think that so many American 
   to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation 
   concluding that Islam is true.  These Americans came from 
   classes, races and walks of life.  They include scientists, 
   professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, 
   artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of 
Source:   1. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996, 
   Famighetti, p. 664 
2. Ted Kopel, Nightline, April, 1998. 
3. Larry B. Stammer, Times Religion Writer, First Lady Breaks 
   Ground With Muslims, Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Metro 
   Part B, May 31, 1996, p.3. 
4. Timothy Kenny, Elsewhere in the World, USA Today, Final 
   Edition, News Section, February 17, 1989, p.4A. 
5. Geraldine Baum, For Love of Allah, Newsday, Nassau and 
   Edition, Part II, March 7, 1989, p.4. 
6. Ari L. Goldman, Mainstream Islam Rapidly Embraced By Black 
   Americans, New York Times, Late City Final Edition, February 21, 
   1929, p.1

reporter jalanan reporter_jalanan@ wrote:
  Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa
  Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:20:48 +0700
From: Rudyanto Arief winaku@
Subject: 6. Sama dengan Darmogandul dan Gatoloco dalam Menolak 
  Bung Rudyanto Arief 'Winaku' (nama asli atau samaran?),
  Perkenalkan namaku ReJa...alias Reporter Jalanan. Tentang 
   Darma Gandhul yang Anda kutip kok tidak sama ya dengan naskah 
   aslinya? Sepertinya tak ada dialog-dialog macam Anda kutip. 

  Kebetulan saya menyimpan naskah yang sudah disarikan dalam 
Ngoko (kasar). Mungkin ada Darma Gandhul versi yang lain?
  Tetapi pada intinya serat yang ditulis Ki Kalamwadi (nama 
   dari pujangga Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito) adalah kekecewaan 
   orang Jawa saat masuknya Islam. Serat ini juga sekaligus 
   sejarah masuknya Islam di Jawa (dan Indonesia) yang digembar-
   gemborkan sebagai cinta damai, tapi dalam kenyataannya berdarah-
   dan penuh intrik. Hal serupa juga terjadi di wilayah lain dengan 
   yang mirip: merebut kekuasaan yang sah. Mereka juga tak rela  
   tindakan para wali yang suka mengutuk dan memusnahkan patung-
   peninggalan nenek moyang, karena
dianggap sebagai berhala yang tak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai 
Islam selalu 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Apa hubungannya? - Re: Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa, Islam di America

2006-02-17 Terurut Topik jano ko
Bung Radityo mengimani ajaran Darmogandul ? atau berimana kepada Allah dan Nabi 
Muhammad ?
  Biar diskusi jadi clear, jano-ko bertanya dulu.
  Kalau mau diskusi dengan jano-ko sebaiknya Bung Radityo minta ijin dulu 
kepada ortunya...

Radityo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Janoko Mangkanya dibaca biar tahu 
hubungannya apa
  Janoko = jajan nongko bongko
  --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Jano-ko ingin bertanya , apa hubungannya Islam dan Darmogandul ? 
  apa  hubungannya antara  reporter jalanan dengan Islam dan 
  Darmogandul ?
 semoga tuhan beserta dengan mu. 
   reporter_jalanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kang Janoko 
  bin Pak Gub..
 Apa hubungan Islam di Amerika dan Darma Ghandul?
 --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko ko_jano@ wrote:
   Peranan dan sumbangan Islam di Amerka,
Muslims in the United States
Islam is especially growing in the United States. However, it 
 difficult to generalize about American Muslims. They are 
 immigrants, factory workers and doctors. This varied community is 
 unified by a common faith, underpinned by a nationwide network of 
 large number of masjids (mosques).  Muslims arrived early in 
 America, the first mosque being built in North Dakota in the 
 By the eighteenth century there were many Muslims in North 
 Great numbers of born Americans have entered the fold of Islam. 
 are from different classes; the rich, the poor, the educated and 
 illiterate. Today, there are over five and a half million Muslims 
 the United States1 and some accounts have Islam as the second 
 religion in the United States, surpassing even Judaism in its 
Further, it may be appropriate to point out an important 
 indication of the truth of Islam. It is well known that in the 
 States Islam is the fastest-growing religion.  The following are 
 observations on this phenomenon: 
 Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide 
 pillar of stability for many of our people... (Hillary Rodham 
 Clinton, Los Angeles Times).3 
 Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group... (The 
 Population Reference Bureau, USA Today).4 
 ...Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country. 
 (Geraldine Baum; Newsday Religion Writer, Newsday).5 
 Islam, the fastest-growing religion in the United 
 (Ari L. Goldman, New York Times).6 

  This phenomenon indicates that Islam is truly a religion from 
 (Allah).  It is unreasonable to think that so many American 
 to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation 
 concluding that Islam is true.  These Americans came from 
 classes, races and walks of life.  They include scientists, 
 professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, 
 artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of 
  Source:   1. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996, 
 Famighetti, p. 664 
  2. Ted Kopel, Nightline, April, 1998. 
  3. Larry B. Stammer, Times Religion Writer, First Lady Breaks 
 Ground With Muslims, Los Angeles Times, Home Edition, Metro 
 Part B, May 31, 1996, p.3. 
  4. Timothy Kenny, Elsewhere in the World, USA Today, Final 
 Edition, News Section, February 17, 1989, p.4A. 
  5. Geraldine Baum, For Love of Allah, Newsday, Nassau and 
 Edition, Part II, March 7, 1989, p.4. 
  6. Ari L. Goldman, Mainstream Islam Rapidly Embraced By Black 
 Americans, New York Times, Late City Final Edition, February 21, 
 1929, p.1

  reporter jalanan reporter_jalanan@ wrote:
Darma Gandhul vs Islamisasi Jawa
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:20:48 +0700
  From: Rudyanto Arief winaku@
  Subject: 6. Sama dengan Darmogandul dan Gatoloco dalam Menolak 
Bung Rudyanto Arief 'Winaku' (nama asli atau samaran?),
Perkenalkan namaku ReJa...alias Reporter Jalanan. Tentang 
 Darma Gandhul yang Anda kutip kok tidak sama ya dengan naskah 
 aslinya? Sepertinya tak ada dialog-dialog macam Anda kutip. 
Kebetulan saya menyimpan naskah yang sudah disarikan dalam 
  Ngoko (kasar). Mungkin ada Darma Gandhul versi yang lain?
Tetapi pada intinya serat yang ditulis Ki Kalamwadi (nama 
 dari pujangga Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito) adalah kekecewaan 
 orang Jawa saat